What’s new in OmniPlan 2: No Pain, All Gain
OmniPlan 2 is the same painless project management you've come to expect with loads of new features—including over-the-air collaboration.
Collaboration: Sync, Publish, Edit, and Track Changes
Use a WebDAV server to sync your projects between resources. Then, publish your tasks automatically upon saving. Grab new changes via Bonjour or at a specified interval. (You can also publish and update manually, of course.) Publish tasks and pull in updates from a server-based calendar. Export your plan automatically in any supported format. Execute custom AppleScripts from within the app.
Use Apple's Calendar Server to pull in free times and busy times for your resources. Import vacation and holiday schedules from a web-hosted calendar. Configure to check for updates periodically or via Bonjour.
Keep track of the changes to the project with visual change tracking. See your own edits on a personal project or see the synced changes on a team project. Accept and reject changes on a task-by-task basis or all at once.
Fiscal years are now supported in addition to calendar years so you can choose whether your tasks are due in Q2 or Spring. Schedule projects backwards from a fixed end date. Create, save, and compare your projects against multiple baselines. Highlight the critical path to individual milestones in the new Project: Milestones inspector. Resource schedules now have a start and/or end date.
Tasks and Resources
Split your tasks to schedule around interruptions. Create hammock tasks that have start and end dates based on prerequisites that you define. Effort and Duration can now be unlinked. Default task and resource attributes can be configured per project or in a template for faster task creation. Color-code tasks based on their resource. Choose independent display formats for duration and effort values.
Save multiple, commonly-used filters for quick re-use later. Configure publishing actions to use filters.
Printing Options
Headers and footers are now more flexible. Expand or collapse all notes and task and resource groups. Page margins support mirroring on facing pages. Customize the margin above and below the header and footer.