OmniPlan for Mac 2.3.1

September 20, 2013

###OmniPlan 2.3 requires Mac OS X 10.8

    This version of OmniPlan 2.3 employs security features in Mac OS which are new to version 10.8 and will not run on earlier releases of Mac OS X.

###Syncing OmniPlan 2.3 documents to the iPad requires OmniPlan for iPad version 1.3.

    We’ve added some new features (primarily the new constraint types) that earlier versions of OmniPlan for iPad doesn’t understand and upgraded the format of the changelog file we use for syncing changes via WebDAV/Omni Sync Server.

###Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crasher involving printing.
  • OmniPlan for Mac 2.3

    September 9, 2013

    ###OmniPlan 2.3 requires Mac OS X 10.8

      This version of OmniPlan 2.3 employs security features in Mac OS which are new to version 10.8 and will not run on earlier releases of Mac OS X.
    ###Syncing OmniPlan 2.3 documents to the iPad requires OmniPlan for iPad version 1.3.
      We’ve added some new features (primarily the new constraint types) that earlier versions of OmniPlan for iPad doesn’t understand and upgraded the format of the changelog file we use for syncing changes via WebDAV/Omni Sync Server.
    ###New Features
    • OmniPlan 2.3 is Sandboxed — OmniPlan now runs in the application Sandbox your computer and your information safe. We have not found a correct way to migrate AppleScripts from the old location to a Sandbox compatible location. Not migrating them at all is the least bad option for now. Users can migrate such scripts themselves by pasting the following into a Terminal window. mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Scripts/com.omnigroup.OmniPlan2; Since document templates need to live in the Sandbox container now, all we ask you for under “Save As Template” is a template name, rather than giving you a whole save panel. The AppleScript export command has been updated to support the App Sandbox.
    • Scheduling Influences — We’ve introduced a feature (View ▸ Show Scheduling Influences) to tell you why OmniPlan has scheduled a task when it has. Give it a test drive.
    • New Constraint Types — We’ve added support for ‘start no later than’ and ‘end no earlier than’ constraints. The old constraints are refered to as ‘start no earlier than’ and ‘end no later than’.
    • Printing — By popular request, headers are now printed at the top of every page.
    • Microsoft Project Import and Export — We’ve put a lot of work into improving our handling of Microsoft Project file formats. MPP import has been a major area of focus.
    • HTML Template Preferences — HTML Templates are now managed by a new interface in Preferences.
    • Document Template Preferences — The Template Preferences pane is more user friendly and now displays some of the basic settings in the template.
    • The End of Time — Tasks cannot start before the project start date (or after the end, in backwards projects). OmniPlan 2.3 now greys out the inaccessible time. This feature is enabled in the factory templates but not in existing custom templates until you choose to do so. You might not want to see it on printouts, or at all, so go ahead and turn it off under the View menu.
    • Lion Auto Save — OmniPlan now saves your document regularly in the background and integrates with Versions.

    ###Bug Fixes

  • No more mysterious cicle in the window close button — We called this the “metadata changed” button. It was suppose to let you know that some relatively unimportant piece of persisted data had changed (such as window size), but we weren’t going to force you to decide to discard or save it when you close the window. With Lion Auto Save, this makes no sense.
  • OmniPlan for Mac 2.2.4

    January 31, 2013

    Requires OS X 10.6

    ###Bug Fixes

    • Improved reliability of connecting to Google calendars for syncing.
    • Corrected double accounting of group assignment total cost.
    • Sorry, but 2.2.3 only fixed one small corner of the French duration parsing bug. This should fix the rest.

    OmniPlan for Mac 2.2.3

    January 17, 2013

    ###Bug Fixes

    • Added handling for DAV servers that prefer Kerberos authentication, but permit digest or basic. Fixes “unauthorized” error message.
    • Fixed a crash that could occur when updating work hours from a web calendar subscription.
    • Fixed a crash related to changes in the InstantMessage framework.
    • Fixed a crash if syncing encounters a change to task which has been deleted.
    • Fixed a crash that could occur if leveling or work schedule changes cause split tasks to automatically rejoin.
    • Fixed a case where split tasks were not correctly turned into a regular task when rejoined.
    • Export publishing actions will now fail gracefully when the user has removed the location they are attempting to write their output to.
    • If leveling is impossible for a file, it will now fail faster so that attempting leveling won't take as long.
    • Very long duration projects should now open faster.
    • Fixed an error in the Italian localization that rendered Gantt and Timeline view date headers into gibberish.
    • Fixed an error in the French localization that broke duration parsing.
    • CVS import should now populate custom data columns with imported data.
    • Date headers redraw when you change the time scale by dragging.
    • Task completion color is once again honored on the Gantt and Timeline views.
    • The “Off-hours” color is used as provided on the Project: Colors inspector, rather than being darkened.
    • The Automatic scale once again uses a sensible drawing scale for dates, gridlines and so forth.

    OmniPlan for Mac 2.2.1

    October 4, 2012

    ###Bug Fixes

    • The field editor in the outline views no longer gets mispositioned in some documents when scrolling.
    • Fixed a bug where applying baseline changes from the server could wrongly cause additional local changes, resulting in a hang where we continuously re-created the same new baseline over and over.
    • Fixed a bug with syncing iCal or CalDAV supplied resource calendar info from Mac to iPad".
    • Fixed some bad rendering of critical path layers and text on the Gantt and Timeline views in PDF and printouts.
    • Improved scrolling and loading performance.
    • Updated localizations.
    • Fixed a crash on launch on Mac OS X 10.6.8.
    • Files with group shading enabled no longer fail to open and present an error on Mac OS X 10.6.8.
    • On retina MacBook Pros, split view divider on the right side of the outline views no longer disappears half the time.
    • Fixed a text rendering issue that could affect retina MacBook Pro users with external monitors when document windows are moved from one screen to another.