OmniPlan for Mac 3.0

October 7, 2015

Requires OS X 10.10

Welcome to OmniPlan 3!

OmniPlan 3 introduces a set of new, powerful features wrapped in a clean and modern interface — while keeping things simple so you can focus on the actual tasks at hand.

  • Standard And Pro — OmniPlan Standard provides the core functionality that most users need to plan a project. OmniPlan Pro takes your project to the next level with collaboration, forecasting, and reporting features.
  • User Interface — Out with the old, in with the new! The Gantt chart and resource timeline now sport a flat, modern design, and the inspectors live in their new home in the sidebar.
  • Network View — An elegant and easy way to rapidly prototype and visualize your project’s flow as a network diagram of nodes connected by dependencies.
  • Multi-Project Dashboard (PRO) — See everything at once! Assemble a beautiful dashboard to review your projects at a glance, and see how busy or idle every team member is across all of them.
  • Earned Value Analysis (PRO) — Time is money! Measure a project’s progress at any given point in the schedule and forecast its completion date and final cost, without having to remember all of those EVA formulas.
  • Meeting Task Type — A new resource allocation option that allows you to specify if multiple resources need to work on a task independently or simultaneously.
  • Auto-Effort Estimation (PRO) — Think some tasks might take longer or finish earlier than expected? Let OmniPlan assign your best and worst estimates to account for every scenario.
  • Monte Carlo Simulation (PRO) — Run multiple simulations in seconds to forecast milestone completion dates with varying levels of confidence.
  • Off-Day Styling — Want to see every single off-hour time period, just the weekends, or just the holidays on your Gantt chart? You can now show or hide them all!
  • Reports (PRO) — Generate project reports with a single click! We’ve created gorgeous, customizable HTML templates that are dressed to impress at your next status meeting.
  • Unlinked Duration and Effort — Set different values for a task’s effort and duration, then let OmniPlan crunch the numbers for your resource assignment percentage.
  • Display Task Hierarchy — Have a lot of repetitive tasks with the same name? Differentiate them by showing the full hierarchical path of a task and its parent group in the task outline and Gantt chart.


OmniPlan for Mac 2.4.2

October 6, 2015

Requires OS X 10.10

OmniPlan 2.4.2 contains bug fixes and improved stability.

  • Attachments — Fixed an issue where file attachment links were not remembered when saving and reopening a document.
  • Leveling — In some cases, leveling a fixed duration task with a non-100% efficient resource could result in longer task durations.
  • Publishing & Subscriptions — Fixed a bug with CalDAV server connections returning a “Method not allowed error”.
  • Publishing & Subscriptions — Fixed an issue where having the “Automatically Update on Publish” option enabled would publish duplicate iCal events.
  • Violations — Removed a bogus violation that would appear when resources with and without Start/End dates were assigned to the same task.
  • Change Tracking — Fixed some date formatting issues in the Change Tracking view.
  • Revert to Save — Fixed an issue where closing a document with unsaved changes would reopen the document with the unsaved changes.
  • Gantt Chart — The display off-hours setting is now remembered when saving and reopening a document.
  • Documentation — Fixed a typo in the in-app help’s sidebar menu.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur when undoing a style change.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur when using the Applescript publishing action.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur when opening a project from a Server Repository.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur when using Mac OS X’s dictionary “Look Up” feature on selected text.

OmniPlan for Mac 2.4.1

May 8, 2015

Requires OS X 10.10

OmniPlan 2.4 requires Mac OS X 10.10 or later

OmniPlan 2.4.1 contains bug fixes, improved stability, and updates to the help documentation.

  • In-App Help Documentation — The in-app help has been updated with new images and improved documentation on certain features.
  • Scrolling — Fixed a bug where the horizontal scroll bar would obscure the last task in a project.
  • Granularity Setting — The Project Information inspector now updates correctly when the granularity setting has been changed.
  • Leveling — In some cases, v2.4 produced different leveling results compared to 2.3.7 due to a previous leveling fix. The results are now consistent.
  • Leveling — Fixed a bug where automatic leveling could adjust baseline dates.
  • Change Tracking — Realigned the Accept All & Reject All toolbar buttons to the right side of the Change Tracking toolbar.
  • Change Tracking — The Change Tracking toolbar buttons were missing in localized versions of OmniPlan.
  • Localization — Corrected the Spanish translation of “Task” to “Tarea”.
  • Localization — “Task” and “Resource” are now displayed in Chinese when using Chinese localizations.
  • Localization — Removed duplicate menu items for expand/collapse rows from Chinese localizations.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash that would occur during file save.
  • Stability — Showing and hiding the Change Tracking view no longer crashes.
  • Stability — Removing a publishing action was crashing the app in rare cases.
  • Stability — Showing the Action menu in the Resource Information Inspector no longer crashes.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash that occurred when parsing certain date formats in the Task Schedule Inspector.
  • Stability — OmniPlan no longer stalls when generating a large Quick Look preview during a file save.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash with updating completion percentages on tasks.
  • Stability — Choosing “Print Report” from the Print panel no longer crashes.

OmniPlan for Mac 2.4

April 9, 2015

Requires OS X 10.10

OmniPlan 2.4 requires Mac OS X 10.10 or later

OmniPlan 2.4 is primarily focused on improving import and export of Microsoft Project MPP files and adding support for the Project 2013 file format. We’ve also updated the help documentation, fixed issues, and improved stability.

  • Microsoft Project 2013 support — Added support for importing and exporting Microsoft Project 2013 files. Please let us know if you experience any issues!
  • MPP Import Experience — Reworked the user experience when importing a Microsoft Project document. The presentation of import issues and the interface to report them to us are much improved.
  • In-App Help Documentation — The in-app help has been updated with an entirely new interface and new help content.
  • Leveling Delay — Leveling delay is now expressed in terms of the project schedule.
  • Microsoft Project Import and Export — A huge number of improvements in the accuracy and reliability of handling Microsoft Project files.
  • Performance on Yosemite — Application performance on Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite should now be comparable to what it is under Mavericks, 10.9.
  • License Panel — The list of installed licenses no longer scroll off of the licensing panel on Yosemite.
  • Calendar Export/Publish — All-day events and regular events are now published correctly.
  • Copy/Paste to Spreadsheets — Fixed an issue where OmniPlan was not pasting data into columns correctly.
  • Blurry Text — Fixed a bug that caused task labels to become blurry on the Gantt view when you switch to another view and return.
  • Localizations — Fixed an issue where the constraint date could not be set when the application was set to Chinese localization.
  • Localizations — The Applescript panel in Publishing & Subscriptions is now localized.
  • Jumping Before Scrolling — Fixed an issue that could cause scrolling to jump to the wrong position in the file.
  • Leveling — In some cases, leveling would hang when trying to schedule too much incomplete work for a limited work period.
  • Inspectors — The pop-up calendar no longer disappears after a few clicks on Yosemite.
  • Undetermined Date Entry — Entering “T-” for task dates in backward from fixed end date projects will now work again.
  • Filters on Publish Actions — Fixed an issue where applying a filter to a publishing action would cause the file to not open.
  • Saving Untitled Documents as Templates — Fixed a bug where saving an untitled document as a template with the pre-populated file extension resulted in an unusable template.
  • Update before Publishing check — Fixed an issue where some WebDAV servers were not responding to our server/local project comparison query prior to publishing.
  • CalDAV Authentication — Fixed an issue where some CalDAV servers would return a “Method not allowed” error when attempting to login.
  • Gantt Chart Scaling — If start constraint is set before the Project Start Date, automatic scaling no longer creates wide Gantt charts.
  • Group Handles — Row handles on groups in the Gantt chart no longer draw under the left task label.
  • Display Time Of Day — Your project’s “Display Time of Day” setting is now saved and restored correctly regardless of the project’s granularity.
  • Stepping Date Fields — Fixed a crash in undetermined date mode when you use the up or down arrow keys in a date field.
  • Stability — Fixed crash that occurred when attempting to print.
  • Stability — Fixed crash that occurred entering malformed dates in projects with undetermined dates.
  • Stability — Fixed a bug in our export of leveling delay to MPP that could crash the exporter on ALAP tasks.
  • Stability — Fixed crash that occurred when a document window moved to another display while group shading was visible.
  • Stability — Fixed crash that occurred when reverting to an old version of a document on Yosemite.

OmniPlan for Mac 2.3.7

October 15, 2014

Requires OS X 10.8

This version of OmniPlan 2.3 employs security features in Mac OS which are new to version 10.8 and will not run on earlier releases of Mac OS X.

Syncing OmniPlan 2.3 documents to the iPad requires OmniPlan for iPad version 1.3 or later.

  • Export Error — After quitting and relaunching OmniPlan, HTML Full Reports export actions no longer produce a “File does not exist” error.
  • Local Calendar Subscriptions — Fixed a bug where iCal calendar subscriptions could produce an “unrecognized selector” when updating.
  • Crash marking tasks complete — The right combination of complex resource dependencies could lead to a crash when marking tasks as completed. This has been fixed.
  • Data Loss when Resource Type Changed — Changing a resource group to a staff resource after it has been assigned and resource leveled could corrupt the file and result in data loss. This has been fixed and previously corrupted files now load correctly.
  • Sync Tasks to/from iCal Event — Publishing to iCal Events could get stuck in a loop, infinitely refreshing itself. We no longer refresh in the middle of saves, fixing that issue.
  • Sync Tasks to/from iCal Event — Publishing to iCal Events is now better at identifying any calendar events previously published to represent your tasks and updating them, rather than creating new, duplicate events.
  • Popup Toolbar Buttons — The popup toolbar button (Update, Publish, Assignment, Connect, Critical Path) will once again popup their menus.
  • Change Log Truncation — We now prune resolved change log data more frequently to keep file size more managable.