OmniPlan for Mac 3.7

April 17, 2017

Requires OS X 10.11

OmniPlan 3.7 for Mac introduces support for elapsed time values for task duration and lead/lag times. This release also includes new menu items for quickly customizing your view, import support for .ooutline files (created by OmniOutliner 5) and .tsv files, and a wide range of bug and stability fixes.

A note about backwards compatibility: OmniPlan 3.7 for Mac and the corresponding iOS release, OmniPlan 3.5 for iOS, contain changes to OmniPlan’s scheduling logic, syncing, and change tracking. If you’re syncing OmniPlan 3 projects between multiple devices, you should update all installations of OmniPlan to the most recent version.

  • Elapsed Duration — OmniPlan now supports elapsed time values for task duration and lead/lag time! By default, OmniPlan calculates task duration and lead/lag time from the project’s work hours. Entering an “e” before either value will now convert it to an elapsed time value instead. Need to wait for the paint to dry before you can take the next step in your project? Enter “48eh” in your “Let paint dry” task’s duration field to tell OmniPlan that the next dependent task can begin Monday morning if the paint has started to dry by the end of the day Friday (and assigning additional resources to watch the paint dry won’t help it complete any earlier). OmniPlan does not yet support importing or exporting Microsoft Project elapsed time values.
  • Menu Bar — The Gantt, Resource Timeline, and Calendar, as well as the outlines in each of these views, can now be hidden or revealed by options in the View menu in the OmniPlan menu bar.
  • OmniOutliner — Added import support for OmniOutliner 5’s .ooutline file format.
  • Import — Importing .tsv files is now supported.
  • Help — The in-app Help is now localized in all languages except for Korean and Brazilian Portuguese.
  • Outline — Columns in the outline can now be resized by dragging the divider line (previously, columns could only be resized by selecting the column header).
  • Scheduling — Cleaned up and rewrote the code OmniPlan uses to schedule project timelines. This is intended to make project scheduling more accurate by addressing things like rounding errors. As a result, you may notice slight changes in your project’s schedule after installing this update. If you are confused about why your project’s schedule as changed, or feel that it has changed in a way that it shouldn’t have, please contact our Support team!
  • Publish/Subscribe — Substantial updates were made to OmniPlan’s publish/subscribe mechanism in order to improve speed and better handle authentication challenges.
  • AppleScript — AppleScript now properly sets project level custom data values.
  • Calendar View — Clicking the green “Customized Work Week” icon now switches to Calendar View to reveal the resource’s work schedule.
  • Calendar View — It is once again possible to clear a resource’s customized work schedule.
  • Change Tracking — The change tracking sidebar has been disabled in the Styles View as this view does not support change tracking.
  • Change Tracking — Addressed a typo in the resource assignment change tracking message.
  • Change Tracking — Change tracking now correctly reports changes that affect both task duration and task effort.
  • Daylight Savings Time — Daylight Savings Time beginning or ending no longer confuses OmniPlan’s date display.
  • Earned Value — ACWP values now calculate correctly when a resource is assigned at less than 100% to a task.
  • Export — End constraint brackets are no longer backwards when exporting to PDF.
  • Gantt View — Addressed a bug that could cause dependency connection arrows to remain on the Gantt chart after tasks are disconnected.
  • Inspectors — Addressed a bug that could prevent editing dependencies for some tasks in the Task Inspector.
  • Microsoft Project Import — Fixed a variety of bugs that could block Microsoft Project files from importing correctly.
  • Network View — It is now possible to edit the name of a task in Network View while zoomed out.
  • Network View — The Network View no longer scrolls back to the beginning of the project after a task is deleted.
  • Network View — “Add Task” with a child task selected in the Network Diagram now creates a task in the same group.
  • Performance — Setting a start constraint 100 years in the past no longer causes performance issues.
  • Publish/Subscribe — OmniPlan now syncs more happily with
  • Publish/Subscribe — Addressed a bug that could cause pub/sub actions to duplicate. This bug was most commonly encountered when a file with pub/sub actions was also being syncing via OmniPresence.
  • Publish/Subscribe — Trust certificate panel now appears for self-signed WebDAV servers.
  • Publish/Subscribe — It is now possible to delete more than one project at a time from the Server Repository window.
  • Resource View — Resources can once again be assigned by dragging resources from the Resource View outline to tasks in a swim lane.
  • Scheduling — Tasks set to “adjust assigned amounts” no longer max resource allocation out at 100% (as a result, resources now accurately indicate when they are overloaded).
  • Scheduling — Removing all work hours from a project no longer results in tasks with no effort and duration.
  • Split Tasks — Split tasks now remain split when the first half of the task is dragged in the Gantt chart.
  • Task Completion — Addressed a rounding error that could cause tasks to be > 99% complete instead of 100% complete.
  • Stability — Constraints that result in a scheduling recursion now present a violation instead of causing OmniPlan to crash.
  • Stability — The Resource Assignments Touch Bar button no longer triggers a crash when resources have unexpected names.
  • Stability — Fixed our most common crash in OmniPlan 3.6.2.

OmniPlan for Mac 3.6.2

December 16, 2016

Requires OS X 10.11

OmniPlan 3.6.2 is a minor update.

  • Mac App Store — Pro In-App Purchase price now properly reflects previous Standard purchase.

OmniPlan for Mac 3.6.1

December 13, 2016

Requires OS X 10.11

OmniPlan 3.6.1 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.

  • Inspectors — Addressed a bug that could prevent editing the assigned amount field in the Assignments Inspector.
  • Subscribed Calendars — Deleting a subscribed offtime/overtime calendar subscription now properly removes scheduled hours.
  • Network Diagram — Fixed a bug that could prevent the Network Diagram from drawing in the Mac App Store version of OmniPlan 3.6.
  • Pub/Sub Accounts — Addressed an encoding issue that could cause a 404 error for account names that include an @ symbol.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur when attempting to edit task bar styles.

OmniPlan for Mac 3.6

December 5, 2016

Requires OS X 10.11

OmniPlan 3.6 adds support for Apple’s new Touch Bar, bringing the tools you use most frequently within finger reach. This version also introduces free downloads in the Mac App Store, and includes updated Help documentation and an assortment of bug fixes. This release requires OS X 10.11 or later.

  • Touch Bar — OmniPlan now supports Apple’s new Touch Bar, bringing useful tools and controls, like quick resource assignment and timeline navigation via the project overview, to your fingertips.
  • Mac App Store — OmniPlan is now a free download in the Mac App Store. This change allows us to offer a 14-day trial and unlicensed read-only mode to new customers who download OmniPlan from the Mac App Store. This change does not affect existing OmniPlan customers.
  • Help — OmniPlan’s Help is more helpful than ever! This update includes a new chapter detailing every menu command available in OmniPlan, information about OmniPlan’s new Touch Bar functionality, and enhanced explanations throughout the manual.
  • Cell Highlight — The cell currently being edited in the outline is now indicated by a highlight on the left edge.
  • Preferences — New Preference icons!
  • Copy As Link — Addressed a bug that could cause “Copy As Link” to fail to generate a URL.
  • Custom Data — OmniPlan no longer displays duplicated custom data values.
  • Dashboard — Dashboard windows no longer attempt to support macOS Sierra tabs.
  • Default Tasks — It is no longer possible to set a split task as the default task type.
  • Filtering — Replacing a saved filter now behaves correctly.
  • Localization — Fixed missing localizations in the Template Preferences and Microsoft Project import message.
  • Menu Items — Removed defunct “Configure Prototypes” menu item from the Project menu.
  • Resource Assignment — After selecting a resource from the Assignments drop down menu in the Inspector it is no longer necessary to hit the return key to assign the resource.
  • Resource View — Addressed a bug that could cause task titles to disappear on selection in the Resource View timeline.
  • Subscribed Calendars ‐ OmniPlan calendar subscriptions now correctly handle recurring events without both a start and end date. If you were previously experiencing trouble with this type of calendar subscription, removing and reconfiguring the subscription is required to resolve the issue.
  • Task View — Task selection in the outline now always matches the task selection in the Gantt Chart.
  • Task View — Hiding the Inspector no longer results in white space in the Gantt header.
  • Trial Mode — Trial expiration information is now displayed in all OmniPlan windows when running the application in Trial Mode.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur when Force Clicking.
  • Stability — Addressed a scheduling recursion that could cause a crash when changing a project’s schedule to backward from a fixed end date.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur when closing a Dashboard window.
  • Stability — Addressed a bug that could cause a crash when deleting a saved filter.

OmniPlan for Mac 3.5.1

September 20, 2016

Requires OS X 10.10

OmniPlan 3.5.1 is a minor update that improves macOS 10.12 Sierra compatibility.

  • macOS Sierra — Dragging task bars in the Gantt View and Resource Timeline on macOS Sierra no longer lags.