OmniPlan for Mac 3.10

September 23, 2018

Requires macOS 10.12

OmniPlan 3.10 for Mac introduces a brand new experience for syncing and sharing your OmniPlan projects. The new “Sync & Sharing” workflow replaces the old interfaces for managing server accounts and setting up publishing and subscription actions, and is intended to make this powerful feature easier to discover, setup, and use.

Version 3.10

  • Backwards Compatibility — OmniPlan 3.10 for Mac and the corresponding iOS release, OmniPlan 3.10 for iOS, contain changes to how OmniPlan identifies projects as distinct from one another. If you’re syncing OmniPlan projects between multiple devices via a publishing & subscription collaboration action, you should update all installations of OmniPlan to the most recent version.
  • Sync & Sharing Options [PRO] — Publishing and subscription actions are now configured and managed in a fully redesigned interface. To create or edit a publishing and subscription action, select the new Sync & Sharing Options… item in the Project menu (previously, this menu item was titled Configure Publishing & Subscriptions…).
  • Server Account Management [PRO] — The new Server Accounts window, accessed via the Accounts item in the OmniPlan menu, provides streamlined access to the features that were previously split between the Accounts pane of OmniPlan’s Preferences, the Open From Server Repository window, and the Server Repository window.
  • File Duplication in Finder [PRO] — OmniPlan now detects when a file that is configured to sync with a server repository has been duplicated in Finder, and offers to sync the duplicated file as a distinct project to the server. This reduces the possibility for dataloss when duplicating synced files.
  • Google Calendar [PRO] — OmniPlan now supports Google Calendar’s modern authentication API. When configuring a Google calendar account in OmniPlan it is now no longer necessary to set up an application-specific password for your account or enable account access to less secure apps.
  • Image Publishing [PRO] — It is now possible to configure an image publishing action that publishes the Network Diagram or Resource Timeline to PDF, PNG, TIFF, or JPEG.
  • Subscription Actions [PRO] — OmniPlan now refers to getting changes to a subscription action as “refreshing” the action (in previous versions of OmniPlan this was referred to as “updating” the action, which many users found confusing). The menu bar and toolbar options for this functionality reflect the new name for this functionality, but you can still use the old Update keyboard shortcut if you’d like to!
  • Syncing Actions [PRO] — OmniPlan no longer offers to set up a “Sync task to/from Calendar Server reminders” publishing action, as support for this functionality has been dropped by Apple.
  • Syncing Actions [PRO] — OmniPlan no longer includes previously configured sync and sharing actions when publishing a project to a server repository for the first time.
  • Calendar Syncing [PRO] — Changes to a task’s duration in a Google or Apple Calendar now sync back to OmniPlan successfully.
  • OmniPlan Standard — Fixed a bug that could cause OmniPlan Standard to attempt to access publishing & subscription actions that were configured while running OmniPlan Pro in trial mode.
  • Leveling — Fixed a bug that could cause OmniPlan to hang when attempting to schedule a task assigned to a resource with no available work hours.
  • Microsoft Project Export [PRO] — Data in custom columns now exports to Microsoft Project.
  • Sharing Actions [PRO] — Publishing to an image format now respects the view selected when configuring the action (instead of exporting the active view).
  • Subscribed Calendars [PRO] — Updating a webcal subscription twice no longer causes the extra & off hours to disappear from the calendar.
  • Stability [PRO] — Fixed a crash that could occur when refreshing with an AppleScript action configured.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur when undoing leveling.
  • Misc — Additional bug and crash fixes.


OmniPlan for Mac 3.9.3

May 3, 2018

Requires macOS 10.12

OmniPlan 3.9.3 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.

  • Dashboard — The tooltip that appears when hovering your cursor over resource allocation bars in the Dashboard window now properly calculates resource utilization when the resource’s usage data is synced between multiple projects.

OmniPlan for Mac 3.9.2

March 6, 2018

Requires macOS 10.12

OmniPlan 3.9.2 for Mac addresses an error importing Microsoft Project files and fixes a handful of recently reported bugs.

  • Estimate at Completion — Estimate at Completion is now computed as EAC = AC+(BAC-EV)/CPI.
  • Monte Carlo Reports — Monte Carlo Reports now include a project “Cost to Achieve” value in addition to milestone values.
  • Viewer Mode — The “New” option in OmniPlan’s File menu no longer appears active while running OmniPlan without a license.
  • Dashboard — The tooltip that appears when hovering your cursor over resource allocation bars in the Dashboard window now displays accurate information about task assignments.
  • Dashboard — It is no longer possible to enter an end date before the start date in the Dashboard custom timescale date fields.
  • Dashboard — Custom timescale date fields now remain editable if the View popover has been closed and re-opened.
  • Help — Localized content has returned to OmniPlan’s in-app Help.
  • Leveling — Fixed a bug that could cause some projects to hang while leveling.
  • Microsoft Project Import — Microsoft Project files that previously triggered “Error Code 5” import errors now import successfully.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur when editing a date field.

OmniPlan for Mac 3.9.1

February 26, 2018

Requires macOS 10.12

OmniPlan 3.9.1 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.

  • Outline View — Editing a task title that wraps to more than one line no longer causes the title to disappear temporarily.

OmniPlan for Mac 3.9

February 1, 2018

Requires macOS 10.12

OmniPlan 3.9 for Mac introduces the Project Summary Inspector, which provides quick access to values like your project’s total duration or cost. This release also includes enhancements to OmniPlan Pro’s Dashboard feature, like the ability to customize the visible timescale, as well as a wide range of bug and crash fixes.

  • Project Summary Inspector — The new Project Summary Inspector displays total project duration, effort, variance, completion %, and cost.
  • Dashboard — It is now possible to change the visible timescale for a Dashboard via the View options in the toolbar. Select a preset date range, or specify a custom range.
  • Dashboard — The Dashboard Project column is now resizable, allowing for longer project titles to be displayed. Hovering your cursor over a truncated project title also now reveals a tooltip with the full title.
  • Dashboard — Total project effort is now included in Project Stats.
  • Dashboard — The appearance of the Actual/Baseline schedule pop-up button in the Dashboard has been updated.
  • Help — OmniPlan’s Help content has been updated with explanations of the new functionality included in this release. A couple instances of out of date information and typos in the Help have also been corrected.
  • Inspector — Date options in Project Formats Inspector are now displayed in a more logical order.
  • Printing — Page Attribute options have been slightly rearranged in the Report printing dialogue.
  • Calendar View — All four corners of the Normal Hours/Extra & Off Hours controller in the Calendar View sidebar are now rounded.
  • Dashboard — A tooltip with project and task assignment information now reliably appears when hovering your cursor over resource allocation bars in the Dashboard window.
  • Dashboard — Resource list now opens full height after checking “Show Resources” in the Dashboard View Options.
  • Document Windows — Documents opened in multiple windows now re-open to correct state after they are closed.
  • Export — Fixed a bug that could cause missing date headers when exporting a project to PDF or TIFF.
  • Gantt — Off Hours schedule exceptions now display when View ▸ Non-Working Time ▸ Holidays is selected in the OmniPlan menu bar.
  • Leveling — Fixed a bug that could cause gaps in the project schedule when leveling in some specific scenarios.
  • Leveling — Addressed a bug that could cause resource assignments to appear wrong after leveling in some combinations of Resource & Resource Group assignments.
  • Localizations — “Sign Up for the Omni Newsletter” and “Intro Video” menu items are now localized.
  • Microsoft Project Export — Fixed a bug in OmniPlan’s Microsoft Project export tool that could cause cost information to export incorrectly.
  • Microsoft Project Import — Microsoft Project 2016 files no longer import with locked task dates.
  • Microsoft Project Import — Fixed a bug that could cause milestone dates to not import correctly from Microsoft Project files.
  • Monte Carlo Simulations — Monte Carlo Simulation reports now include best-case and worst-case cost values.
  • Network View — Fixed a bug that could cause unnecessary connections to draw in the Network Diagram.
  • Resource View — Addressed a bug that could cause icons in the Resource Type column to appear blurry on some displays.
  • Task Outline — Making a change in the Inspector no longer discards pending task title edits.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur when setting an end date earlier than a start date while working in Network View.
  • Stability — Addressed a crash that could occur when disconnecting an external display or enabling AirPlay to an AppleTV.