OmniOutliner for iOS 3.3.2

November 7, 2018

Requires iOS 11.3, watchOS 4

  • Compatibility — Added support for the new iPad screen sizes and hardware changes.

OmniOutliner for iOS 3.3.1

October 1, 2018

Requires iOS 11.3, watchOS 4

  • Siri Shortcuts — Siri Shortcuts are offered for creating new documents from the built-in templates.
  • Outline View — On iOS 12, rows grow in height while typing if the text wraps to another line.

OmniOutliner for iOS 3.3

September 18, 2018

Requires iOS 11

  • Siri Shortcuts — Added support for Siri Shortcuts. As you create new documents or open existing documents, Siri will keep track of your actions and start suggesting these activities to you based on observed patterns. These suggestions can appear in Spotlight, on the lock screen, and in Siri Settings. Only documents created from custom templates will currently be offered as a shortcut.
  • Printing & PDF — When the outline column is set to Autosize, its width will be adjusted to try and best fit the content to the page. Manually set a width on the outline column to maintain that size. When an outline is too wide for the page, it will be scaled down to fit.
  • Printing, PDF & HTML Export — Colors specified in HSV work correctly.
  • Printing, PDF & HTML Export — Settings not used on iOS—such as attachment visibility, row padding, and gutter color—are ignored.
  • Printing, PDF & HTML Export — Numerous other fixes and changes to improve the layout and appearance of documents when printed or exported to PDF or HTML.

OmniOutliner for Mac 5.3.4

August 24, 2018

Requires macOS 10.12

OmniOutliner 5.3.4 improves compatibility with pre-release versions of macOS Mojave.

OmniOutliner for iOS 3.2

August 13, 2018

Requires iOS 11

OmniOutliner 3.2 adds localized Reference Manuals for German, Spanish, French, Japanese, Dutch, Italian, Russian, Chinese (Simplified), Portuguese (Brazil), and Korean.