Linked Resource Folders — Give OmniOutliner permission to folders stored locally or in iCloud Drive to access your templates saved within them. Compatible file providers such as Working Copy can be used as well! Select the Configure Resource Locations option in Settings to add folders.
Intro Video – The intro video no longer references starting the trial, since some people will be watching that video after having already purchased the app.
URL Scheme – Made some future-proofing improvements to OmniOutliner’s URL scheme
Unfocus — When unfocusing, OmniOutliner will restore the current scroll position.
OPML — Fixed an issue where OPML files wouldn’t open when CarbonFin Outliner was set to be the default app for those files.
OmniOutliner for Mac
March 17, 2020
Requires macOS 10.14
Version 5.6
Licensing — Site licensing and team subscriptions are now available for OmniOutliner. Please contact if you are interested in learning more about the available licensing options.
Reference Manual — The English reference manual has been updated for clarification and updates made to the app.
Focus — Row selection and scroll position are retained when the view is Unfocused.
OmniOutliner for iOS
February 26, 2020
Requires iOS 13
Batch Find — The selected row from a Batch Find search, when on an iPhone or used in equivalent compact mode on iPad, does not end up in a bad editor state.
OmniOutliner for Mac
February 12, 2020
Requires macOS 10.14
Version 5.5.3
UI — Restored visual feedback when reordering columns.
Editor State — Fixed a bug that could cause duplicated documents to not inherit the editor state of the original. This includes things like column widths and expanded rows.