Recent Changes
Version 4.4.1 - Monday, November 30, 2015
OmniOutliner 4.4.1 is a minor update fixing a number of bugs and crashes.
- URLs — Automatic detection of URLs now relies on the OS.
- Localizations — Localizations have been updated for recent changes.
- Batch Find — Focusing or unfocusing on rows should now correctly update the scope of any active search.
- Keyboard shortcuts — Named styles can now be deleted by selecting it in the sidebar and pushing the delete key.
- Inspectors — The inspector should no longer auto-switch to the Documents tab when editing starts on a non-rich text cell.
- Exports — Should text end up with a line height multiple of 0, it will be set to a reasonable value when exported to docx.
- Exports — Re-adjusted how font weights are mapped to CSS values for HTML exports.
- Exports — Fixed an issue with quotation marks in row text causing incorrect output under certain circumstances for CSV export.
- Exports — URL data will now appear in CSV exports.
- Interface — Fixed a white square appearing in the Contents list when scroll bars appeared for both directions.
- Misc — Fixed a bizarre glitch triggered by using Paste and Match Style in non-rich text cells.
- Stability — Fixed a crash setting the background color of the whole document to a color from the Developer palette.
- Stability — Fixed a rare crash encountered with using the preferences.
- Stability — Fixed a rare crash with dismissing the the Resource Browser.
- Stability — Fixed a crash due to undoing the creation of a new row by dragging content out of a date column.