Unified Trials — We’ve unified trials in OmniGraffle 3.15 to use a single, simple approach: you sign up for a trial, it lasts for two weeks, and then it ends without charging you.
Omni Automation [PRO] — OmniGraffle now recognizes simple plug-ins that use the .omnigrafflejs file extension.
SVG — SVG files can be directly imported to OmniGraffle as a new document instead of needing to be pasted or drag & dropped in.
File Formats — When changing file format types, a copy of the original is placed in the Trash as a recovery backup.
Permissions — When running a beta OS, OmniGraffle will only ask for local network permissions when an OmniPresence account is configured. This access is used for notifying OmniGraffle on other iOS & iPadOS devices and OmniPresence on the Mac when there are changes to download.
OmniGraffle for Mac
August 24, 2020
Requires macOS 10.14
Version 7.17.4
Stencil Browser — Fixed a bug preventing stencils from loading in the Stencil Browser.
Exports — Fixed a bug preventing certain documents from being exported.
OmniGraffle for Mac
July 29, 2020
Requires macOS 10.14
Version 7.17.2
Connected Lines — Manipulating a multiple selection of objects redraws the position of any connected lines that are part of the selection when resizing or rotating.
Licensing — Open documents become editable when the app is unlocked and exits Free Reader Mode.
Export Panel — The format selection button area of the Export panel has been changed to fix layout issues when running a beta OS.
OmniGraffle for Mac
July 23, 2020
Requires macOS 10.14
Version 7.17.1
File Formats — When changing file format types, a copy of the original is placed in the Trash as a recovery backup.
Data Corruption — Finder Tags are retained when upgrading the file format.
Lines — Fixed a bug with midpoints sometimes being added between the wrong two points on the line.
Variables — Variables in a table, subgraph, or group on a Shared Layer show correct values on each page when printed.
SVG Import — Improved SVG import for a number of situations.
SVG Export — Improved conformance to the SVG DTD.
Image Masks — Image position does not change when resizing the mask for rotating shapes and certain PDFs.
AppleScript — New documents created with AppleScript are in the latest file format.
Resources — The File > New Resource options create documents in the latest format.
Groups — Fixed a bug with resizing groups that contains lines.
Groups — Fixed a bug with connected lines not rotating along with the rest of the group correctly.
Trials — Improved behavior on final day of trial.
Crash Reporting — OmniGraffle crash reports can now be submitted on a Mac running a beta OS.
Stability — Accessing the purchase menu item or interacting with the first run window no longer crashes on Macs running a beta OS.
OmniGraffle for Mac
July 15, 2020
Requires macOS 10.14
Version 7.17
Personal Subscriptions — OmniGraffle now has support for (optional) subscriptions! Subscriptions give you the latest version of the app, enabling every feature on every platform (including Pro features)—with a lower cost up front and predictable spending in the future. (If you prefer the traditional licensing model, that option also remains available: traditional licenses are investments which cost more up front, but save money in the long run.)
Unified Trials — We’re unifying our trials to use a single, simple approach: you sign up for a trial, it lasts for two weeks, and then it ends without charging you.
Images — Fixed a bug that caused the rendering of some images on the canvas to fail when the document is opened.
SVG Import — Fixed multiple SVG importing bugs.
Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur when undoing the deletion of objects with Auto layout active.
Stability — Fixed a crash that would most commonly occur when duplicating a file.