OmniGraffle for Mac 7.20

April 20, 2022

Requires macOS 11

OmniGraffle 7.20

  • Omni Automation — New Omni Automation API and improvements. For details, see the Omni Automation Release Notes (available in the API Reference under the Automation menu).
  • Stability — Fixed a situation leading to an infinite loop when duplicating objects by dragging.
  • SVG — Font styles are retained when exporting to SVG.
  • iCloud Drive — Added entitlement to allow the Mac app to trigger creation of the OmniGraffle iCloud Drive folder when necessary.
  • Subscription Renewal — Fixed some issues which could cause the app to lose track of an active subscription, requiring a fresh Omni Account sign-in each time the subscription renewed. Signing in to an Omni Account should now keep you signed in until you explicitly sign out, remove the app, or change your account password.

OmniGraffle for Mac 7.19.5

February 22, 2022

Requires macOS 11

OmniGraffle 7.19.5

  • SVG — Added an export option to opt-in to including SVG metadata.
  • SVG — Removed use of the deprecated font tag.
  • Data Corruption — Fixed image attachment corruption in RTF with a backwards compatible method.
  • Visio Import — Fixed a bug where simple gradient fills imported from Visio would drop one of the fill’s colors (always setting that end to white).
  • Visio Import — Stencil object names are imported.
  • Distance Guides — The distance to a group can be measured.
  • Localization — Opted out of macOS Monterey’s keyboard shortcut localizing so shortcuts are consistent with past versions for all keyboard layouts.

OmniGraffle for iOS 3.17

February 3, 2022

Requires iOS/iPadOS 14

OmniGraffle 3.17 introduces Omni Automation actions for Shortcuts, restores support for user installed fonts, and more. This update requires iOS 14 or later.

Version 3.17

  • Omni Automation — Added support for triggering Omni Automation scripts and plug-ins from Shortcuts, using the new Omni Automation Script and Omni Automation Plug-In actions.
  • User Fonts — Restored support for custom fonts installed by the user.
  • Multitasking — Worked around iPadOS 15 bug preventing the on-screen keyboard from appearing for all open documents.
  • Subscription Renewal — Fixed some issues which could cause the app to lose track of an active subscription, requiring a fresh Omni Account sign-in each time the subscription renewed. Signing in to an Omni Account should now keep you signed in until you explicitly sign out, remove the app, or change your account password.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash undoing the merging of layers.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash when opening a SVG file.

OmniGraffle for Mac 7.19.4

January 26, 2022

Requires macOS 11

OmniGraffle 7.19.4

Rolling back the changes made in 7.19.3 due to an issue with existing documents that included rich text with attachments. For customers affected by this bug, please try reverting to a previous version of your file. Our support team is standing by if you need a hand with this and can be reached at and by phone at 1–800–315–6664 or 1–206–523–4152.

OmniGraffle for Mac 7.19.2

November 10, 2021

Requires macOS 11

OmniGraffle 7.19.2

  • Stability — Fixed a crash with selecting corrupted files in the Resource Browser.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur when opening the File menu in a document which was created by a script and had not yet autosaved successfully.