OmniGraffle for Mac 5.2.3

June 16, 2010

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where canvas names were exporting to HTML incorrectly.
  • Bézier lines should now render properly when connecting to shapes, and route better when both endpoints are in the same location.
  • Fixed a bug where Bézier lines would draw in front of objects.
  • Fixed a bug when exporting multiple canvas documents with custom origins to PDF would cut off the canvas.
  • Fixed a regression where indenting objects already in a subgraph would draw connecting lines on top of the objects.
  • Fixed a bug where exporting a multi-canvas document to PNG would not name the last canvas correctly.
  • Fixed a NSCalibratedWhiteColorSpace error when using guides and ColorSync.
  • The tables in the UML-General stencil are now set to connect to their components.
  • The Faroe Islands are now part of Denmark and not the UK.
  • Ghana and Ivory Coast were in each other's places, this has been corrected.
  • Exporting to all OmniGraffle document types now offers file settings, compression, and Quick Look preview options.
  • When opening documents created on OmniGraffle for iPad, the message is more specific as to the differences between versions.

OmniGraffle for iPad 1.2

June 3, 2010

OmniGraffle 1.2 for iPad is a maintenance and feature release which has fixes for Japanese and Chinese keyboard input, added VGA adapter support, usability improvments and many other bug fixes.


  • Japanese and Chinese keyboard input has been fixed.

Interface Improvements

  • It is now possible to rename documents in the Document Browser by tapping on the filename.
  • VGA projector adaptor support has been added.
  • The contextual menu should spawn off of a selection more properly instead of where the tap occurred.
  • Improvements to the HUD have been made in where and how it displays, and a HUD for rotation has been added.
  • Some minor improvements to inspector popover UI.
  • A menu has been added to the Undo button offering both Undo and Redo options when the button is tapped and held.

Bug Fixes

  • Editing text has been improved; wrapping and shifting text when editing should no longer occur.
  • Transparent gradients should no longer render as opaque in the document preview.
  • Fixed a Cocoa Error 4 when working with legacy documents that had no Quick Look preview.
  • Fixed a rendering issue when using the Freehand tool in Drawing Mode.
  • Rotating the device should zoom the document if it was set to fit to the screen.
  • You no longer have the option of making a table out of selected lines.
  • You no longer have the option of making a table out of a locked shape.
  • You can no longer add a label to a locked object.
  • The blue selection reticle should be less pervasive when tapping the canvas.

OmniGraffle for iPad 1.1

April 26, 2010

Performance Enhancements

  • Added a set of tiling scroll view classes that greatly improve performance when moving and manipulating objects and panning the view.

Multi-Touch Gestures

  • Added the ability to tap and hold one object and tap other objects to add to the selection.
  • Support for two-finger rotation of objects has been added.
  • Two-finger double-tapping an object will zoom to fit the object in the view.
  • Tapping an object while moving another will invoke temporary smart alignment guides.

Text Editing

  • Improved selection when editing text.
  • Improved performance with respect to displaying fonts.

File Handling

  • Custom stencils downloaded via Safari on the iPad or sent via email now remain as stencil files even after editing.

File Browser

  • Document previews are now closer together so that neighboring graphs are always visible.
  • Animations when opening, closing, duplicating and deleting documents are smoother.
  • Fixed an issue where document previews were sometimes missing.
  • Delete button now spawns a popover instead of an alert.


  • Fixed a number of low memory termination crashes.
  • Fixed a crash when using connecting shapes.
  • Fixed a crash when working with placed PDF images.
  • Fixed a crash when drawing short freehand line objects.

OmniGraffle for iPad 1.0.1

April 2, 2010

  • Welcome to the initial release of OmniGraffle for iPad. This release contains many of the features present on the desktop version of OmniGraffle, and future releases will add more functionality to make the user experience as seamless as possible between the two platforms. Please do take a look at the documentation in the Omni Menu as well as the Welcome document to acquaint yourself with the new interface paradigms of working with OmniGraffle on a Multi-Touch device.

OmniGraffle for Mac 5.2.2

March 24, 2010

New Features

  • Added a preference to disable multitouch trackpad gestures.
  • You can now Option-Command-click to select different Bézier control points where multiple Bézier lines are connected.
  • Added a hidden preference to disable scroll wheel zooming to avoid using momentum scrolling "residue" from the Magic Mouse.
    • defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniGrafflePro DisableScrollWheelZooming -boolean True (for OmniGraffle Professional)
    • defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniGraffle DisableScrollWheelZooming -boolean True (for the Standard version of OmniGraffle)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the color picker would lose focus when inputing stroke color values.
  • Fixed an "Error while printing" alert when resaving a file on Mac OS 10.6.
  • Fixed a bug where orthogonal lines would draw incorrectly in place when a connected shape is moved.
  • Fixed a bug where Bézier lines with both endpoints connected to the same object were not respecting magnets.
  • Fixed a bug where objects in a shared layer could lose the ability to be reordered.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking a link to another file exited Presentation Mode.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to rotate and zoom locked objects via multitouch trackpad gestures.
  • Fixed a bug where undoing after a multitouch gesture undid the previous action instead.
  • Fixed a bug where making a table out of a single shape didn't render one of the resize handles.
  • Fixed a pasteboard error when duplicating an object with an EPS image.
  • Fixed a bug where it was impossible to export to stencil, template, or diagram style on Mac OS X 10.6.
  • Actions on groups should now work again in Presentation Mode.
  • Fixed a bug where moving objects forward and backward on a shared layer didn't immediately update in the main view.
  • Fixed a bug where it was impossible to Tab to cycle through shapes on shared layers.
  • Fixed a bug where resetting the inspector locations ordered the inspector groups incorrectly.
  • Installing a stencil now copies the stencil from its location as opposed to moving it.
  • Fixed a bug where dragging an item into a collapsed subgraph replaced all the contents of the subgraph.
  • Fixed a bug where tiled images rendered upside down.
  • Localizations updated.


  • Fixed a number of crashes when importing Microsoft Visio files.
  • Fixed a crash when directly opening PDFs.
  • Fixed a hang in GraphicView.
  • Fixed an OGRulerView crash when resizing groups with the mouse.
  • Fixed a crash when making a new shared layer via AppleScript.
  • Fixed a number of Graphviz crashes when working with subgraphs.