Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where canvas names were exporting to HTML incorrectly.
- Bézier lines should now render properly when connecting to shapes, and route better when both endpoints are in the same location.
- Fixed a bug where Bézier lines would draw in front of objects.
- Fixed a bug when exporting multiple canvas documents with custom origins to PDF would cut off the canvas.
- Fixed a regression where indenting objects already in a subgraph would draw connecting lines on top of the objects.
- Fixed a bug where exporting a multi-canvas document to PNG would not name the last canvas correctly.
- Fixed a NSCalibratedWhiteColorSpace error when using guides and ColorSync.
- The tables in the UML-General stencil are now set to connect to their components.
- The Faroe Islands are now part of Denmark and not the UK.
- Ghana and Ivory Coast were in each other's places, this has been corrected.
- Exporting to all OmniGraffle document types now offers file settings, compression, and Quick Look preview options.
- When opening documents created on OmniGraffle for iPad, the message is more specific as to the differences between versions.