Recent Changes
Version 6.3 - Friday, August 21, 2015
OmniGraffle 6.3 is a major update that adds the ability to read application resources from a folder outside of the Sandbox, improves interface and usability, and fixes a large number of bugs.
- Resources — You can now select a folder of your choice (such as an OmniPresence folder) outside of the Sandbox to read in resources such as Stencils and Templates, etc.
- Inspectors — Color Well popups now provide better suggested colors.
- Canvases — The minimum canvas size is now 1 px by 1 px, down from 10 px by 10 px.
- AppleScript — [Pro] A new entry has been added to the Help Menu to more easily access the Scripts Folder in ~/Library/.
- AppleScript — [Pro] The ability to set and query the names of objects via AppleScript has been added.
- Interface — New document icons have been introduced.
- Interface — The Preferences toolbar icons have been updated.
- Interface — The ability to collapse stencil folders has been added.
- Layout — Leaf nodes should now lay out into more centered arrangements beneath their parents, and let the parents slide away from their siblings when using automatic layout and orthogonal lines.
- Shared Layers — [Pro] Standard users who created shared layers in the Pro trial should be able to recover data contained in those shared layers.
- Export — The Export Sheet should now fit better on smaller displays.
- Quick Look — The Quick Look plugin has gotten some brushing up.
- Actions — Actions that open documents work more appropriately with Sandboxing.
- ColorSync — [Pro] ColorSync profiles should now be retained properly on close and reopen of a document, and no longer ignored or discarded.
- Undo — Point selection should now be restored on undo.
- Undo — Selection state should now be restored with undo/redo.
- Undo — Fixed a bug where text alignment would change after re-doing an undo of text deletion.
- Undo — You should now be able to redo text alignment changes.
- Undo — Undo should now work correctly when rearranging the canvas order.
- Export — Fixed an export issue where Acrobat, Chrome, etc. would report PDFs as damaged.
- Export — Fixed an export bug where PDFs would be double the expected file size.
- Export — Fixed a regression where exporting a multi-canvas document to raster format with the ”Entire Document” setting would append a file extension to the folder name.
- Export — The export area should once again default to Entire Document when exporting a multiple canvas document.
- Import — [Pro] Fixed a bug where Visio documents could not be opened due to a conflicting file extension with a different application.
- Guides — Fixed an issue where Smart Guides would often prefer more distant objects when nearer, more reasonable objects are available.
- Guides — Smart Guides should give more accurate distances when using centimeters.
- Guides — Fixed a bug where holding the Command key to temporarily turn off smart guides would work only when resizing objects, not when creating them.
- Style Tray — Fixed a regression where dragging the text style chit from an object with no text would not apply any text styling to the destination object.
- Style Tray — The Style Tray in the toolbar should once again work when in Full Screen Mode.
- Style Tray — Fixed a bug where text padding wasn’t captured when propagating styles via the style chit between a text box and a shape.
- Style Tray — Fixed an issue where dragging the Font style chit from one object to another always disabled Auto-Kern.
- Text — Fixed a bug where changing font size via the keyboard while text editing wouldn’t update the inspector field.
- Text — Fixed a bug where the font size field in the Font Inspector could be inaccurate when an object contained multiple sized text.
- Text — Text padding should now scale with the object size.
- Text — Fixed a bug where text would wrap based on the canvas size regardless of the object’s text wrap setting.
- Text — You should be able to see or increment the kerning value for individual pairs once again.
- Text — Fixed a bug where the Font Inspector controls could be inaccurate while editing text.
- Drawing — Fixed a bug where the targeting reticle for the Rubber Stamp tool persisted after switching drawing tools.
- Drawing — Fixed a bug where shadows with a large offset value wouldn’t fully disappear when disabled.
- Drawing — Fixed a bug where line endings would draw off-pixel at 100% zoom.
- Drawing — Fixed a rendering issue for objects that were less than a pixel thick.
- Drawing — Fixed a number of rendering artifacts.
- Drawing — Fixed an issue where dragged out stencils could be squished or stretched.
- Drawing — Fixed a bug where automatic scrolling was too aggressive when zoomed in past 1600%.
- Drawing — Fixed some canvas boundary bugs.
- Drawing — Fixed an issue where the Magnify Fill Effect would pixelate when exported.
- Stencil Window — Stencil searches are no longer case-sensitive.
- Stencil Window — Stencil searches should now show local results as well as ones from Stenciltown.
- Grid — Fixed a bug where centimeter grids could secretly become inaccurate.
- Grid — Fixed a bug where smaller canvases would draw in the upper left corner of the window depending on grid settings.
- Grid — Adding new points to shapes by double-clicking should now obey the grid settings.
- Sidebar — Fixed some focus issues when switching between the canvas area, sidebars, and inspectors.
- Sidebar — The Sidebar contextual menu should no longer show canvas options when clicking on a layer.
- Sidebar — Fixed a bug where the Contents Slab would not immediately update text labels after editing.
- Sidebar — Fixed a regression where opacity didn’t count for differentiating shapes by fill in the style matrix.
- Sidebar — [Pro] Fixed a bug where it was impossible to set shared layers to nonprinting unless there was more than one non-shared layer.
- Sidebar — [Pro] Fixed an issue where deleting the last shared layer on a canvas would leave an empty canvas.
- Layout — Fixed a bug where orthogonal lines would draw asymmetrically even with reasonable auto-layout settings.
- Layout — Fixed some orthogonal line routing issues.
- Layout — Fixed some line-to-magnet connection issues.
- Performance — Fixed a performance issue when very large PDFs were placed on a canvas.
- Performance — Fixed a performance issue when scrolling at 200% zoom or more when objects have shadows.
- Performance — [Pro] Performance improvements for the new Fill Effects have been made.
- Fill Effects — [Pro] Fixed a bug where the magnify blend mode would show the background grid when exporting an image.
- Drawing Tools — Fixed a regression where using the Pen Tool would not display bezier handles when initially drawing out a shape.
- Metadata — Fixed a bug where user data variables would paste improperly in other applications.
- Inspectors — Fixed a timing issue when tabbing into inspector input fields.
- Inspectors — Fixed a rounding issue concerning object dimensions.
- Inspectors — Input fields in the Geometry mini-inspector no longer cut off 3-digit values.
- Inspectors — Fixed a bug where sidebar inspectors would not be scrolled to the top on launch when the window height was fairly short.
- Inspectors — [Pro] Fixed a number of instances where Pro features would not immediately display after completing the In-App Purchase.
- Images — Fixed a regression where duplicating an object with an image would change the new image property to natural size.
- Quick Look — Fixed another Quick Look Satellite crash.
- Quick Look — Fixed a bug where shadows on objects weren’t always rendering in Quick Look previews
- Menus — Fixed a bug where ‘TEMP’ instead of Hide/Show Inspectors would display when the document was not the frontmost window.
- Preferences — The button in the Drawing Tools preference pane should again correctly open the System Preferences Keyboard Shortcuts pane.
- Pasteboard — Fixed a UTI issue that prevented objects copied in OmniGraffle 5 and earlier from pasting into version 6.1 or later.
- Visio — [Pro] Fixed regression where label text would get stripped when importing certain Visio files.
- Stability — Fixed a crash when switching between sidebar and floating inspectors.
- Stability — [Pro] Fixed a crash when dragging objects from a regular and shared layer to a non-shared layer.
- Stability — [Pro] Fixed a crash when opening certain Visio documents.
- Stability — [Pro] Fixed a crash that could occur when closing a document window, not saving, all while an object was selected and the Properties Inspector tab was showing.
- Stability — Fixed another automatic layout related crash.
- Stability — Fixed a large number of leaks.