OmniGraffle for Mac 7.6

January 17, 2018

Requires macOS 10.12

Version 7.6

OmniGraffle 7.6 adds new features to Stencils. There are new view controls in the Stencil Browser, more options for where the Browser appears, and we’ve made it easier to build up your Stencil library by adding the ability to drag from the canvas to a stencil file. File management in the Resource Browser has also improved, making it easier to organize stencils. This version also fixes some of the most reported bugs and crashes; thank you for sending us those reports!

  • New Preferences for Default Stencil Browser Location — In addition to Popover and Floating Window, there are two new options for default Stencil Browser locations: Right Sidebar and Left Sidebar. Look for the configuration option on the General tab in Preferences. From any of these locations, double-click on a stencil in the file list to open that stencil as a new floating window.
  • Drag and Drop Objects onto Stencils — Quickly add new objects to a stencil by holding down the option key (the shortcut for duplicating) and dragging an object from the canvas to the stencil browser. Drop it on the Grid, List, or Canvas view and the object is immediately saved to that stencil. Change the object’s position in the stencil or any of its metadata by choosing Edit Stencil from the gear menu in the Stencil Browser.
  • Collapse and Expand Stencil Canvases — If you organize stencils using multiple canvases then the new disclosure triangle next to each stencil canvas in the Stencil Browser makes it easy to hide and show them.
  • View Options for Stencils — The Stencil Browser now has a button with an eye icon where you can find various view settings. Background color options are available for the stencil Grid, List, and Canvas views. Stencils appear in the Grid and List view based on their hierarchy in the stencil file; choose Reverse Order to change the order. When viewing stencils as a list there are additional controls for the size of the rows and what metadata is displayed.
  • Grid as Default — The Grid view in the Stencil Browser is now the default but OmniGraffle now also remembers which view you last used and uses that preference next time.
  • Non-printing Layers in Stencils — Objects on non-printing layers in Stencil documents aren’t shown in the Grid or List view of the Stencil Browser. Useful when you want to provide some examples or annotations for your stencil objects in the canvas view and hide that content in the Grid or List view.
  • Drag and Drop Files in the Resource Browser — The Resource Browser now supports dragging and drop files between folders to make organization easier.
  • Rename Folders in the Resource Browser — Folders can now be renamed directly from the Resource Browser.
  • New Folder from Selection in the Resource Browser — There is a new option in the gear menu of the Resource Browser to create a new folder with the selected files.
  • Object Data Inspector — The Note inspector has been renamed to the Object Data inspector.
  • Presentation Mode — Stencil windows and the color picker are now hidden when entering Presentation Mode.
  • Click and Paste — Clicking the canvas or the gray area around the canvas before pasting objects more reliably places the objects where the click took place.
  • Page Scale — Fixed a bug that prevented proper document scaling when printing with a scale setting other then 100% in Page Setup.
  • Actions Exported to PDF — Fixed a bug that caused some “Jump to…” actions to not export correctly to PDF.
  • Print to PDF — Fixed a crash that would happen when overwriting an existing PDF using the Print to PDF feature on a TouchBar MacBook Pro running macOS 10.12 Sierra.
  • Bézier Point Selection — Fixed a rendering bug that occasionally made selected Bézier points not appear selected.
  • Line Labels — Fixed a bug that caused a line’s label to be disconnected from the line when the line type was changed.
  • Color Names — Fixed a bug that caused the named colors to appear as “Custom”.
  • Canvas Position Shifting — Fixed a bug that caused the canvas position to shift when toggling between canvases using the arrow keys.
  • Visio Import Crash — Fixed a bug that caused a crash when importing some Visio files.

OmniGraffle for Mac 7.5

October 11, 2017

Requires OS X 10.11

Version 7.5

OmniGraffle 7.5 is focused on improving JavaScript automation. Technical details about Omni Automation are available in the API Reference (in the Automation menu).

  • Layer and Canvas Management via JavaScript — Added the ability to create, reorder, and delete layers and canvases with JavaScript.
  • Ungroup via JavaScript — Added an .ungroup() function to the JavaScript library.
  • Object Names in JavaScript — An object’s name is now exposed in the JavaScript API by calling .name on an instance of a Graphic.
  • Option + Shift to Duplicate on Axis — Holding down option and shift while dragging a selection duplicates the selection and constrains movement to either the horizontal or vertical axis.
  • Object Hierarchy when Copied as JavaScript — Copy as JavaScript no longer reverses the order of the selected items.
  • JavaScript Floating Point Precision Warning — Copy as JavaScript includes a header which warns that floating point values in the script may be rounded, resulting in minor visual differences from the original content.
  • JavaScript Plug-in Error Reporting — Errors encountered while loading JavaScript plug-ins are now reported in the console.
  • Updated Types in JavaScript — Updated the CanvasSizingMode (was autosizing) and .strokePattern to define their attributes as strings instead of numbers to be more human readable.
  • Copying Subgraphs as JavaScript — Copy as JavaScript will now emit the correct code to generate subgraphs, including any child objects that might be collapsed.
  • Subgraph collapse state in JavaScript — JavaScript code which assigns a value to a Subgraph’s .collapsed property will correctly use the value passed rather than just toggling the collapsed state.
  • JavaScript Access to Collapsed Subgraphs — JavaScript code has access to a new .subgraphics property on subgraphs, which can be used to access contained graphics even when the subgraph is collapsed.
  • Automation Stability — Fixed a crash when setting .blendColor on a Shape object in JavaScript.
  • Automation Stability — Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause a crash when creating a new group via JavaScript.
  • Copy as JavaScript Stability — Fixed a crash when using Copy as JavaScript on a multi-segment line.
  • Multi-line Text Copied as JavaScript — Copy as JavaScript now quotes property keys so that user data with spaces in their keys won’t cause a syntax error in the emitted JavaScript code.
  • Stop In-progress Edits Before Executing JavaScript — JavaScript code which changes the text of a shape will now stop any edits that are in progress rather than leaving the editor and the shape in an inconsistent state.
  • Preserving .text Attributes in JavaScript — JavaScript code which assigns text to a shape correctly preserves its existing .textHorizontalAlignment, .textSize, and .textColor properties.
  • AppleScript — AppleScript code which assigns plain text to a shape correctly preserves the current text alignment.
  • Reading .shape Attributes in JavaScript — JavaScript code which reads a graphic’s .shapeVertices or .shapeControlPoints no longer modifies that shape.
  • Automation Console Stability — Fixed a crash that would occur when using Undo in the Automation Console.

OmniGraffle for Mac 7.4.3

September 25, 2017

Requires OS X 10.11

Version 7.4.3

OmniGraffle 7.4.3 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.

  • Printing — Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur when opening the Print Dialog on High Sierra.
  • Automation Documentation — Fixed a bug that prevented the links in the Automation API documentation from working.
  • Fill Inspector — Fixed a bug that caused the application to hang when detaching the Fill Inspector from the sidebar.

OmniGraffle for Mac 7.4.2

August 10, 2017

Requires OS X 10.11

Recent Changes

Version 7.4.2

OmniGraffle 7.4.2 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.

  • Stability — Fixed a crash that would occur when duplicating some graphics from the Connections stencil.
  • Automation — Fixed a crash when referencing ‘incomingLines’ or ’outgoingLines’ in JavaScript.

OmniGraffle for Mac 7.4.1

July 25, 2017

Requires OS X 10.11

Recent Changes

Version 7.4.1

OmniGraffle 7.4.1 is a minor update focused on bug fixes.

  • Stencil Window — Stencils in the Stencil Window are now sorted alphabetically.
  • Text Editing — Fixed a bug that caused the last line of text to overflow the text editing field and disappear when editing at certain zoom levels.
  • Text Hyphenation — Fixed a bug that caused hyphens text to only appear when editing text.
  • Text Hot Key — Fixed a bug that caused the text edit field for a label to disappear before text could be entered when using the text hot key (T by default) to create the label.
  • Canvas Padding — Fixed a bug that prevented the Canvas Padding stepper buttons from incrementing the Canvas Padding value.
  • Read Only Documents — Fixed a bug that allowed Guides to be added to read-only documents.
  • Duplicating Orthogonal Lines — Fixed a bug that caused orthogonal lines connected to shapes to remain connected to the original shape instead of the newly created shapes when duplicated.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur when exporting a document with a transparent background.