OmniGraffle for Mac 7.8.1

July 26, 2018

Requires macOS 10.12

Recent Changes

Version 7.8.1

  • Orthogonal Lines — Tuned the Orthogonal Line routing algorithm based on user feedback. Thank you for sending us examples! We are also working on a way to preserve Orthogonal line routes in the Graffle file format so your documents created with older versions of OmniGraffle will follow the same path.
  • Enforce Diagram Style — The Enforce Style option in the Diagram Layout and Style Inspector is now available in Graffle template files in addition to documents. When enabled, new documents based on that template automatically get the style of the base template. By default the option is disabled.
  • Diagram Styles — When opening document with a linked Diagram Style that can’t be found at its original path, OmniGraffle will now search the styles within the OmniGraffle sandbox for a template with the same name. This makes Diagram Styles more reliable across synced machines.
  • Export — Fixed a bug that caused all exports to be at 72 dpi regardless of user customizations.
  • Copy As AppleScript — Fixed a bug in Copy As AppleScript that caused AppleScript code to be generated that was not executable in some cases.
  • Text Shortcut — Fixed a bug that caused the text shortcut (T) to get stuck when held down, causing OmniGraffle to hang.
  • Performance — Fixed a couple of performance bugs when undoing changes in the outline sidebar.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash when removing magnets from a shape that has existing connections.

OmniGraffle for Mac 7.8

July 5, 2018

Requires macOS 10.12

Recent Changes

Version 7.8

OmniGraffle 7.8 improves the algorithms used to route orthogonal lines that connect objects. Any document opened in this version will be updated to use the new algorithms, so you should double-check that the lines in your diagram still look the way you’d like them to.

  • Orthogonal Line Routing — OmniGraffle 7.8 brings significant improvements to OmniGraffle’s line routing algorithms. Any document that is opened with OmniGraffle 7.8 will automatically be updated to use the new orthogonal line routing behavior.
  • Diagram Layout — The new “Connected Objects” option in the Diagram Layout and Style inspector makes it easier to enable auto layout without accidentally moving content that isn’t connected by lines in your diagram (like a header, footer, or logo).
  • Diagram Styles — Diagram Style options have moved from the Format menu to the Diagram Layout and Style inspector. You can choose between styling All Objects or Connected Objects and there is an option to continuously enforce the diagram style. Hold down the option key and the buttons only apply to the selected objects.
  • Auto Layout — Automatic Layout operations are now animated to make it easier to see where your content is shifting to. Auto layout has also been updated to improve performance and produce more reliable results.
  • Line Connections — There is a now visual distinction between lines connected to an object and lines connected to a specific magnet on an object. If a line is not connected to a specific magnet then the line’s selection highlight will continue past the line ending to the center of shape and through any magnets that are influencing the line’s path.
  • Outline Sidebar — The Outline sidebar now converts pasted lists into individual objects based on line breaks making it easier to get outline content into OmniGraffle.
  • Line Magnets — Circular line magnet indicators have been replaced with color coded diamonds that indicate what type of point on the line the new line will connect to. A blue diamond indicates a connection to a midpoint, a red diamond is a connection to the tail of the line, a green diamond is a connection to the head of the line, and a connection to any other point on the line will be indicated by a pink diamond.
  • Lines — “Remove Midpoints” (in the Edit→Objects menu) has been renamed to “Remove Midpoints and Reset Handles” and will now reset orthogonal line handles in addition to removing line midpoints.
  • Sidebar — The left sidebar can be made much wider to accommodate long titles and deep hierarchies.
  • Diagram Styles — When using diagram styles, customizations to a object’s style are now preserved when moving that object to a new position in the hierarchy.
  • Mouseless Editing — Fixed a few cases where selection would be lost while using the outline tab of the sidebar to build a diagram. These improvements make it much easier to build your diagram from just the keyboard. Also, pressing Command-Return will now toggle label editing on and off.
  • Orthogonal Lines — There is now a specific icon (a crosshair) to indicate when an orthogonal line has been pinned to a path as opposed to using automatic routing.
  • Magnets — Magnets now appear as you are approaching a shape while drawing or moving a line to make it easier to target those magnets. Magnets also grow in size to indicate when a line is connecting directly to the magnet instead of the shape.
  • Scripting — Object ID Numbers are now changed less frequently, making them a more reliable tool for scripting.
  • Text Entry — Fixed a bug that caused auto-correct to end text editing of a label before the user was done typing.
  • Presentation Mode — Fixed a bug where canvases would be blank in presentation mode when presentation mode was started on a canvas other than the first canvas.
  • Artboard Export — Fixed a bug that caused a black background when exporting an artboard with transparency disabled.

OmniGraffle for Mac 7.7.1

March 1, 2018

Requires macOS 10.12

Recent Changes

Version 7.7.1

OmniGraffle 7.7.1 is a minor update focused on stability improvements and bug fixes.

  • Nudging Line Points — Fixed a bug that prevented arrow keys from nudging points on a line.
  • Artboard Export — Fixed a bug that caused some objects above artboard objects to not be included in exports when using the “Export from artboards only” option.
  • Bevelled Rectangles — Fixed a bug that prevented the Bevelled Rectangle shape from scaling correctly.
  • Copying Bézier Lines — Fixed a bug that caused Bézier lines to not be included when copied from OmniGraffle and pasted into another application.
  • Copying Lines — Fixed a bug that caused line endings on Straight and Curved lines with line labels to appear in the center of a shape instead of the edge of the shape when copied from OmniGraffle and pasted into another application.
  • Line Endings — Restored the Non Navigable line ending.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash that occurred when sharing a document via iCloud Drive on a MacBook Pro with Touch Bar.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur when editing a stencil document while the Stencil Browser was also displaying that document.
  • Stability — Fixed a bug in Visio import that would sometimes generate OmniGraffle objects with incomplete data causing a crash when exporting those objects to another format.
  • Stability — Fixed a bug in SVG import that would cause a crash if the default template had the “Size uses printer pages” setting enabled.

OmniGraffle for Mac 7.7

February 9, 2018

Requires macOS 10.12

Version 7.7

OmniGraffle 7.7 is focused on improving SVG import and export. SVG exports now include better metadata and imports support more of the SVG specification. SVG imports and exports both produce more accurate output based on the sample files that users have sent in; thank you!

SVG Export

  • Unique IDs — OmniGraffle object IDs are now included on each element (object/group/layer/canvas) when exporting to SVG. Object IDs are unique for each canvas but may change between exports. Use “Show object ID numbers in the Layers tab of the Sidebar” in General preferences to see the ID in OmniGraffle.
  • Object Titles — Custom object names are now included in the title element when exporting to SVG. Names can be defined using the Object Data inspector or using the Layers tab of the left sidebar.
  • Freehand Stroke — Added support for the Freehand Stroke style in SVG Exports.
  • Multiple Text Styles — Improved support for text blocks that contain multiple text styles.
  • Font Weight — Adjusted the font-weight attribute that is exported to avoid non-bold fonts in OmniGraffle being mis-interpreted as bold.
  • Artboards — Improved support for exporting artboards as SVG.
  • Shadows — Improved support for exporting object shadows in SVG Exports.
  • Rotated Objects — Fixed a bug that caused rotated objects to be rotated the wrong way when exported to SVG.
  • Overlapping Line Endings — Fixed a bug that caused line endings to not draw next to the connecting object when multiple lines overlapped.
  • Export Margin — Fixed a bug that prevented the Margin setting in SVG export from being used in the export.
  • Custom Gradient Midpoints— Custom gradient midpoint data is now included in SVG output instead of assuming midpoint was at the default 50%.

SVG Import

  • Dashed Strokes — Added import support for the stroke-dasharray attribute.
  • Transparency — Added import support for the fill-opacity attribute.
  • Text Alignment — Improvements to various text alignment issues.
  • SVG Transformations — Improved support for nested SVG transform functions.
  • Canvas Size Uses viewBox Size — When opening an SVG file in OmniGraffle the canvas size is now defined by the viewBox size in the SVG file.
  • Ordering of Mixed Group Objects — Fixed a bug that caused the z-order of objects to be incorrect if grouped objects were followed by ungrouped objects.

Other Changes

  • Hidden Layers — The Flexible canvas mode now accounts for hidden layers by only being large enough to contain the visible objects.
  • Presentation Mode — Fixed a bug that caused Object Note tooltips to have a dark background after exiting Presentation Mode.
  • Nudging Bézier Points — Fixed a bug that caused arrow keys to nudge an entire object when a single Bézier point was selected.
  • Multi-selection of Bézier Points — Fixed a bug that prevented the multiple selection of Bézier points when using the Point Editor too.
  • Export Selection — Exporting selection is more accurate and no longer creates oversized export areas.
  • Pen Tool — Fixed a bug that caused lines to render incorrectly when using the Pen tool and constraining the line angle with the shift key.
  • Stencil Window Previews — Fixed a bug that caused some stencil object previews to be cut-off in the grid view of the Stencil Browser.
  • Zoom — Fixed a bug that prevented zoom level changes from applying to all selected canvases (would only apply to the visible canvas).
  • Page Number Variable — Fixed a bug that caused the Page Number variable to report incorrect page numbers when the page was in negative coordinate space.
  • Export — Fixed a bug that caused some export preferences to not be applied on initial export.

OmniGraffle for Mac 7.6.1

January 22, 2018

Requires macOS 10.12

Version 7.6.1

  • Visio Import Crash — Fixed a crash when importing Visio documents that contained certain types of connections.
  • Object Previews — Fixed a problem with preview drawing when duplicating objects via option-drag or dragging them from the Stencil Browser.