OmniGraffle for Mac 7.17

July 15, 2020

Requires macOS 10.14

Version 7.17

  • Personal Subscriptions — OmniGraffle now has support for (optional) subscriptions! Subscriptions give you the latest version of the app, enabling every feature on every platform (including Pro features)—with a lower cost up front and predictable spending in the future. (If you prefer the traditional licensing model, that option also remains available: traditional licenses are investments which cost more up front, but save money in the long run.)
  • Unified Trials — We’re unifying our trials to use a single, simple approach: you sign up for a trial, it lasts for two weeks, and then it ends without charging you.
  • Images — Fixed a bug that caused the rendering of some images on the canvas to fail when the document is opened.
  • SVG Import — Fixed multiple SVG importing bugs.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash that could occur when undoing the deletion of objects with Auto layout active.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash that would most commonly occur when duplicating a file.

OmniGraffle for Mac 7.16

June 3, 2020

Requires macOS 10.14

Version 7.16

OmniGraffle 7.16 improves reliability when OmniGraffle documents are synced with third party providers. This release introduces a new file type that avoids compatibility issues with certain sync platforms, such as Dropbox, while maintaining great performance.

  • File Formats — A new default single file format has been added. This is a zipped version of the pre-existing file package format which has significant performance advantages over the old single file format that encoded images as XML data. This combines most of the benefits of the pre-existing formats in a way that is compatible with file syncing services like Dropbox. Versions prior to OmniGraffle for Mac 7.16 and OmniGraffle for iOS 3.14 will not be able to read this format.

    • Existing documents saved in legacy formats will have the option to upgrade or continue saving in the legacy format.
    • Legacy documents will prompt once per session to upgrade after the first edit.
    • Documents can be switched to the package format in situations where it is preferred. This can be done via File > Change File Type.
    • The Document > Format inspector has been removed.
    • Legacy formats are available under the OmniGraffle export format options.
    • All new documents will be created in the new format regardless of what the template uses.
  • Saving — The UI is unblocked sooner after a save is initiated to reduce interruptions to your work. Saving will continue in the background.
  • UI — The Style Well previews for tools have a background and border to provide visual consistency regardless of the light or dark theme appearance.
  • UI — The Line Tool style preview shows a curved line instead of straight when set to the Curved line type.
  • Exporting — New documents will have the OmniGraffle document format option selected by default instead of the stencil format.
  • Exporting — All layers are exported when using Flexible Canvas Mode with objects positioned outside the canvas bounds.
  • Stencils — Fixed a bug that could cause stencils which used legacy line routing to trigger a repeating error about autosave failing.
  • Line Routing — Fixed a bug with lines on shared layers that could cause lines to save with the wrong line routing. Affected files will not fix themselves automatically; modifying a line point will correct the issue and the line will save correctly going forward.
  • Text Positioning — Toggling the Wrap to Shape option can be undone.
  • Lines — When changing the text of an object set to Fit shape to text, any connected lines will automatically adjust.
  • Undo — Undo correctly positions objects that have been repositioned using the Geometry inspector.
  • SVG Import — Fixed a bug importing lines that have zero dimension.
  • Visio Import (PRO) — Fixed a bug causing the prompt about the paper size being too small for the margins to trigger more often than it should.
  • Visio Import (PRO) — Fixed a couple importing bugs that prevented some files from importing.
  • Shared Layers (PRO) — Objects on shared layers respect custom origins so they accurately report their location and adjust correctly to changes in position.
  • Keychain Access — If you have signed into an Omni Account in a different Omni app, you will no longer be prompted to unlock the keychain entry for “Omni Account”.

OmniGraffle for Mac 7.15.2

April 30, 2020

Requires macOS 10.14

Version 7.15.2

  • Images — Masked images set to ‘Stretch image to match shape’ created in past versions of OmniGraffle retain their masking.
  • Stability — Added min/max constraints on coordinate and length values of imported SVG data to avoid crashing.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash converting to SVG due to incorrectly treating some colors as Catalog color types.

OmniGraffle for Mac 7.15.1

April 21, 2020

Requires macOS 10.14

Version 7.15.1

  • Images — Images set to ‘Stretch image to match shape’ allow masking, offsets, and scaling again.
  • Images — PDFs with rotation transforms appear in the correct orientation.
  • Images — PDFs with dimensions of fractional points are accurately displayed on screen.

OmniGraffle for Mac 7.15

April 2, 2020

Requires macOS 10.14

Version 7.15

OmniGraffle 7.15 is focused on improving compatibility with Visio.

  • Visio Export (Pro) — Added support for top/bottom text margins.
  • Visio Export (Pro) — PANOSE data is exported when available. This helps decide what font is used for substiution when necessary.
  • Visio Import (Pro) — Added RelQuadBezTo support for .vssx files which improves Visio stencil compatibility.
  • Visio Import (Pro) — Fixed cases of text objects not being created large enough to fit the text.
  • Visio Import (Pro) — Documents previously triggering the Incorrect Block error are able to be imported.
  • Visio Import (Pro) — Unexpected characters in unsupported attributes were causing some files to fail to import. Those attributes are now ignored.
  • Visio Import (Pro) — Fixed a bug causing some EMF images in vsdx files to have components flying off into space.
  • Visio Import (Pro) — When a Visio file type is associated with an UTI OmniGraffle doesn’t expect, check the file extension instead to determine if the file can be imported. This should fix compatibility problems when other applications are installed that use Visio file types.
  • Visio Import (Pro) — Text placed inside groups is imported.
  • Visio Import (Pro) — Fixed a crash when importing .vss files containing EMF images.
  • Visio Export (Pro) — Fixed multiple bugs with exporting images. Images are now exported to PNG format unless already in BMP, WMF, or EMF. This results in significantly smaller file sizes than previously.
  • Visio Export (Pro) — Corrected export of text alignment and offsets values.
  • Visio Export (Pro) — Override Visio’s auto-routing in the exported file so that lines retain their path set in OmniGraffle. This will cause some files to appear with connection lines on top of objects. Adjusting any object should fix that.
  • Visio Export (Pro) — Objects are positioned on the canvas when the canvas is using a non-zero origin in OmniGraffle.
  • Visio Export (Pro) — Line labels are exported as line labels instead of separate text objects.
  • Images — PDFs that are cropped and rotated will scale consistently.
  • SVG — Imported SVG graphics always automatically appear without further action.
  • Drag and Drop — Dropping an image onto an existing object will add that image to the object instead of creating a new shape.
  • Stability — Added safeguards to deal with corrupted images.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash with activating a site license.