Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where exported file extensions were reversed on Intel Macs.
- Exporting no longer yields a rather large border at the bottom of the export.
- Addressed a bug where lines would stick out of rotated groups.
- Next and Previous canvas actions on master canvases now export to PDF.
- OmniGraffle now writes the correct file type on exported PDF files.
- Fixed a problem allowing negative percentage scale in the Image Inspector.
- 1-bit TIFF files now save out as properly in the file package.
- Fixed an Intel bug where placed Photoshop image had the wrong colors.
- Corrected a regression in saving custom Canvas Size Inspector margins for templates.
- Certain shape combinations now work properly, more fixes in this area are slated for future releases of OmniGraffle Professional 4.1.2.
- Fixed the problem where placed images would swap with each other after dragging a canvas from one document to another.
- Fixed a bug causing inspectors to clip their content if pushed off-screen and hidden.
- Unchecking "Wrap to shape" in the Style: Text Inspector will now undo properly.
- Text Inspector now updates alignment buttons properly when selecting text.
- Transparent backgrounds are working again in EPS exports.
- More work on 1-bit TIFF files saving out as zero byte images in the file package.
- "Allow shapes to become labels" setting now persisting after a save and reopen.
- Addressed a problem where parallel line labels were upside down.
- AppleScript can set methods for 'draws background'.
- AppleScript can access stencil objects once more.
- Fixed a bug where localizations were breaking in certain inspectors.
- Fixed some jumpy text editing.
- Fixed Command-key disabling of smart guides when manipulating line midpoints.
- Text on master canvases now sanitizes when sent in as feedback via the Help Menu.
- Aligning multiple objects once again uses the first selected object as anchor.
- The Command key again disallows connections whenever manipulating a line.
- Changes made to ruler scale no longer detach line labels.
- Locking and unlocking a layer no longer messes with viewing magnets.
- Actions on groups now work again in presentation mode.
- Cleaned up a lot of Console messages pertaining to Spotlight.
- Canvas Size Inspector margins work again for templates.
- Put some more polish on the kerning input field in the Style: Text Inspector.
- Files saved with snap to grid off now stay that way.
- Fixed edge (A -- B) import for .dot files.
- OmniGraffle doesn't get in front of OmniDazzle's window during presentations anymore.
- Addressed some text bounding box issues.
- Fixed a problem where lots of imported (opened) PDFs with custom shapes would interfere with existing shapes in the shapes palette.
- When launching OmniGraffle by opening an OmniOutliner file, inspectors no longer go mysteriously missing.
- Diagram style preferences are now accessible to AppleScript and can be named without specifying the full path to the style.
- Fixed the use of the Enter or Return key in the Text Position Inspector on Intel machines.
- Clicking in a different input field in the Text Position Inspector will now act the same as Enter or Return on PPC machines.
- Escape key should now allow user to back out of the zoom field, restoring previous zoom setting.
- Flipped the X and Y for the Zoom Tool, so that it chooses the one which will zoom in the least.
- Fixed a couple of crashes related to PDF files.
- Fixed an application hang after an exception during a save.
- Addressed a problem when unreadable .omnilicense files (e.g., improper UTF-8) could make the inspectors go completely missing.
- Corrected a crash when Option-dragging shapes to copy them.
- Fixed a crash when laying out very large numbers of objects.
- Dealt with an exception thrown after importing a large .dot file.
- Addressed an error panel when deleting a number from the Geometry Inspector's rotation field.
- Fixed an exception thrown when certain AppleScripts were run.
- OmniGraffle no longer gives an error when cursoring through the outline viewer if the keyboard repeat rate was set to the maximum.
- Addressed an OGModeController crash.
- Brushed up mutlithreaded drawing to fix a possible crash.
- Addressed an exception thrown when using the Style Brush on stencil objects.
- Fixed a crash involving OmniGraffle and the OmniDazzle FocalPoint plugin.
- Simplified Chinese localizations have been added.