OmniGraffle for Mac 5.1

November 19, 2008

New Features

  • Smart Shapes
      We've added a new Smart Shape (akin to the resizable block arrow shapes), it is a wedge/arc shape that can be resized in degrees by dragging the blue smart handles. This shape is found in the Shapes stencil in the Common folder in the Stencil Window.
  • Sidebar Interface changes
    • Fixed a number of focus issues in the Canvases Sidebar, Layer List, and Outline editor.
    • Single clicks in the sidebars will retain focus in the canvas area view.
    • A second click or double-click will give focus to the Layer List or Canvases Sidebar.
    • A single click on the style chit in the Outline Editor retains focus in the canvases area view, a single click on the label in the Outline Editor gives focus to that sidebar.
    • The Layer Selection indicator in the Canvases Sidebar has returned.
    • Added Help Tags for the layer visibility/printing/lock icons.
  • Other Interface changes
    • The Workspace Window is now a utility panel.
    • Added a keyboard shortcut for Paste and Match Style to match the iWork applications.
    • Icons in the Stencil Window are a bit more vibrant now.
    • You can now set the background color in the Stencil Window.
    • Added Help Tags for the Image Inspector buttons.
  • The Escape key will now deselect.
  • Added Spotlight support for custom data.
  • We now allow a longer maximum interval for autosaving (30 minutes).
  • Added a new canvas numbering variable.
  • Quick Look previews are now downsampled and compressed.
  • You can now choose whether or not to anonymize the document when sending feedback from the Help Menu.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a couple of accessibility problems when navigating in full keyboard access mode.
  • Fixed a bug where actions that jumped to another canvas got lost when immediately using the Browse Action Tool.
  • The scroll buttons in the Template Chooser should now work.
  • Fixed a nasty bug where exporting an entire document to PNG in Japanese localization failed.
  • The Colors toolbar button should work now
  • For some reason, the Scripts Menu was showing up, this is no longer the case.
  • Fixed a regression where one couldn't make a multiple selection in the Stencil Window.
  • Shared layers no longer have custom origins.
  • Fixed a tab ordering bug in tables.
  • Incorporated the latest Omni Software Update changes.
  • Addressed a highlight issue in the Canvases Sidebar when layers were reordered.
  • Fixed a particularly nasty performance issue.
  • Fixed a bug where it could appear to allow the merging of shared layers.
  • We no longer throw up an error dialog if a file being opened automatically at launch is missing.
  • Fixed a bug where the mouse cursor would hide even on the primary display while in Presentation Mode and using multiple displays.
  • Canvas size auto-adjustment now includes hidden objects when determining the canvas size.
  • Fixed a .dot import problem where every node would have identical text and no hierarchy.
  • Incorporated a licensing fix for multiple network interfaces.
  • Fixed a bug where the first click in the stencil source list after starting the app would always scrolls you to the top of the list.
  • Fixed a bug where manual guides would take effect even when they were hidden.
  • Addressed an issue where shared layers copied to another document would use inches in spite of the canvas settings.
  • Fixed a bug where objects with no fill that clip text were very difficult to select.
  • Fixed a bug where undoing diagram styles didn't restore proper shapes if the style had resized the objects to auto-fit the text.
  • Fixed a bug where trying to remove a workspace while the name was being edited broke the Workspace Window.
  • Fixed a problem where editing the tracking or leading for text in a table cell would change that setting for all the cells in the table.
  • Fixed a bug where duplicating a canvas would lead to shapes losing their typographic settings.
  • Addressed an issue where deleting a row in a table would give an incorrect bounding box.
  • You can no longer drop an image onto the Image Inspector even when it's disabled.
  • Fixed a bug in Circular layout.
  • Fixed a bug where "Print canvas on one printer sheet" and print scale would collide.
  • Fixed a bug where renaming a stencil in the Finder would make the Stencil Window throw fits.
  • Addressed an issue where duplicating content on a shared layer would make a different layer the active one.
  • Fixed a problem with the ruler accessory inspector view where it would show up empty even if you already had something selected.
  • You can Tab out of the custom zoom percentage field and have the value take now.
  • Fixed an Action badge problem.
  • Addressed a text margin error when editing a LinkBack object.
  • Fixed a Canvases Sidebar rendering issue where the thumbnails would appear at low resolution.
  • Fixed a .dot import problem where angle brackets would cause trouble in records.
  • "Bezier" is now spelled "Bézier".
  • We now apply the user's default compression setting to the built in templates.
  • Undo no longer triggers an automatic layout.
  • Fixed a problem where window size and position were not getting saved properly.
  • You can now Tab out of the Side Margin field in the Text Inspector and have that value applied.
  • Variables in stencils will reflect the unit preference for the current document.
  • Project Builder import is now called Xcode import.
  • Fixed a bug were after using presentation mode the mouse cursor would disappear when inactive.
  • Addressed an issue where the "About" window would always come up behind inspectors on multiple monitors.
  • Fixed a .dot import bug where records/tables were being laid out in the wrong direction.
  • Fixed a bug where LinkBack really liked using inches regardless of the canvas settings.
  • Addressed a PDF export problem where Illustrator CS3 would not open them.
  • You can now access actions on locked layers.
  • Fixed a window shadowing problem with respect to Spaces.
  • We should be properly observing HTML markup in .dot import now.
  • Fixed a number of Drawing Tool hot key preference pane UI issues.
  • The "This document created by a newer version of graffle" dialog is now a sheet.
  • Empty layers now get duplicated when a canvas is duplicated.
  • Fixed a bug where Shift-drag to inverse select wasn't working.
  • You can rotate a group of shapes with AppleScript now.
  • Much harder to delete a stencil from your Favorites list now.
  • Fixed a problem where the Help Tag on the Quick Look settings in the Document inspector was humorously misleading.
  • Enhanced MetaFiles (EMF) in Visio documents should be importing and displaying now.
  • Fixed a number of issues with respect to Windows MetaFiles (WMF) in Visio documents.
  • Fixed a text misalignment bug when importing Visio files.
  • Addressed an issue importing Visio files where the master contained no shapes.
  • Fixed a beyond bounds error working with Visio stencil files.
  • Fixed a bug where lines would not render properly when importing Visio documents.
  • Fixed another upside down callout text issue.
  • Fixed a problem when exporting to Visio where there were placed .bmp files.
  • Fixed a bug where lines were getting directly connected to magnets on export.
  • Connector shapes should now import from Visio.
  • Added support for non-orthogonal connectors when importing Visio files.
  • Fixed a Visio import bug where elements of tables were coming in locked.
  • Fixed a variety of issues with lines when importing Visio files.
  • Enhanced MetaFiles (EMFs) should properly render as vector graphics now.
  • Objects on non-visible layers should export to Visio properly now.
  • Objects on shared layers get duplicated to each Visio page on export.
  • Fixed a bug where line hops got added to lines during import from Visio.
  • Fixed an issue where undo was broken with respect to notes.
  • Fixed a problem where adjustable arrows could lose their shape when copied and pasted, or closed and re-opened.
  • Addressed a potential issue where the Stencil Window had an empty 'Recents' section and was causing problems.
  • Polished up some cosmetic issues in the Stencil Window.
  • You can now once again click/double click/Return to create a new object in the Outline Editor.
  • Fixed a duplicate Help Tag in the Diagram Layout Inspector.
  • Documented alignment behavior.
  • Documented line label action behavior for HTML export.
  • Documented connecting lines directly to magnets.
  • Fixed a screenshot of the Fill Inspector in the OmniGraffle Help.
  • Fixed a bug that when launching OmniGraffle by dragging a stencil onto the dock icon, the Stencil Window would appear and disappear during launch.
  • Addressed an issue with the inspectors where they would not return to their previous location after hiding them and relaunching OmniGraffle.
  • Fixed a bug where Presentation Mode would not run on the primary display on a dual monitor setup.
  • Fixed a problem where EMF support was broke on PowerPC machines.
  • Fixed a bug where percentage scale wouldn't work on PDF export for documents with multiple canvases.
  • Fixed a bug where the mouse cursor could go missing after showing the Action Inspector.
  • Addressed an issue when files were moved around in the Finder and OmniGraffle could no longer find linked images.
  • Fixed a master/shape error when opening certain Visio files.
  • Fixed a multiple "Name Index children" error when opening certain VSS files.
  • Addressed an issue where text labels were coming in too large on Visio imports.
  • Fixed a problem with shape ordering when importing from Visio.
  • Fixed a bug concerning certain font names in Visio files that would render missing elements.
  • One can no longer connect items on shared layers to items on regular layers.
  • Fixed a rendering issue for connections between objects on shared layers when those objects were moved.
  • Fixed a bug where actions were not exporting to proper area when scale was applied to PDF export.
  • Fixed a rendering issue when resizing objects on shared layers.
  • Fixed a bug where the Note Inspector would not work if it was showing on launch.
  • Added the Canvases submenu to the Edit Menu in the Standard version of OmniGraffle.
  • Fixed a hang related to variables in groups.
  • Changed the keyboard shortcuts for zooming in and out as to not conflict with Apple's Universal Access shortcuts on the aluminum keyboards.
  • Fixed a Visio import issue surrounding the POLYLINE attribute.
  • Fixed a Visio import issue where connecting lines were rendering as too short or not displaying.
  • Addressed a problem with EMF files coming in with very thick strokes and unwanted fills.
  • Fixed a regression opening certain Visio files.
  • Presentation Mode should now once again take place on whichever display has the frontmost OmniGraffle document window.
  • Fixed a bug where the Action Inspector could take focus away from the main document window, causing scripts to fail.
  • Fixed a regression in .xib file support.
  • Fixed a one-pixel gap in the Canvases Sidebar header.
  • We now display the new keyboard shortcuts for "Zoom In" and "Zoom Out" in a much less confusing manner.
  • Addressed a small number of documentation keyword issues.
  • Fixed a bug where an object's shadow would print using the object's previous shape.
  • Graffletopia search results should now display the preview icon more properly.
  • Fixed an issue where Graffletopia search results didn't handle spaces in the stencil's URL.


  • Fixed an issue where ColorSync profiles were not saving correctly.
  • Removed the Cancel button from the ColorSync mismatch panel as it did nothing.
  • Fixed a bug where converting ColorSync profiles would set the canvas color to white.
  • We now display an error to the user if a profile is removed.
  • Addressed an issue where CMYK profiles were not sticking.


  • Fixed a *** -[NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]: attempt to insert nil value (key: RawData) error when trying to delete a placed PDF image.
  • Fixed a crash that would happen when dropping a graphic between two other graphics (this would happen often when creating tables).
  • Fixed a getUniqueIDForGraphic crash.
  • Fixed a couple of OGCanvasTableCell crashes.
  • Fixed an OGCanvas delayedVariableIconCreation crash.
  • Killed another zombie. Stupid zombies, man they really creep me out.
  • Fixed a GraffleWindowController crash.
  • Fixed an OIInspectorRegistry crash.
  • Fixed a hang related to a cache deadlock.
  • Fixed another cache-related crash.
  • Fixed an OGSelection crash.
  • Fixed a resurgent crash when saving.
  • Fixed a number of crashes opening Visio files that had Enhanced MetaFiles in them.
  • Fixed a dreaded StrokeStyleElement crash.
  • Fixed an unrecognized selector error when exporting to the OmniOutliner format.
  • Fixed a mutated while being enumerated error whilst dragging objects on a canvas. (mutants being better than zombies, at the very least. stupid zombies.)
  • Fixed a nasty beyond bounds error when opening certain autosave backups.
  • Fixed a reproducible OutlineView crash.
  • Fixed an ImageID error working with certain Visio files.

OmniGraffle for Mac 5.0.2

August 20, 2008


  • A large number of fixes have been made to the Japanese Help and User Interface strings.
  • Amended the "Paste and Match Style" string to reflect the iWork apps in German.
  • A handful of remaining Japanese localization problems have been mended.
  • Japanese localizations to include the Help files have been mended and corrected since the release of OmniGraffle 5.0.

OmniGraffle for Mac 5.0.1

July 23, 2008

Bug Fixes

  • Tracking input field in the Text Inspector now accepts commas as well as periods.
  • You can no longer rename layers in the Action Inspector.
  • Fixed the disk image window position.
  • Fixed an issue with the Browse Action Tool if the sidebar had focus.
  • Custom data set on objects now exports to Visio XML, likewise we now import Visio's metadata.
  • Using hotkeys to switch tools no longer destroys the previous tool's stickiness.
  • IBTool support is now in place.
  • Fixed some line connectivity issues in Visio import.
  • Double-clicking a layer thumbnail will now make it the active layer.
  • Line labels were losing their background color on Visio import.
  • Fixed a bug where copied and pasted PDFs would rasterize when their opacity was changed.
  • Non-printing layers no longer have their objects' bounds calculated in an "All Objects" export.
  • AppleScript support for subgraphs.
  • AppleScript support for connecting shapes.
  • We now reset installed stencil state for Graffletopia search results if the file is installed then uninstalled.
  • We made the autosave document read-only to prevent accidently modifying it instead of the original on crash recovery.
  • Fixed a bug where copying as AppleScript from a shape whose points were made editable yielded AppleScript that resulted in an invariant failure.
  • Fixed some scrolling and resizing issues for the Stencil Window.
  • Connecting shapes weren't paying attention to the grid or Shift-constraint, they now behave more nicely.
  • Fixed a bug where EPS exports were unusable if there was a gradient fill.
  • Re-ordered items in the Fonts stencil, and locked the background boxes.
  • Template chooser now geos away when a document is opened.
  • EOModeld files will now import again.
  • Fixed a bug where setting page orientation in the Canvas Size Inspector had no effect.
  • Fixed some image loading errors.
  • Workspace names will now survive a quit and re-launch.
  • We now remove Quick Look previews when anonymizing and sending feedback.
  • The Style Brush will now work on shared layers.
  • Whenever possible, we now preserve legacy print scale settings.
  • Fixed a bug with the Fill portion of the Ruler Accessory View inspector.
  • Fixed a bug where OmniGraffle couldn't open an uncompressed OmniOutliner 3 file.
  • Template Chooser previews now include shared layers.
  • Buttons below the canvas sidebar drop off sooner.
  • Fixed a bug where OmniGraffle would throw away all of your changes if you close the second window open on a stencil.
  • It's easier to permanently delete legacy master canvases that turned into shared layers.
  • Fixed a Visio import issue where extra line or carriage returns were being added to shape labels.
  • The Selected Lines: Custom Length setting in the Diagram Layout Inspector is now really working as intended.
  • Fixed a bug where shadows of line hops would remain when the hopped line was moved.
  • Fixed an issue where gradient fills would go solid when the slider was at the end.
  • Notes now exporting to Outliner properly.
  • When "Print canvas on one printer sheet" is set, magic is performed on the page number variable.
  • Favorite line styles now will keep the basic arrow line ending.
  • Fixed a bug with page number variables not printing out correctly if they were on a shared layer.
  • Autoscroll now works in the Outline Editor.
  • Fixed a bug where lines without a midpoint would not connect to the proper magnet.
  • Fixed a weird page orientation/canvas size/page break bug.
  • Collapsed subgraphs now get anonymized when sending feedback.
  • Shift-Return now should create an item before the selected item instead of after it in the Outline Editor.
  • Help tags in the Ruler Accessory View inspector got some capitalization love.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking or tabbing out of the canvas width or height field deselected "Auto-adjust canvas size" even if you didn't make a change.
  • Locked objects offer their style to the Canvas Style section of the drawing tools, new shapes created with such are no longer locked.
  • You can drag style chits onto objects on shared layers now.
  • Fixed a bug where holding down Option when creating a line prohibited the creation of midpoints.
  • We now check for Applescript when opening a quarantined file.
  • Fixed a selection highlight problem in the Canvases Sidebar.
  • Mouse actions away from input fields should now accept the current value in the field.
  • Fixed a bug where actions on exported PDFs wouldn't go unless you included notes.
  • Fixed a scrolling issue in the source list view of the Stencil Window.
  • Addressed an issue where changing an object's action didn't always stick if the insertion point was in a different input field.
  • The ruler origin is now added to the set of Extras the visibility of which is toggled on and off by the Extras toolbar button.
  • Fixed a Visio bug where page breaks in rich text fields was causing all sorts of havoc.
  • Fixed a Visio bug where a mix of bold and regular typefaces on the same line would render in odd characters in Visio.
  • Fixed a spurious "Can‚Äôt make application "OmniGraffle Professional 5" into type reference." error.
  • AppleScript support for the new features in 5.0 has been fleshed out.
  • Shared layers now return a result in AppleScript.
  • Strokes can now be thinner than .15 pt.
  • Fixed a unique image ID bug when copying or dragging canvases.
  • Fixed a bug where a canvas wouldn't print if only its shared layers were visible.
  • Fixed a bug where the Trash could not be emptied after opening a binary Visio file.
  • Fixed a unique image ID bug that would pop up after dragging canvases from one document to another.
  • Addressed a responder issue where the rulers wouldn't show in templates that had them showing.
  • Fixed a Visio import where lots of extraneous text would show up on import.
  • "Print canvas on one printer sheet" should no longer offset content to the right when printing a one page canvas.
  • Fixed a bug where arrowing up or down in the Corner Radius field would lose focus.
  • Fixed a dangerous duplicate graphic ID upon launch bug where objects could become uneditable.
  • Fixed a bug where duplicating canvases would disconnect objects from each other in new canvas.
  • Fixed a bug where the Outline Editor was not working properly if a template had the rulers showing.
  • Made the selected stencil shadow offset a little smaller in the Stencil Window.
  • Fixed a bug where the leading value would reset if you edited it while in text editing mode.
  • Fixed a "String::swscanf: offset past end of string" error when importing Visio files.
  • Fixed an image file format problem when importing Visio files and later saving them as OmniGraffle files.
  • Fixed a regression where Visio stencil files would always ask to be saved on quitting OmniGraffle.
  • Fixed a bug where notes were not exporting to PDF in certain circumstances.


  • Fixed an exception when using connecting shapes and orthogonal lines.
  • Fixed a crash when reverting to the last save and the Layer List View was visible.
  • Fixed a hang when opening files that had zero size empty shapes within.
  • Fixed a crash with actions on objects that jumped to non-existent canvases.
  • Fixed some ColorSync and Color Space crashes.
  • Fixed a Stencil Window related crash.
  • Killed a zombie crasher. Stupid zombies.
  • Addressed a crash having to do with the Ruler Accessory View inspectors.
  • Fixed an "Illegal Seek" error when opening Visio files.
  • Fixed a printing crash.
  • Fixed an error when opening certain Visio stencils.
  • Caught an exception when searching Graffletopia from the Stencil Window.
  • Fixed a crash when importing Visio and Xcode files.
  • Fixed an array index error when opening certain PDFs concerning DeviceGray colorspace, amazingly this bug dates back to version 2.1!
  • Fixed a crash where labels that were too long to display in the Outline Editor could lead to a crash.
  • Fixed a crash involving the Canvas Sidebar thumbnails.
  • Fixed an error thrown when opening certain Visio files.
  • Fixed a crash involving line labels from legacy OmniGraffle documents and the drawing tools palette.
  • Fixed a lingering ColorSync profile crash.
  • Fixed a crash when attempting to add magnets to a polygonal shape that had only two sides.
  • Fixed a crash in the Stencil Window when filtering out all of the graphics.
  • Fixed another zombie-related crash. Stupid zombies.
  • Fixed an exception thrown when collapsing the source list in the Stencil Window.


  • Fixed the Simplified Chinese translation of the "Flat" diagram style title.
  • Removed Quick Look previews from localized resource folders.
  • Addressed quite a few Japanese localization issues, this is still ongoing and Chinese is next.
  • Fixed the Diagram Layout Inspector in German.
  • Fixed the localized spelling of Hungary and Ukraine on the world map stencils.
  • Fixed some French translations.
  • Removed the GUI Design stencil from the Japanese localization.
  • The Japanese and Simplified Chinese localizations for the User Interface should be much better now, we're still looking into sections of the OmniGraffle Help.

OmniGraffle for Mac 5.0

May 5, 2008

New Features in OmniGraffle 5

  • New layout engine using the GraphViz code
    • A new layout engine has been added using the GraphViz codeset, which reproduces and enhances current hierarchical and force-directed layout options, as well as adding many other layout types and settings. We should afford as many new layouts as is reasonable given limitations of implementation, performance, and UI constraints of the Diagram Layout Inspector. The behavior of the inspector has changed to be more dynamic and change layout whenever any change is made.
    • There are now four different layout styles to choose from
      • Dot Layout: Similar to the current hierarchical layout, offers four-directional layout, rank and object separation controls.
      • Neato Layout: Similar to the current force-directed or web layout, offers shape overlap, line length and object separation controls.
      • Circo Layout: A circular layout that offers shape overlap, line length and object separation controls.
      • Twopi Layout: A radial layout that offers shape overlap, line length and object separation controls.
      • On opening of .dot files, a dialog is presented offering the different layout options.
  • Subgraphs
    • Subgraphs are layout groups that abide by layout settings, yet are considered single entities that can be expanded and collapsed in diagram view as well as outline view, showing whatever hierarchy may be present. Subgraphs are a feature of OmniGraffle Professional 5.
    • Subgraphs can be expanded and collapsed in the diagram view.
    • Subgraphs can be expanded and collapsed in the outline view and show their hierarchy.
    • Elements in subgraphs can be connected to much as like current groups.
  • Bezier lines
    • Connection lines have been given a fourth type, with bezier handles on control points. This new style is used by the new layout engine as well as by the Line Tool and Line and Shape Inspector.
    • Bezier controls on lines have the same interface and implementation as bezier controls on shapes.
    • Bezier lines will backport to previous versions of OmniGraffle as the curvy line type.
    • Straight and curvy line types, when converted to bezier retain their previous appearance.
    • Bezier lines import and export to the Visio XML format.
  • Binary Visio file format support
    • OmniGraffle Professional 5 now has a built in parser to convert the binary Visio file format (VSD) to XML for import.
    • Visio stencils (VSS) and Visio templates (VST) are supported.
  • Custom Data
    • Custom key/value pair data has been added to the Note Inspector that exposes to the UI existing object metadata as well as allowing the user to add their own.
    • Custom data imports and exports to the Visio XML format.
    • Custom data is a feature of OmniGraffle Professional 5.
  • Shared Layers
    • Instead of using Master Canvases, OmniGraffle Professional 5 now has Shared Layers instead.
      • You can have as many shared layers on a canvas as desired.
      • Changes made to any shared layer dynamically propagate to all instances of the shared layer.
      • Objects on shared layers highlight with a different color.
  • Inspector controls in the Ruler Accessory View
    • Many commonly used inspector controls are now available for use from the ruler accessory view.
  • Diagram Tool
    • A drawing tool has been added that matches current functionality implemented via keystrokes and mouse input.
    • The Diagram Tool performs the same functionality as current Command-clicking and Command-Option-clicking the empty canvas.
  • Presentation Mode
    • Navigational controls have been added to Presentation Mode, moving the mouse to the bottom of the screen will reveal them.
  • Tools Palette
    • The drawing tools palette can exist in the document window toolbar as well as in a floating palette. Both versions are configurable by the user.
    • The drawing tools palette in the document window toolbar has a control to reveal/hide lesser used tools.
    • The floating tools palette has controls to change its shape and orientation.
  • Style Tray
    • A Style Tray has been added to the bottom bar of the document window as well as the stencil window. This allows easier access to the particular styles of a shape for application to other shapes and objects.
    • The Style Tray's icons or chits can be dragged to selections to change their style.
    • The Style Tray works for all selectable elements.
  • Outline Editor
    • The Outline Editor supports copy/paste drag/drop from OmniOutliner.
  • Source List view for layers
    • Sharing the same view as the Outlne Editor is a Layer Source List, showing layers and the objects residing within them.
    • Layers have a disclosure triangle revealing object list in non-hierarchical form.
    • Objects in the list can show unique ID numbers for objects. This is a feature of OmniGraffle Professional 5.
  • Inspectable Canvases
    • Canvases can now be selected like any other object, and select inspectors can apply to the selected canvases.
  • Stencil Window changes
    • Stencil searching has been added, allowing searches for stencils based on stencil name and individual object metadata locally using Spotlight criteria.
    • You can also search for stencils at
    • Stencils at Graffletopia can be downloaded from the Stencil Window.
    • Stencils opened that aren't in the proper location for further use can be easily installed from within the Stencil Window.
    • Selection and viewing of multiple stencils is now supported.
    • The stencil viewer now has a source list allowing viewing of multiple stencils and easier creation of stencil sets.
      • Creation of new folders in the source list is independent of the file system, ala playlists in iTunes.
      • There is a new "Favorites" category that you can add stencils to.
    • A style tray has been added to the stencil viewer.
    • A toggle has been added which switches from the normal stencil document view to a "well" display for showing complex stencils as well as search results.
    • A new view at the bottom of the Stencil Window shows selected items and associated custom data.
  • Document Level Inspectors
    • A new group of inspectors that apply at the overall document level have been added.
      • The Document: Data Inspector shows traditional Spotlight information.
      • The Document Inspector shows file saving options and overall page margins.
  • Export as OmniOutliner 3
    • OmniGraffle can now export to the OmniOutliner 3 XML format.
  • Template Chooser
    • A new interface has been added to create new documents based on a template that shows what the template looks like beforehand.
    • New types of templates created and available based on user intent for document creation (drawing, brainstorm, org chart, etc.)
  • New Actions
    • There is a new action in the Action Inspector to show, hide, or toggle visibility of any given number of layers.
    • This action will function in Presentation Mode.
  • Connecting Shapes
    • A new stencil has been added containing special shapes that can connect between objects.
  • UI changes
  • Inspectors
    • The Canvas: Selection Inspector now has a search field.
    • Ruler units and scale have been moved to the Canvas: Size Inspector.
    • Custom data has been added to the Note Inspector in OmniGraffle Professional 5.
    • The Style: Image Inspector has a new set of controls and better support for cropping.
  • Menus
    • The Stencils Menu is no more, you can access the Stencil Window from the Window Menu.
    • You can now create new resources (Stencil, Template, Diagram Style) from the File Menu.
    • You can export normal OmniGraffle documents as resources now.
    • Quite a bit of shuffling of controls to different menus has occurred, as well as the overhaul of keyboard shortcuts.
    • The Status Bar is no more. Fare thee well, Status Bar!
  • Known Issues
  • PDF files that are directly opened in OmniGraffle Professional will have any open paths converted to the new bezier line type. However, those lines will have their geometry vertically flipped and will be offset a bit.
  • The new binary Visio parser will open Visio stencil files (VSS), however the stencil files found at Cisco's website aren't opening for some reason.

Bug Fixes

  • Ruler origin now affects the grid origin.
  • Unused master canvases in older documents now show as shared layers in the first canvas.
  • Fixed a performance issue on some iMac and MacBook models.
  • Fixed a Visio XML export problem where Visio would claim it wasn't valid XML.
  • You can now install stencils from read-only media.
  • Export area exports based on the ruler origin.
  • You can add midpoints to perfectly straight standalone orthogonal lines.
  • Fixed the export size and resolution for the BMP format.
  • Visio import now recognizes font face information.
  • AppleScript can now control stroke thickness.
  • You can now use the mouse scroll wheel in the Template Chooser.
  • Fixed some line routing issues when looping to and from the same shape.
  • New, bigger icons for stencils, Visio files, etc.
  • We now stop doing ColorSync checking on templates and diagram styles in the Template Chooser.
  • Fixed some scroll bar badness.
  • Fixed some outdenting problems in the Outline Edtior.
  • Hooked up some help buttons.
  • The Diagram Tool now handles multiple selections.
  • Fixed a bug with respect to orthogonal lines and shadows.
  • Copy as PDF now works correctly with Photoshop CS3.
  • Fixed a bug where lines would hurtle off to the upper left corner of the document.
  • The Stencils toolbar button puts the Stencil Window away now.
  • Fixed a bug where radial blends weren't completely filling a shape.
  • Resizing the Stencil WIndow is better.
  • Unused master canvases from older documents now show in the first canvas, with their visibility and printing turned off.
  • The Keyboard Shortcuts document is now up to date.
  • Fixed a bug when installing stencils from read-only media.
  • Visio bullet lists should import properly now.
  • Fixed some character encoding problems when importing Visio files.
  • Made a massive fix for AppleScript when running in Leopard.
  • Open vectors in PDF files should open properly now.
  • Fixed some scroll bar issues in the Outline Editor.
  • Stencil searches should automatically scroll to the search results.
  • New stencil search display.
  • Fixed a lot of disabled Help buttons.
  • Fixed some line spacing issues for text objects when using custom fonts.
  • Fixed actions that highlight other objects.
  • Addressed an issue where text could disappear when editing it.
  • Addressed some font sizing issues when importing .dot files.
  • Fixed an issue with the Diagram Tool.
  • Walvis Bay now belongs to Namibia again.
  • Notes should export to PDF again.
  • Added a warning when deleting the last instance of a shared layer.
  • Fixed some automatic layout issues.
  • Pattern fills no longer change color when editing text.
  • Fixed an issue with respect to absolute text rotation.
  • Line labels should collapse with their subgraph now.
  • Style widgets should no longer redraw as often.
  • Fixed some PDF import issues.
  • Undoing a line length change in the Diagram Layout Inspector should properly move the slider.
  • Fixed some display issues when resizing subgraphs.
  • Placed PDF files should render properly in the canvas sidebar.
  • Fixed some Visio text placement and connection line issues.
  • Visio stencils now always open in well view mode.
  • Line labels in Visio files should open properly now.
  • Fixed some AppleScript issues surrounding exporting with the background.
  • X and Y Position variables are now based on the ruler origin.
  • The kerning field in the Text Inspector now reflects the kerning value of selected text.
  • Fixed a bug where objects on shared layers were getting moved to the back on copy/paste/export.
  • Addressed some Stencil Window resizing issues.
  • Fixed a bug where URL actions wouldn't work in an exported PDF if an image was set as the background on a shared layer.
  • Fixed some vertical text centering problems.
  • OmniGraffle no longer searches the Trash for stencils.
  • Fixed a bug where theTemplate Chooser was blank in the standard version of OmniGraffle.
  • Visio stencils need not be saved as OmniGraffle stencils, and a new icon shows that they are "foreign" stencils.
  • OmniGraffle doesn't save Quick Look previews in autosave documents anymore.
  • Keyboard navigation of the stencil window source list is now available.
  • Window resizing now affects other canvases that are set to fit in the window.
  • The ruler accessory controls now can make strokes thinner than 1 point.
  • Edit --> Select All now works on a shared layer.
  • Template Chooser will open on the last category or directory shown.
  • You can now drag shared layers from one document to another.
  • Fixed a bug where the Close button would remain "dirty" after a save.
  • Items on shared layers now appear in the shape list right away.
  • Fixed some text wrapping issues with Visio files.
  • Addressed some magnet location problems when importing Visio XML files.
  • Placed images are no longer coming in upside down from Visio files.
  • The Install button in the Stencil Window should go away after installing a stencil.
  • Fixed a problem where Quick Look previews wouldn't work so well when checking into Subversion.
  • New canvases created from a template that has multiple shared layers will get all the shared layers.
  • Small block arrow shapes should now render properly.
  • Fixed some weird text rendering issues when sizing from 13pt to 14pt.
  • Umlauts should now import from Visio files.
  • Fixed some infinite loop issues on certain layouts.
  • Subgraphs should now connect properly.
  • Fixed a bug where the default text offsets were not sticking for some shapes.
  • Fixed an invalid XML error when exporting to the Visio XML document format.
  • Fixed a focus issue in the Canvases Sidebar when selecting all in a layer.
  • Bezier handles on lines now resize when the line is resized.
  • Variables in shared layers now render properly in Presentation Mode.
  • Fixed a cosmetic issue with collapsed Subgraphs in the Outline Editor.
  • Edit -> Layers -> Layer Settings menu items are now enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where a file exported to the OmniOutliner 3 format would not open back up again.
  • You can now import OmniOutliner 2 files again.
  • Fixed a bug that was dropping umlauts when importing Visio files.
  • Fixed a bug where a duplicate help anchor might have led to incorrect help search results.
  • Document windows and the Stencil window can now be dragged by the bottom bar.
  • Added help tags for the New Canvas and New Layer buttons in the Canvases sidebar.
  • Fixed a layout bug where help tags on shapes would have a blank line at the end if any custom user data was specified for that shape.
  • Fixed a layout bug where help tags on shapes would wrap incorrectly if they had custom user data specified.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in beta 6 which prevented opening certain files created with earlier beta releases.
  • Edit -> Layers --> Layer Settings menu items are now functional.
  • Various help links should now take you directly to a help page.
  • When importing OmniOutliner 3 files, cascading styles were not being treated correctly; this has been fixed.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing Visio stencil shapes to be imported twice.
  • Updated and localized the documentation for our support of DOT files.
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when attempting to add a point to a connecting shape.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented exporting to OmniOutliner 3 format and then importing the resulting file.
  • We once again correctly claim to the system that we can import OmniOutliner 2 files.
  • Improved performance when dealing with large images.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused items to snap to the grid even when they weren't supposed to.
  • We believe we fixed some text rendering issues in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause document windows to drift downwards with certain multiple-monitor configurations.
  • When we download a stencil from Graffletopia, we now attempt to directly open it, rather that requiring the user to open it from the Finder.
  • Resetting inspector locations via the menu now also resets the location of the Stencil window. While the Stencil window is not an inspector, for this context it is generally appropriate to treat it as one.
  • Fixed a bug that was resulting in crazy behavior when resizing a connecting shape that was part of a group.
  • Some images that should have been displayed in the help for layers were instead being listed as links. These images now display inline.
  • Fixed a bug where the Canvas variable was displaying incorrectly on thumbnails in the canvas sidebar.
  • Fixed a bug where deleting a magnet could result in other lines being moved even if they were directly connected to other magnets.
  • Fixed a bug where fill colors were being exported tom OmniOutliner files even when the fill was disabled.
  • Fixed a bug resulting in an error message when attempting to combine accents with other characteers on a Finnish keyboard.
  • Fixed a bug where drawing dirt was left behind when resizing a group by shifting line midpoints.
  • Selecting the Stencils or Tool Palette items in the Window menu will now hide the corresponding window if it is already visible.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the canvas thumbnails to display incorrectly when a document is opened.
  • Fixed a bug where an extraneous light grey line was drawing at the bottom of the canvas area.
  • We believe we have fixed a bug which was preventing files from being saved if they had embedded color profiles whose names had changed or were otherwise invalid. This would show up at save time as an NSConcreteMutableData error.
  • We believe we have fixed a problem where Software Update would not inform the user if the update required payment.


  • Fixed a crash when searching for stencils.
  • Fixed a crash when the application was quit with something on the clipboard.
  • Fixed an OGAbstractDocument crash.
  • Fixed a crash when poking around in the Stencil Window.
  • Addressed an exception thrown when moving shapes to a shared layer.
  • Fixed a crash when going to the Help Menu, closing a document, and going back to the Help Menu.
  • Fixed a hang on launch where the licensing code would perform an unnecessary DNS lookup.
  • Fixed a crash when importing Visio files.
  • Fixed an error thrown when opening certain .dot files.
  • Fixed a crash when creating a new document via AppleScript.
  • Fixed an exception thrown importing VSD files.
  • Fixed a crash when using AppleScript to move objects to the back.
  • Fixed a crash involving relative path links to images.
  • Addressed a crash involving the stencil window.
  • Fixed another stencil window crash when selecting all stencils.
  • Fixed an NSFont crash.
  • Fixed a reproducible crash when directly opening certain PDF files.
  • Addressed a number of crashes and errors when opening Visio files.
  • Fixed a crash involving guides that would get saved out very far away from their original positions.
  • Fixed an exception thrown when attempting to add a point to a connecting shape.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred after using presentation mode multiple times.
  • We believe we have fixed a crasher that would show up in the crash report as -[OGCanvasController updateAddAndRemoveButtons].
  • Fixed an OAColorProfile problem.
  • Fixed a number of crashes having to do with the stencil window.
  • Fixed an ** -[NSCFArray objectAtIndex:]: index (0) beyond bounds (0) error when pasting a copied line label into another label.
  • Fixed an exception when all objects were set to the minimum layout rank.
  • Fixed an application hang when opening an eomodeld file.


  • The general preferences pane is now localized even in the standard edition of the application.
  • The text position inspector is now localized even in the standard edition of the application.
  • Fixed some places where the German localization was incomplete.
  • Some tweaks to the document window layout have now been applied to the non-English localizations as well.
  • The canvas size inspector is now localized even in the standard edition of the application.
  • Fixed some layout issues with the German localization of the standard edition of the general preferences pane.
  • Fixed a bug which was preventing many of the localized nibs from showing as fully localized.
  • Fixed a bug where the buttons at the bottom of the template chooser window were not showing up localized.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing the software update preferences from being localized.

OmniGraffle for Mac 4.2.3

April 30, 2008

New Features

  • Application and document icons are now high resolution.
  • OmniGraffle 4.2.3 is now signed for users running Leopard.

Bug Fixes

  • Readjusted the Plus and Minus buttons at the bottom of the Utilities Drawer so they line up again.
  • Now using the standard Apple alert when accessing files that the user doesn't have permissions for.
  • Fixed a bug where placed EPS and PDF images got corrupted when their opacity was changed in the Image Inspector.
  • Fixed a bug where the export sheet became detached from the document window in Mac OS X 10.4.
  • Re-ordered the line endings a bit to properly import .dot files and to solve some line ending clipping issues in the inspector.
  • Fixed a Color Profile crash on Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard).
  • Fixed a performance problem with text variables on master canvases.
  • Fixed a decimal rounding problem in the Leading input field in the Text Inspector.
  • Fixed a continuing and persnickety bug where the .graffle file extension would still get appended to exported folders.


  • Fixed a recursive NIB load crash when running in Spanish.