OmniGraffle for Mac 5.2.3

June 16, 2010

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where canvas names were exporting to HTML incorrectly.
  • Bézier lines should now render properly when connecting to shapes, and route better when both endpoints are in the same location.
  • Fixed a bug where Bézier lines would draw in front of objects.
  • Fixed a bug when exporting multiple canvas documents with custom origins to PDF would cut off the canvas.
  • Fixed a regression where indenting objects already in a subgraph would draw connecting lines on top of the objects.
  • Fixed a bug where exporting a multi-canvas document to PNG would not name the last canvas correctly.
  • Fixed a NSCalibratedWhiteColorSpace error when using guides and ColorSync.
  • The tables in the UML-General stencil are now set to connect to their components.
  • The Faroe Islands are now part of Denmark and not the UK.
  • Ghana and Ivory Coast were in each other's places, this has been corrected.
  • Exporting to all OmniGraffle document types now offers file settings, compression, and Quick Look preview options.
  • When opening documents created on OmniGraffle for iPad, the message is more specific as to the differences between versions.

OmniGraffle for Mac 5.2.2

March 24, 2010

New Features

  • Added a preference to disable multitouch trackpad gestures.
  • You can now Option-Command-click to select different Bézier control points where multiple Bézier lines are connected.
  • Added a hidden preference to disable scroll wheel zooming to avoid using momentum scrolling "residue" from the Magic Mouse.
    • defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniGrafflePro DisableScrollWheelZooming -boolean True (for OmniGraffle Professional)
    • defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniGraffle DisableScrollWheelZooming -boolean True (for the Standard version of OmniGraffle)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the color picker would lose focus when inputing stroke color values.
  • Fixed an "Error while printing" alert when resaving a file on Mac OS 10.6.
  • Fixed a bug where orthogonal lines would draw incorrectly in place when a connected shape is moved.
  • Fixed a bug where Bézier lines with both endpoints connected to the same object were not respecting magnets.
  • Fixed a bug where objects in a shared layer could lose the ability to be reordered.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking a link to another file exited Presentation Mode.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to rotate and zoom locked objects via multitouch trackpad gestures.
  • Fixed a bug where undoing after a multitouch gesture undid the previous action instead.
  • Fixed a bug where making a table out of a single shape didn't render one of the resize handles.
  • Fixed a pasteboard error when duplicating an object with an EPS image.
  • Fixed a bug where it was impossible to export to stencil, template, or diagram style on Mac OS X 10.6.
  • Actions on groups should now work again in Presentation Mode.
  • Fixed a bug where moving objects forward and backward on a shared layer didn't immediately update in the main view.
  • Fixed a bug where it was impossible to Tab to cycle through shapes on shared layers.
  • Fixed a bug where resetting the inspector locations ordered the inspector groups incorrectly.
  • Installing a stencil now copies the stencil from its location as opposed to moving it.
  • Fixed a bug where dragging an item into a collapsed subgraph replaced all the contents of the subgraph.
  • Fixed a bug where tiled images rendered upside down.
  • Localizations updated.


  • Fixed a number of crashes when importing Microsoft Visio files.
  • Fixed a crash when directly opening PDFs.
  • Fixed a hang in GraphicView.
  • Fixed an OGRulerView crash when resizing groups with the mouse.
  • Fixed a crash when making a new shared layer via AppleScript.
  • Fixed a number of Graphviz crashes when working with subgraphs.

OmniGraffle for Mac 5.2.1

October 29, 2009

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an error when pasting content from OmniOutliner into the Outline Editor.
  • Fixed a bug where using a Multi-Touch trackpad would put a document into a dirty state.
  • Fixed a problem when saving and the Quick Look preview was on.
  • Fixed a bug where one could not inspect the Text Tool properly.
  • Fixed a bug where copying a layer to another canvas or another document reversed the order of objects on the new layer.
  • Fixed a bug where a custom keyboard shortcut for showing/hiding Guides would result in an error.
  • The Open window responds to the Return key now.
  • Fixed a rendering issue where sometimes strokes would not appear.
  • Fixed a bug where minimized windows wouldn't restore from the dock icon.

OmniGraffle for Mac 5.2

August 28, 2009

Mac OS X 10.6 Compatibility

  • Fixed a number of interface and cosmetic issues when running on Mac OS X 10.6 "Snow Leopard".

Multi-Touch Support

  • Those running portables with Multi-Touch trackpads can now pinch to zoom in or out, pinch to resize a selection, and rotate a selection.

Canvases Sidebar

  • Fixed a cosmetic issue with the disclosure triangles when using small thumbnail icons.
  • Fixed a bug where canvas sidebar expansion state was not getting saved.
  • Fixed a bug where Option-dragging multiple layers would only copy one layer.
  • Dragging a layer from one canvas to another in the same document will now move the layer as opposed to copying it to the second canvas. Option-dragging will copy layers between canvases in the same document.
  • Added a hidden preference to always show the layer status icons in the Canvases Sidebar (Visible, Printing, Lock) to match previous versions of OmniGraffle. defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniGraffle [or com.omnigroup.OmniGrafflePro] AlwaysShowLayerStatusIcons YES at the command line will turn them on.

Licensing & Software Update

  • OmniGraffle will now accept 2 seats per license key.
  • Omni Software Update should now allow you to install the update in a different location than where the running copy is.
  • Omni Software Update is more informative about error messages and the like.
  • Updated trial behavior to Omni-wide standards.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bad URL to the LinkBack project in the Help.
  • Fixed display of actions in the Edit Menu - Undo in certain circumstances.
  • Amended some issues when opening Xcode and Interface Builder files.
  • Fixed some printing issues related to the grid.
  • Exporting a document containing linked images to a package with embedded images now properly links the images.
  • Switched to NSSearchField.
  • Fixed a Visio import bug where certain shapes would come in as two shapes.
  • Action badges should be clickable at all times now.
  • Graffletopia search results are now no longer limited to five.
  • Rank separation can be smaller than .15 inches now.
  • Fixed some text flow issues in tables.
  • Fixed a Visio import issue where linear blends could come in as radial.
  • Addressed group bounding box issues for lines and shapes that are grouped.
  • Fixed a Visio import problem where objects could come in without a fill or stroke.
  • Fixed a Visio import problem where bezier lines could come in as plain curved lines.
  • Components of tables & groups now accept colors dragged from the color pane and the style tray as fills.
  • Fixed some connection display issues for nested subgraphs.
  • Fixed a display issue with the Zoom button.
  • Fixed a flickery display problem when resizing a line in a group at times.
  • Addressed a Visio export issue where objects would not get assigned layers.
  • Tables containing only autoresizing text objects can now be enlarged.
  • Fixed a nasty issue pertaining to rotated autosizing text cells inside of tables.
  • Fixed a bug when using "duplicate" in AppleScript that didn't preserve document jump or image fill of graphics.
  • Addressed a Visio import problem where WMF files could get dropped.
  • Fixed some issues with the Canvas: Size Inspector input fields.
  • Fixed some odd text justification behavior for tables and groups when using the Style: Text Inspector.
  • Copy As AppleScript now handles image fills.
  • Fixed a bug where changing the file format of a multiple-canvas template while file extensions were hidden created a folder with each canvas saved separately.
  • Addressed some problems with sub-selected components of groups and tables.
  • Fixed some menu wonkiness when the Outline Editor has focus.
  • Fixed a bug where after a shape combination, corner radius would apply to all but one corner.
  • You can now easily copy/paste/duplicate selected canvases in the sidebar.
  • One can now rotate individual table cells.
  • One can now rotate tables as a whole.
  • Better downsampling of Quick Look previews.
  • Addressed a problem where miter corners left dirt and/or had a huge export border.
  • Fixed some table cell selection and resize issues.
  • Visio date/timestamp formatting should now import correctly.
  • OmniGraffle now handles the .gv (Graphviz) file extension.
  • AppleScript support for embedded and linked images has been added.
  • Fixed a bug where collapsing a child subgraph using the contextual menu would collapse outermost grouping instead.
  • Addressed an issue where duplicating a layer or canvas would instead paste whatever was on the pasteboard.
  • Fixed a bug where using the contextual menu to duplicate a shared layer would turn it into a non-shared layer.
  • Fixed some odd cache-related display issues at high zoom factors.
  • Addressed some Visio import issues concerning Visio files coming from applications other than Visio.
  • Fixed some related text offset problems in Visio import.
  • Insert variable will now create a new object if no text insertion point is available.
  • Custom zoom setting no longer cuts off the right side of zoom popup button.
  • Actions on objects that are part of a group, table, or subgraph should now be working in Presentation Mode.
  • Fixed a bug where using AppleScript to move to different canvases was not working in Presentation Mode.
  • Fixed a bug where using Shift-drag to select objects on top of each other didn't behave properly.
  • Fixed a bug where placed PDFs could export to EPS and not be opened.
  • Fixed a bug where Smart Guides were not working against objects in the same group or table.
  • Added a small border around preview thumbnails in the Stencil Window when searching Graffletopia.
  • Fixed a bug in the Fill inspector where it wouldn't update when you changed the blend option for objects on shared layers.
  • Fixed a bug when using the Text Tool hotkey to create line labels.
  • Fixed a bug regarding locked layers and editing text.
  • Fixed a bug where undoing an object deletion from a shared layer didn't immediately update the main window.
  • The Status Text at the bottom of the main window for objects selected should now count objects on shared layers.
  • Fixed a [ConnectedGraphic labels] error when changing automatic layout.
  • Fixed a bug where actions that jumped to a specific canvas would not allow you to select another canvas if the previously selected canvas had been deleted.
  • Fixed a bug where edits to a duplicated canvas would occur on the originating canvas.
  • Dragging a shared layer from one canvas to another should now properly copy the shared layer instead of creating a new shared layer.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to give a shared layer the same name as a normal layer in a given canvas.
  • You can now name a new shared layer using the name of a previously deleted one.
  • Fixed a bug where rearranged shared layers would regress to their previous state when the file was saved and reopened.
  • Fixed a bug where linked images on shared layers would break their links when dragging said layer to another document.
  • Placed PICT images now are correctly converted to PDFs and render properly.
  • X and Y position input fields in the ruler accessory view are no longer enabled and populated when a line label is selected.
  • Added a UTIImportedTypeDeclarations key to the Quick Look generator's info.plist.
  • Adjusted the sensitivity of multi-touch gestures for zooming, rotating, and resizing.
  • Canvas names are now retained on export to PDF for bookmarking and a document contents outline.
  • Fixed a regression where line labels would lose their fill color on export to Visio XML.
  • Fixed a bug where newly installed stencils via the Finder weren't immediately showing up in the Stencil Window.
  • Addressed a performance issue where canvas thumbnails could lead to a hang when switching back to OmniGraffle.
  • Fixed a bug where resizing a shape would make a connected line jump to a different magnet.
  • Fixed a bug where duplicating a canvas pasted whatever was on the clipboard onto the canvas.
  • Fixed a number of bugs concerning line spacing and row height when editing text using Asian font faces.
  • Fixed a bug where tiled images in shapes could get distorted.
  • Addressed an issue where groups on shared layers could sometimes not show a selection highlight.
  • Fixed a typo in Tutorial 6 in the OmniGraffle Help.
  • Fixed some issues when using pattern fills and exporting to Visio XML.
  • Fixed a bug where PDFs would lose all text upon import.
  • Tiled images can now be affected by the opacity slider.
  • Fixed a bug where the Geometry Inspector wouldn't accept input when localized into Simplified Chinese.


  • Fixed an alert when selecting a row with no object in at least one column.
  • Fixed an alert when working with shared layers and the selection tool.
  • Fixed a crash related to making a table with a connecting shape.
  • Fixed a crash related to autosave and shared layers.
  • Fixed a prevalent crash when manipulating groups that have shapes and lines within.
  • Fixed a crash when opening certain .dot files.
  • Fixed a crash related to actions that jumped to non-existent canvases.
  • Addressed an error when opening certain PDF files.
  • Fixed a hang when resizing grouped and rotated text objects.
  • Fixed a crash when dragging a rotated table around.
  • Fixed a crash having to do with Visio import and EMF files.
  • Fixed a crash when deleting all instances of a shared layer.
  • Fixed a crash related to dragging shared layers and canvas thumbnails that had their layer thumbnails disclosed.
  • Fixed a crash after deleting all shared layers and selecting a canvas.
  • Fixed a crash when nudging groups.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when adjusting Diagram Layout sliders.
  • Fixed a crash when loading certain Visio stencils.
  • Fixed a crash when dragging connected lines and shapes from the Stencil Window.
  • Fixed a crash when inspecting the Drawing Tools.
  • Fixed a reproducible crash when setting the group rank property of a shape using AppleScript.
  • Fixed a problem where the Quick Look plug-in would crash quicklookd when using Cover Flow.
  • Fixed a crash when deleting all instances of a shared layer.
  • Fixed a crash when opening certain Visio files.
  • Fixed an NSCFArray error when deleting a canvas whilst editing a stencil.
  • Fixed a crash when customizing the toolbar.
  • Fixed a crash when parsing certain WMFs.

OmniGraffle for Mac 5.1.1

January 28, 2009


  • Updated localization fixes have been provided for French, Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish, and Chinese.
  • Updated Japanese localizations and translations added.


  • Fixed a memory leak that was leading to out of memory errors and a nasty string of crashes.