OmniGraffle for Mac 5.3.4

September 23, 2011

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where line endings or arrowheads were not showing in their respective popup menus in the Lines and Shape Inspector.
  • Addressed an issue where the new canvas size auto-adjustment Setting would conflict with the "Fit in Window" zoom setting.
  • Fixed a regression in the Menu Bar where menu items and entries were not getting localized.
  • Fixed a zoom view bug when Page Setup scale was being used.

OmniGraffle for Mac 5.3.3

September 22, 2011

Bug Fixes

  • Quick Look previews have been temporarily disabled on Lion while we work out some performance issues which made Auto Save too slow when working with complex documents. (This made the app hang every time you switched away and back.) We plan to bring back Quick Look previews in our next update (after addressing these performance issues).
  • Automatic canvas size adjustments now give a bit more padding between the object and the canvas edge.
  • Canvases that are set to auto-adjust and are not sized using printer pages will now automatically grow when the window is resized, making for an 'infinite canvas' of sorts.
  • Fixed a bug where Option-dragging objects from one layer to another in the Layer List sidebar would move objects to the wrong layer.
  • Aliases and Symlinks residing in the proper directory that point to folders containing stencils should now show up in the Stencil Window.
  • Addressed an NSDocumentController error when opening the Template Chooser.
  • Fixed a crash when dragging certain groups that contain both shapes and lines.

OmniGraffle for Mac 5.3.2

August 22, 2011

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a repeatable crash when viewing certain third-party stencils.

OmniGraffle for Mac 5.3.1

August 17, 2011

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where an export of a multiple canvas document to a raster image format would result in blank image files for each canvas after the first.
  • Addressed an issue where existing favorite stencils went missing.
  • Fixed a bug where we now ensure that there's PNG data on the pasteboard, particularly in Mac OS X v10.5.
  • When saving a version of a duplicated file when running Mac OS X v10.7, the "dirty" close button should go away.
  • Universal Access on Mac OS X v10.7 has taken our existing keyboard shortcut for "Snap to Grid", this shortcut has been removed from OmniGraffle; it can be customized in System Preferences.
  • Fixed a crash when running on Mac OS X v10.5 and a software update check was run sometime in the past.
  • Fixed a bug where deleting stencils could delete other stencils that weren't selected.
  • Addressed an over-eager save sheet on Mac OS X v10.7 when the document hasn't been saved in awhile.

OmniGraffle for Mac 5.3

July 19, 2011

New Features

  • Mac OS X 10.7 Features and Compatibility — OmniGraffle is ready for Lion, if you are running Mac OS X 10.7 you'll be able to take advantage of the new navigation gestures, automatic document saving and versioning, as well as full screen mode.
  • New Line Behavior — We've modified how lines appear when they are connecting to shapes to more appropriately show their actual endpoints at the center of the shape, as well as making the Curvy line type much more attractive visually and adding much more powerful control handles for the Orthogonal line type.


    If you would like to enable the new line behavior works, paste the following in Terminal:


    "defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniGrafflePro UseOldBezierPathLayout NO" (if you are running OmniGraffle Professional, minus the quotes)

    "defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniGraffle UseOldBezierPathLayout NO" (if you are running the Standard version of OmniGraffle, minus the quotes)

    "defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniGrafflePro.MacAppStore UseOldBezierPathLayout NO" (if you are running OmniGraffle Professional purchased in the Mac App Store, minus the quotes)

    "defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniGraffle.MacAppStore UseOldBezierPathLayout NO" (if you are running the Standard version of OmniGraffle purchased in the Mac App Store, minus the quotes)

  • iPad Compatibility — Certain artisitic features available on OmniGraffle for iPad (such as open freehand shapes) now display properly on the desktop.
  • Paste in Place has been added as a dedicated control in the Edit Menu.
  • The Konigi wireframe stencils are now bundled by default.
  • The shared support folder for custom OmniGraffle stencils, diagram styles, templates, and shapes has moved to $HOME/Library/Application Support/The Omni Group/OmniGraffle to conform with Mac App Store guidelines.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a particularly nasty crash that could occur when certain ColorSync Profiles were installed.
  • Addressed an infinite loop crash when using automatic layout.
  • Fixed a hang while applying a change in orientation when using orthogonal lines.
  • Smart Guides should now no longer interfere with grid snapping and should never prevent snapping to grid pixel boundaries, regardless of zoom level.
  • Dragging an image from a web browser should now drag the image, not the URL for the image.
  • Fixed a bug where the Shift and Caps Lock could interfere with drawing tools hotkeys.
  • Exporting a multi-canvas document to PDF should now take unit scale into account.
  • OmniGraffle now offers PDF and PNG on the pasteboard before PICT and TIFF.
  • Fixed a bug where pasting an object could errantly duplicate a canvas.
  • Avoided an error when exporting an entire document to HTML if there were colons in any canvas names.
  • OmniGraffle now handles font transparency to and from the iPad.
  • Fixed some image tiling issues and other image related bugs in flipped tables.
  • The Japanese version of the Common > Shapes stencil should now include smart arc and wedge shapes.
  • Multi-Touch gestures for trackpad and other input devices are now disabled by default.
  • Fixed a bug where the Mac App Store version was not opening LinkBack PDFs from newly created files.
  • The Magdalen Islands are now part of Quebec, and not Nova Scotia.