OmniGraffle for Mac 5.4.2

August 27, 2012

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a reproducible crash working with certain Visio stencils.
  • Fixed a text wrapping bug when text variables were being used.
  • Fixed a rare crash when exporting to PDF using the Standard version of OmniGraffle.
  • Actions to open files should work more reliably when exporting to PDF and using Preview.
  • Searching for notes and metadata on installed stencils should be working again.

OmniGraffle for Mac 5.4.1

August 8, 2012

Bug Fixes

  • Support for Retina displays has been added.
  • Fixed a regression where JPEG export options were not displaying.
  • Fixed a bug where exporting to HTML would use the incorrect JPEG file extension.
  • Fixed a typo in the AppleScript Dictionary.
  • Fixed a couple of crashes when working with certain Visio documents.
  • Fixed a regression where the text:size attribute was not being respected in AppleScript.
  • Fixed a bug in the Export Sheet where values in input fields may not properly take.
  • Fixed a bug where text would improperly wrap in a shape.
  • Fixed a regression where actions to open URLs were not exporting properly to PDF.
  • Fixed a regression where actions to highlight a shape were broken.
  • Fixed a regression where it was no longer possible to use AppleScript to save as various filetypes.
  • Fixed a crash when directly opening Adobe Illustrator files in OmniGraffle Professional.
  • Fixed a crash when exporting certain documents to Visio XML.
  • Fixed a regression when using actions to jump elsewhere in the document and then exporting to PDF.
  • Fixed a crash when working with WMF objects imported in Visio files.
  • Fixed a hang when performing shape combinations involving objects that have a corner radius.
  • Fixed a crash when undoing after dragging a shared layer to a different canvas.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the smart guides for magnet placement to sometimes draw off to the canvas origin.
  • Fixed a crash on Mac OS X 10.6.8 when a file was moved while OmniGraffle was not running and the preference to display previously open documents was on.
  • Fixed a bug with smart toolbar buttons not working effectively when the toolbar was set to Text Only.
  • Fixed a hang when directly opening certain PDFs in OmniGraffle Professional.
  • Fixed a bug where directly opening PDFs would result in their scale being very large.
  • Fixed a bug where it was very easy to drag a line label off of a line.
  • Fixed an alert when using the arrow keys in the Outline Editor from entries that had no label.
  • Fixed an edge case on first launch where an exported PDF from an unsaved document would write out with a .graffle file extension.
  • Fixed a bug where the Fill control in the ruler accessory view inspector would be out of sync with the actual selection's fill color.
  • Fixed an alert when proofing colors.
  • Fixed a crash when changing the alignment of a subgraph's enclosing object.
  • Fixed a bug where actions to switch to the next canvas were saving out as switching to the previous canvas.
  • Fixed a bug where exporting to Visio XML would result in line labels having a black fill color.
  • Fixed an alert and crash when opening Visio documents that had a mix of line hops and curved lines.
  • Fixed a bug where perfectly vertical lines would sometimes render their line endings behind the shape they were connecting to.
  • Fixed a bug where layer ordering could jumble around when adding a shared layer.
  • Fixed a hang when printing if an object was using the selectedMenuItemColor from the Developer palette.
  • Fixed a bug where rotated shapes with pattern fills cause a hang on 10.8.

OmniGraffle for Mac 5.4

June 4, 2012

New Features

  • 64-bit mode: If you're running Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion), OmniGraffle now takes advantage of 64-bit mode, providing substantial stability and performance improvements. This has changed the minimum Operating System Requirement to Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later.
  • A dynamic Quick Look preview generator has been added to OmniGraffle, which brings back the ability to Quick Look files in the Finder while no longer writing out the preview to the file (impacting performance when autosaving and versioning).
  • Stencil searching has been greatly improved to help you find stencils or objects in stencils that you have installed.
  • Shadows have improved their rendering, particularly when zoomed in.
  • Keyboard shortcuts for Zoom In and Zoom Out have been changed to match the iWork applications.
  • When OmniGraffle is unlicensed, the right side of the document titlebar should indicate that it is in trial mode, and how many days are left in the trial.
  • OmniGraffle now sports a new icon to bring it more into the family of our other applications.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where overlapping orthogonal lines snapping to magnets could render one or more of the lines unselectable.
  • When dragging an image from a web browser to a canvas, the image should now land under the mouse cursor and not off the canvas to the lower left corner.
  • Fixed a bug when editing text and clicking on the canvas that would make a jump to the wrong spot if the canvas is auto-resizing.
  • Fixed a bug where "Revert Document" in the File Menu was unavailable after switching to another application in Mac OS X 10.7.
  • Duplicating a file in Mac OS X 10.7 now properly cascades the window position.
  • The "Duplicate" entry in the Edit Menu has now been changed to "Duplicate Selection" in order to cease confusion with the Duplicate entry in the File Menu.
  • Fixed a severe performance issue having to do with a large number of text variables on a particular canvas.
  • Addressed an issue where the Stencil Window search could recognize certain files that are not stencils based on their file extension.
  • The Open ColorSync Utility button in the ColorSync preference pane should now be working again.


  • Fixed a crash when dragging color swatches to various objects.
  • Fixed a crash when exporting a document with many canvases with shared layers to file formats that write out multiple files for each canvas.
  • Fixed a crash when reverting to a previous version of the document for certain files while running in Mac OS X 10.7.
  • As noted above, 64-bit mode offers increased stability and neatly avoids a number of existing reported crashes in the reproducible test cases we have found.

OmniGraffle for Mac 5.3.6

November 7, 2011

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a regression where drop shadows on objects would not print.
  • Fixed a bug where shadows were not rendering properly for Mac OS X v10.5 users.
  • Found a few more cases where dragging a raster image to a pixel-based canvas would place the image on non-integral pixel coordinates.
  • The title of the Stencil Window should now again be localized.
  • Addressed an issue that would generate errant vertex points when using the Pen Tool.

OmniGraffle for Mac 5.3.5

October 26, 2011

Bug Fixes

  • Turned off the display of drop shadows in canvas icons in the sidebar to improve performance and stability.
  • Fixed a bug where the Stencil Window would show on launch whether it had been showing previously or not.
  • When exporting a multiple canvas document that's not using printer sheets for its canvas sizing and canvas size auto-adjustment is on, export areas will fit the content on each canvas appropriately.
  • Fixed a bug where drop shadows on canvas name variables on shared layers was showing the incorrect canvas name.
  • Fixed another bug having to do with zooming on auto-resizing canvases.