New Features
- OmniGraffle 6 offers a complete User Interface redesign from the ground up.
- The application now runs in a Sandboxed environment.
- Application resources such as Templates and Stencils, etc. can now be fully managed from within the application.
- Improved and powerful controls have been added to edit and mask placed images directly on the canvas.
- New artistic Fill and Stroke styles have been added, such as Freehand, Stipple, and Marker.
- Combined shapes can now be uncombined into their starting component shapes.
- New controls to specify which edge or center of an object is reflected in the Geometry Inspector have been added, along with the ability to set the X and Y coordinates of a selected vertex point.
- Layers can now be toggled between a normal and a Shared layer.
- A new and powerful Font Inspector is now available.
- The Notes and Data Inspector now allows unique naming of individual objects.
- You can now set the display zoom level of 100% to reflect one Apple point, one screen pixel, or one PostScript point for work on Retina displays and true WYSIWYG work.
- Zoom levels have been increased to 6400%!
- The color and position of manual Guides can now be set by hand, and can be dragged from one canvas to another.
- A new List Mode has been added when viewing Stencils.
- Photoshop export has returned, and supports the export of OmniGraffle layers to Photoshop layers.
- Line Labels have a new setting that allows the text to follow the path of the line.