OmniGraffle for Mac 6.0.2

November 7, 2013

Requires OS X 10.8

Bug Fixes

  • The Keyboard Shortcuts document has returned.
  • Fixed a crash reverting changes when closing a document window.
  • Fixed a crash opening certain Visio files.
  • Fixed some issues when editing stencils on Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks.
  • Canvas names now truncate properly when the sidebar is narrow.
  • Strokes thinner than 1 point should now export to PDF properly.
  • Fixed a bug where custom origins on canvases would cut off content when exporting to PDF.

OmniGraffle for Mac 6.0.1

October 3, 2013

Requires OS X 10.8

Bug Fixes

  • If a stencil or template that comes with OmniGraffle gets updated by us, and you haven't made any customizations to it, then the newer version will replace the old.
  • Fixed some typographical errors in the Getting Started or Welcome document.
  • Fixed a bug where lines connecting to groups in Visio documents weren't properly connecting.
  • Stencil searches now gives results based on object labels.
  • Turned on smart guides in the built-in templates for Software Design, Metric Units, and Imperial Units.
  • Fixed an exception in the Quick Look plug-in that was causing other apps (like Finder) to see blank previews for OmniGraffle documents.
  • Fixed a bug where text on layers that have been toggled to being a Shared Layer would not autoresize the text object, and led to 'dirt' being left on the screen.
  • More AppleScript performance improvements have been made.
  • Fixed a case where hiding Major Grid Lines would not save out to the document.
  • Fixed a hang when using keyboard shortcuts to make text bold or italic while editing text in a shape.
  • Fixed a crash when switching to Bold or Italic while the insertion point was at the end of a shape's text.
  • Fixed a crash when downloading stencils from Graffletopia.
  • Fixed a crash when using the keyboard while an object with an action was selected.
  • Fixed a crash sometimes encountered when switching to the style brush after using OmniGraffle 5's style brush.
  • Fixed a crash encountered when Option-dragging items (to copy them) in the sidebar's outline view.
  • Fixed a crash encountered when creating a new label from AppleScript.
  • Fixed a crash encountered when saving edits to a stencil which was recently viewed in the sidebar.

OmniGraffle for Mac 6.0

September 24, 2013

New Features

  • OmniGraffle 6 offers a complete User Interface redesign from the ground up.
  • The application now runs in a Sandboxed environment.
  • Application resources such as Templates and Stencils, etc. can now be fully managed from within the application.
  • Improved and powerful controls have been added to edit and mask placed images directly on the canvas.
  • New artistic Fill and Stroke styles have been added, such as Freehand, Stipple, and Marker.
  • Combined shapes can now be uncombined into their starting component shapes.
  • New controls to specify which edge or center of an object is reflected in the Geometry Inspector have been added, along with the ability to set the X and Y coordinates of a selected vertex point.
  • Layers can now be toggled between a normal and a Shared layer.
  • A new and powerful Font Inspector is now available.
  • The Notes and Data Inspector now allows unique naming of individual objects.
  • You can now set the display zoom level of 100% to reflect one Apple point, one screen pixel, or one PostScript point for work on Retina displays and true WYSIWYG work.
  • Zoom levels have been increased to 6400%!
  • The color and position of manual Guides can now be set by hand, and can be dragged from one canvas to another.
  • A new List Mode has been added when viewing Stencils.
  • Photoshop export has returned, and supports the export of OmniGraffle layers to Photoshop layers.
  • Line Labels have a new setting that allows the text to follow the path of the line.

OmniGraffle for Mac 5.4.4

July 9, 2013

Requires OS X 10.6

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where installed Visio stencils would attempt to autosave.
  • Fixed a bug where symlinks in the Stencils folder would cause an error.

OmniGraffle for Mac 5.4.3

June 3, 2013

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash when reverting to a previous version of the document while viewing a canvas that wasn't present in that previous version.
  • Fixed a possible crash when updating printer drivers.
  • Fixed a crash when exporting a document where the first canvas was named with a question mark.
  • Fixed a crash in OmniGraffle's automatic layout.
  • Fixed a reproducible crash when quitting an application that was connected via LinkBack to OmniGraffle.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen when closing a document while the scrolling bounce back animation was in progress.
  • Fixed a reproducible crash when resetting inspector locations while the Stencil window was open.
  • Fixed an NSFileCoordination issue when having a large number of documents open or viewing the Stencil window or Template Chooser.
  • Fixed a bug where OmniGraffle would call on the discrete graphics card when running on battery power on certain MacBook Pro models.
  • Fixed a bug when running on Mac OS X 10.6 where orthogonal line handles could render in the wrong location.
  • Fixed a canvas title alignment issue when running on Mac OS X 10.6.
  • Fixed a bug where copying as AppleScript would list the shape's label text twice.
  • Fixed a layer ordering issue when exporting the current selection.
  • It should be possible again to edit an installed stencil.
  • Fixed an error when attempting to clear a field in the Document: Data Inspector.
  • Fixed a bug where dragging Frameworks into OmniGraffle would fail.
  • Graffletopia search results should be previewing again.
  • Fixed a bug where embedded ICC profiles could get written over and over again, creating a very large and unwieldy document.
  • Fixed a couple of export issues with PDFs that could lead to a crash.
  • Fixed a bug when importing a Visio document where shapes that should have been ignored were not.
  • Fixed a bug where a downloaded stencil could result in a never-ending string of alerts.
  • Fixed a Visio export issue where line midpoints could get ignored.
  • Fixed a bug where objects on layers would rearrange when exporting the current selection.
  • Changed the address in the About Box to reflect our new office location.