OmniGraffle for Mac 6.1.1

December 15, 2014

Requires OS X 10.10

OmniGraffle 6.1.1 fixes a number of bugs and crashes discovered since the release of OmniGraffle 6.1. OmniGraffle 6.1.1 requires Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite to run.

  • Text — A fix for text alignment issues has been put in place.
  • Drawing — Fixed an issue where line positions would shift on re-opening a file after saving.
  • Performance — Distortion effects should render more quickly when zoomed in at 200%.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash when using the Page Up or Page Down keys.
  • Stencil Window — Fixed a bug where every other canvas of a multiple canvas stencil would not display.
  • Visio Import — Fixed an Out of Array Bound error when importing Visio files.
  • Drawing — Older documents defaulted line shadow drawing to off. That is now respected.
  • Page Setup scale — Fixed a regression so that the Page Setup applies to canvases and printing.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash where the Action inspector would crash if the name of canvas in Jumps Elsewhere setting was too long.
  • Drawing Tools — Fixed an issue with the Style Brush - copying plastic fill was not duplicating the secondary fill color.
  • Sidebar — Fixed an issue canvas name text field - now is only editable when the row is selected.
  • Inspectors — Fixed a bug where the rotation widget in the Geometry inspector loses focus after using arrow keys to adjust value.
  • Text — Fixed a bug where text boxes would forget their width when re-opening a document.
  • Sidebar — Fixed an issue where small canvas icons in the sidebar would indent for no good reason.
  • Sidebar — Object ID numbers should now be displaying properly again.
  • Toolbar — Fixed a crash selecting Drawing Tool styles when certain developer colors were present on the canvas.
  • Visio — Fixed an ‘Illegal Seek’ error when opening certain Visio documents.
  • Stencils — Fixed a bug where dragging out stencils to the canvas would not drop it where it was placed.
  • Feedback — Document filenames that are included when sending feedback should once again have their names properly encoded.
  • Feedback — Fixed an issue when sending feedback that would prevent the sheet to include the document from showing.
  • Display — Fixed a bug where the canvas would only display a portion after hiding the sidebar and toolbar.
  • Duplication — Option-dragging a selection while zoomed out should drop the duplicated objects where intended.

OmniGraffle for Mac 6.1

November 13, 2014

Requires OS X 10.10

OmniGraffle 6.1 is a major update that brings a new User Interface, the ability to detach inspectors into their own floating panels, new fill effects, new stroke and shadow types, and support for the Visio 2013 format. OmniGraffle 6.1 requires Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite to run.

  • User Interface — OmniGraffle has undergone an interface update in order to make it look more at home on Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
  • User Interface — The Canvases and Contents sidebar is now able to be made more narrow than before, and page numbers no longer interfere with the canvas name.
  • User Interface — Inspectors can now be set in a floating tabbed interface, or pulled out into individual palettes for granular customization.
  • Inspectors — New Fill filters and effects have been added, with the ability to blur, pixelate, and magnify content behind an object.
  • Inspectors — The ability to stroke just the inside or outside of a shape has been added.
  • Inspectors — A new Inner Shadow type is now available.
  • Stencil Library — Stencil search results should now include results from our online Library, Stenciltown. Submit your own stencils at!
  • Visio — Support for Visio 2013 file formats has been added.

OmniGraffle for Mac 6.0.5

April 2, 2014

Requires OS X 10.8

OmniGraffle 6.0.5 fixes a number of bugs as well as adding support for stencil searching from our online library.

  • Stencil Library — Stencil search results should now include results from our online Library, which has been seeded with stencils from the old OmniGraffle Extras page. User-submitted stencils are coming soon; if you’ve created any stencils that you would like to contribute, please contact us!
  • Page Setup scale — By popular request, the scale in Page Setup once again applies to canvases as well as to print (just as it did in releases prior to version 6.0.4).
  • Stability — Fixed an autosave-related crash.
  • Sidebar — Fixed a crash when right-clicking a locked layer.
  • Visio — Fixed a crash importing certain Visio XML documents.
  • Stencils — The “Show in Finder” button should now work appropriately for downloaded stencils as a result of a search.
  • Text — Text lists should now propagate while creating them.
  • Stencil Library — Fixed an issue downloading invalid file types from our online Library.

OmniGraffle for Mac 6.0.4

February 3, 2014

Requires OS X 10.8

Bug Fixes

  • Page Setup scale now only applies to print operations, and should not affect canvas size values.
  • The Auto-covert Scaled Objects setting now applies to the destination canvas, not the originating one.
  • Multi-touch gesture sensitivity has been dialed back a little.
  • It's now possible to set the default font for Line Labels.
  • Imported Visio stencils are automatically saved as file packages to improve performance.
  • Fixed a crash when importing certain Visio documents.
  • Fixed a bug where notes and data from Visio stencils went missing.
  • Page Setup scale should now be correctly taken into account when printing content that gets pushed off of a page.
  • Objects on Shared Layers should no longer be selectable via Command-A in Standard mode.
  • Fixed an important performance bug involving documents that have placed EPS image data; those images are now converted to PDF on a save operation.
  • Adding a corner radius to a straight line type with midpoints no longer adds a ridiculous number of redundant and extraneous midpoints.
  • Fixed a bug where user data variables would paste improperly in other applications.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the use of the Magnet Tool on objects in Shared Layers.
  • Fixed a bug where Action and Note badges, etc. were only displaying the Graphite versions.
  • Fixed a bug where margin fields could be erroneously included during Photoshop export.
  • Fixed a crash on launch having to do with a certain combination of installed stencils.
  • Fixed a possible crash creating new documents when very large and performance-intensive stencils are installed.
  • Fixed a bug where a new blank document could be generated on launch depending on one's System Preferences.
  • Fixed a possible crash when closing a document or quitting the application.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to drag items to a locked layer.
  • Fixed a bug where non-printing layers were not displaying the correct status icon.
  • Fixed a crash when dragging objects between canvases.
  • Fixed a bug where line endings would not display properly on launching the app by opening a file.
  • Fixed a bug where the line arrow highlight can sometimes draw incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug scaling line labels.
  • Fixed a bug where groups were dragged into canvases with large unit scale settings and came in at the wrong size.
  • Fixed a bug where corner radius wasn't being taken into account when dragging objects to canvases with different unit scale settings.
  • Fixed a bug where canvas size adjustment could break using the arrow keys when Page Setup scale was involved.
  • Shadow fuzziness should no longer allow negative values when using the arrow keys.
  • Fixed a bug where choosing a double stroke would increase the stroke width improperly.
  • Fixed a bug where adding bezier points to shapes would put said point in the wrong location.
  • Fixed a bug where empty shapes could not get their font information fully styled.
  • Fixed a selection highlight bug when editing text.
  • Fixed a bug where line labels following a line's path would not change its color.
  • Fixed a bug where keyboard commands to make text bold would not work properly when actively editing text.
  • Fixed a crash opening some visio binary files with shapes with notes.
  • Fixed a crash duplicating a canvas with certain orthogonal line combinations.
  • Fixed a crash changing the font size of text that contains an embedded pdf.
  • Fixed a crash uncombining shapes in a group or table.
  • Fixed a hang/crash applying a diagram style to a very large shape tree.
  • Fixed a crash duplicating shapes on a shared layer when all other non-shared layers are locked.
  • Fixed a crash combining shapes in a group or table (by not allowing it).
  • Fixed a crash when copying certain objects that had actions attached to them.
  • Fixed a crash when closing documents while there was an active text insertion point.
  • Some work done avoiding infinite loops and crashes therein.

OmniGraffle for Mac 6.0.3

December 17, 2013

Requires OS X 10.8

Bug Fixes

  • Strokes once again display in points, and there's a setting in the General Preferences Pane to use canvas units if desired.
  • Fixed a crash displaying corrupt documents in the Resource Browser's Recents folder.
  • Fixed a crash when cancelling an export while the Font Panel was showing.
  • Fixed a crash when opening Visio stencils.
  • Fixed a crash when sub-selecting a cell in certain tables.
  • Fixed a crash when previewing corrupt OmniGraffle documents in the Resource Browser.
  • Fixed a crash when editing text in very small shapes.
  • Fixed a crash when working with objects that had mixed notes.
  • Fixed a crash when switching between canvases in Presentation Mode.
  • Fixed a crash when adjusting font size using the Font Inspector.
  • Fixed a crash editing and restoring stencils from previous versions.
  • Fixed a crash related to a zombie process in certain warning sheet notifications. Stupid zombies.
  • Fixed a crash previewing files with Enhanced MetaFiles within.
  • Fixed a crash moving stencils to the Trash via the Resource Browser.
  • More work fixing crashes when editing and deleting installed stencils.
  • Fixed a crash when exporting to Visio XML where PNG images could report themselves as being very large.
  • Fixed some text positioning issues when importing Visio documents.
  • Fixed some line connection issues when importing Visio documents.
  • Fixed an import issue where objects could get broken up into separate images.
  • Fixed some text encoding issues when exporting to Visio XML.
  • Templates saved with decimal inches as the canvas unit should no longer change to fractional inches on a save and re-open.
  • Fixed a bug when exporting to HTML where canvas names had spaces in them.
  • Fixed a bug where changing the font face for a group would change the font size inappropriately.
  • Fixed a bug where the Shape mini-inspector would not show in the Ruler when running with a Standard license.
  • Objects on Shared Layers should no longer show in the Selection Matrix when running in Standard Mode.
  • Fixed a bug where the arrow keys would not change stroke width when using centimeters as canvas units.
  • Fixed a bug where we weren't consistently showing and hiding ruler inspectors.
  • Fixed an issue when exporting to PDF where actions could wind up in the wrong location.
  • Fixed a case where scroll bars would cover up content in certain popovers.
  • The Diagramming Tool should now properly create a disconnected object on Command click.
  • Fixed a UI refresh bug when deleting canvases.
  • Fixed a bug where export to HTML would yield incorrect canvas names.
  • Fixed a number of rather lumpy issues having to do with strokes on curved paths.
  • Fixed a bug where linked images would disappear after restarting OmniGraffle.
  • Fixed Edit -> Outlining commands when the outline view is not showing.
  • Removed snap-to-grip keyboard shortcut because it conflicts with the accessibility keyboard shortcut.
  • The Resource Browser is disabled if the trial period has expired.
  • Text formatting commands now disable as well as enable bold/italics style.
  • The Pattern Color Picker is pro-only.
  • Shadows now print.
  • Entering license after trial mode has expired will not result in a problem relaunching the app.
  • Fixed displaying EMF images.
  • Fixed toggling layer accessory icons.
  • Canvas Origin manipulation is now available in standard.
  • Shape button title now truncates properly.
  • Properties Inspector View menu item no longer shows up in standard.