OmniGraffle 1.3 for iPad is a major update which adds image placement and manipulation, Graffletopia stencil searching and installation, new drawing tools, and other usability and rich text editing improvements.
New Features
- Image Placement and Manipulation - Place images from the Photos Library, set their opacity, resize, crop, or tile them within your shapes.
- Graffletopia Search and Install - Search Graffletopia.com's large catalog of OmniGraffle stencils, download and install, all without having to leave OmniGraffle for iPad.
- New Drawing Tools - A new Line Tool and Text Tool have been added to the Drawing Mode, as well as adding favorite and default styles for all of the drawing tools.
- Rich Text Improvements - The ability to have multiple fonts and colors for labels has been added, along with many other text editing bug fixes and improvements.
- Interface and Usability Improvements - A number of enhancements and features have been added to make working with OmniGraffle easier, including Unit Scale, easier document naming in the Document Browser, Canvas background fill colors, emailing your files as PNG, and many others.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash when manipulating multiple line midpoints.
- Fixed a crash when tapping on a document and the New Document button at the same time
- Fixed a crash when dragging a shape from a shared layer to the bottom of an empty layer in the Contents Popover.
- OmniGraffle no longer reloads a file on launch if it crashed previously trying to load it.
- Fixed a crash when selecting a locked object.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when double tapping on text in the Welcome document.
- Fixed a crash when using the Japanese input system with a Bluetooth keyboard.
- You can now select offered substitutions for Japanese characters when using a hardware keyboard.
- Fixed a bug where the Japanese Input Substition Menu when using a hardware keyboard started off super tiny.
- OmniGraffle should now be displaying all Japanese Input substitution options when using a hardware keyboard.
- Fixed a bug where dragging a shape underneath an empty layer would create an extra layer.
- Fixed a bug where duplicating canvases, moving objects between layers, and sending to front or back could make text temporarily disappear.
- Fixed a bug where objects on a shared layer would multiply by tapping on them in the object list popover. (Tribbles!)
- Fixed a bug where switching from one layer name field to the other after editing would dismiss the keyboard.
- The Geometry Inspector should now appropriately handle multiple selection.
- Fixed a Stroke Pattern Picker overscrolling problem.
- Fixed a duplicate or missing color issue in the Font Inspector.
- The Stroke Inspector now reports in the unit of choice in both places.
- Fixed a hang when changing the freehand stroke pattern.
- Font transparency is no longer lost when closing and reopening a file.
- Fixed a bug where the Text View Selection Reticle did not reliably show up.
- Much easier now to directly edit the label text of a group or table component.
- Editing text will now save the changes when exiting to the Document Browser.
- Fixed a bug where the text insertion point loupe didn't work on document titles or any other light-colored text.
- If you leave a new label without typing anything, it should now go away.
- Fixed a bug where it was impossible to undo after making some Rich Text changes.
- You can no longer rotate objects while in Drawing Mode.
- Fixed a bug where it was possible to connect a line to the shape you were starting out on.
- You can no longer add midpoints to a line while in Drawing Mode.
- Fixed a bug where line artifacts could appear when drawing a freehand line.
- You can now rename files while using an external or Bluetooth keyboard.
- Fixed some annoying canvas repositioning issues.
- The tap target it box for lines and freehand shapes that are line-like has been increased for easier selection.
- Fixed a bug when going to the Document Browser wouldn't center the document properly while in landscape orientation.
- Addressed some issues with the Context Menu and shapes in front of or behind other objects.
- Pasting images should now place it under your finger in both orientations.
- Pasting text should now place it under your finger in when zoomed in.
- Fixed a resolution problem when going back to the Document Browser in some cases.
- Documents that are file packages can now be emailed properly.
- Fixed some irritating Multi-Touch issues between zooming and rotating.
- An error is now displayed when using invalid characters in a document name.
- Connecting shapes should now trigger the purple highlight for the destination object.
- Fixed a bug where the purple connection highlight would flash repeatedly when connecting the tail end of a line to a shape.
- Fixed a bug where copying and pasting would re-order objects in virtual groups.
- Along with supporting image placement and manipulation, a number of bugs involving existing documents and stencils with images have been addressed.
- Files coming from the Desktop that have a transparent canvas fill color should display properly now.
- Fixed an issue where the iPad's passcode could be shown on an external display via the VGA Adaptor when the iPad was woken from standby.
- Fixed a bug where shadows were lost on export to PDF or PNG.
- Fixed a bug when pasting an image copied out of the Photos app that would also create an object that contained the image file name.
- OmniGraffle now shows a warning when an image type is not supported in an existing document.
- Fixed yet another bug concerning the UML stencils resizing improperly when editing text.
- Duplicated canvases and layers are more smartly named now.
- A three-finger swipe up or down will navigate to the previous or next canvas.
- Smart Guides are less aggressive now.
- The Object List in the Contents Popover is now in Edit Mode by default.
- Auto-resizing canvases should pad away from shape a little better now.