OmniGraffle for iPad 1.7 is a major update that adds a new Document Browser, new application, document, and inspector icons, along with other improvements and bug fixes.
New Features
- New Document Browser — We've created a new interface for viewing and managing your documents. Some key features:
- A new matrix or grid-based view of your documents for easier access when you have a large number of files.
- The ability to select multiple documents for deletion, etc. when in Edit Mode.
- Included stencils can now be deleted from the application altogether if not needed (with the ability to restore them from the Import button in the upper left of the Document Browser toolbar).
- We've introduced a new application icon for OmniGraffle for iPad, along with generic document and stencil icons, as well as placeholder images to match.
- The Style Inspector popover has a new set of icons for each section.
- A new artistic fill style, Squiggle, has been added to the Fill Inspector popover.
- Opening of .zip archives should now be handled by the application itself and not by the operating system.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where radial fill types would render differently on the iPad than they did on the Mac.
- The Unit Scale stepper field now has better looking plus and minus symbols.
OmniGraffle 1.6 for iPad is a major update which adds a new Connections Inspector, new object styles, better text editing, and other improvements and bug fixes.
New Features
- A new Connections Inspector has been added to manage magnet placement on shapes and overall connectivity for objects.
- A new marker fill style and hand-drawn stroke style have been added to help objects have a more 'analog' style.
- Inspectors have been remade in a lighter visual style and have had their interface polished in various places.
- Users running OmniGraffle on the iPad 2 can now take advantage of the new screen mirroring.
- Performance when working with placed images has been greatly improved.
- Text editing has been improved, thanks in part to work done on OmniOutliner for iPad. Auto-correct, auto-capitalize, paragraph formatting, and many bug fixes have been made in this release.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug when exporting files that had a question mark in their name to WebDAV servers.
- You can now export to PNG or PDF with a transparent background.
- When sending a document to the Photos app, all canvases are sent as individual image files.
- The 'Creator' text variable now reflects the device name instead of 'Mobile user'.
- Fixed a number of bugs with respect to text variables and unit scale.
- Copying as an image now takes text variables into account.
- You can now style all objects in a group when the group is selected.
- Fixed a bug where undoing the unlocking of a layer could leave a locked object selected and editable.
- Addressed an issue where it could be impossible to move objects in front of other locked objects.
- Fixed a bug when placing an image taken with the camera on the iPad 2 where the image would be flipped depending on the orientation of the device when the photo was taken.
OmniGraffle 1.5 for iPad is a major update which adds Tier 1 language localizations, new gesture support, interface improvements, and other improvements and bug fixes.
New Features
- Localizations
- OmniGraffle for iPad is now localized in the following languages: German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, and Simplified Chinese.
- Gestures
- Our gesture code has been rewritten from the ground up to exhibit hysteresis and allow the addition of new gestures to facilitate common operations, such as:
- A long press on an object and a three-finger tap elsewhere on the canvas will duplicate the shape.
- A long press on an object and swiping quickly elsewhere will nudge the object in that direction.
- A long press on an object and a two-finger drag up or down elsewhere on the canvas will move the object forwards or backwards in the z-dimension.
- A new smart guide has been added to maintain aspect ratio when resizing a shape.
- Various user interface improvements have been made to toolbar elements, HUD interfaces, and inspector popovers.
Bug Fixes
- OmniGraffle for iPad now handles self-signed WebDAV certs properly.
- You can now paste in your password when signing in to a WebDAV server or MobileMe iDisk.
- It's no longer necessary to add a trailing slash character to the URL of a WebDAV server if it's not needed.
- The bevelled rectangle shape is now recognized by OmniGraffle for iPad and displays properly.
- Addressed an issue recognizing pasteboard data when copying a document as an image from OmniGraphSketcher for iPad.
- Fixed a quivering issue when dragging an object along a smart alignment guide.
- The "locked" resize knobs are now an appropriate size.
- Fixed a bug where it was difficult to edit components of some tables (particularly in the UML stencil).
- Swiping to delete a layer in the Contents Popover should no longer cause another layer to enter a partial edit state.
- Date variables should export properly now to the Photo Library or when emailing as a PNG.
- Fixed a text justification and alignment bug for auto-resizing text objects.
- Newly created documents with no changes no longer display a creation or modification date of November 5, 2010.
- Fixed a bug where the Font Inspector popover could inaccurately show bold-italic-underline styles after deleting text.
- When copying a table with cells that contain text, we now place tab-separated text on the pasteboard for use in other applications.
- Duplicating a layer will inherit the name of the originating layer.
- Fixed a crash upon using Command-Shift-arrows whilst editing a text field with external keyboard.
- Fixed a crash when attempting to delete selected text in file name while in the document picker.
- Fixed a crash using option-up/down arrows while editing text with external keyboard.
- Fixed a crash when importing filenames with spécîål characters via WebDAV.
- Fixed a crash when selecting an object after deleting the last object in list while selected while running in iOS 3.
OmniGraffle 1.4 for iPad is a major update which adds support for printing and multitasking in iOS 4.2, improvements to the Document Browser, stencil management, remote iDisk and WebDAV support, as well as other improvements and bug fixes.
New Features
iOS 4.2 Compatibility
AirPrint support has been added for those users running iOS 4.2. Printing controls are accessible from the Document Browser. By default, all documents are set to fit canvases on one printer page, this setting can be toggled in the Canvas Size Inspector popover.
OmniGraffle for iPad 1.4 takes advantage of Multitasking in iOS 4.2 to better maintain application state and perform tasks when in the background.
Document Management
Stencil Management and Creation
Users are now able to create their own custom stencils from scratch.
The ability to selectively show and hide any or all stencils in the Stencils popover has now been added.
A server-side flag at Graffletopia has been put in place to expressly not show certain stencils that perform poorly or not at all on the iPad. Said stencils will not show in a search from within OmniGraffle for iPad.
The Konigi Wireframe stencils now come bundled with OmniGraffle for iPad.
Document Browser Improvements
The ability to selectively view documents based on file type has been added, users can choose to look at normal diagrams or at custom and downloaded stencils.
The ability to change the sorting order in the Document Browser has been added as well, allowing users to view documents in a list based on title or modification date.
A scrubber of sorts has been added to the bottom of the Document Browser view, providing quick navigation from one end of the list of documents to the other.
Remote iDisk and WebDAV support
Support to access and write to files at a WebDAV server or MobileMe iDisk account has been added. Documents in both the local and remote locations will be overwritten with a prompt to better facilitate round-trip operations for working with the same file.
Documents can be exported and emailed natively or as PDFs and PNGs to WebDAV and iDisk as well as to the iTunes directory for access via the desktop.
Text Editing Improvements
A new and improved Font Inspector popover is in place, making bold and italic typeface selection easier.
Text can now be underlined.
Various improvements to the Text Tool in Drawing Mode have been made.
Bug Fixes
Better descriptive clues have been added to the controls to filter by style in the Selection view in the Contents popover.
Locked layers are indicated as such in the Object List view in the Contents popover.
Fixed a bug where it was possible to move a shape into a locked layer.
The Text selection contextual menu now has a Select option for easier text selection.
Fixed a bug where the Geometry Inspector steppers were not working properly if a file coming from the desktop had a custom ruler origin.
Fixed an issue with Linear Blend fills not displaying properly if they had transparent outer colors.
Fixed a bug where transparent canvas backgrounds would expose previous documents or views.
Addressed some rotation snapping problems.