OmniGraffle for iOS 2.9

June 20, 2017

Requires iOS 9

Version 2.9 - Tuesday, June 20, 2017

OmniGraffle 2.9 adds the ability to send multiple files to another application.

  • Send To — Now when you select multiple documents from the Document Browser you can send them all to another application by tapping the share icon in the upper left corner of the Document Browser. When multiple files are selected OmniGraffle will generate a zip file with all the files included in OmniGraffle format.

OmniGraffle for iOS 2.8.2

March 13, 2017

Requires iOS 9

Version 2.8.2 - Monday, March 13, 2017

  • Shapes — Added an iOS App Icon to the available shapes in the Shape Inspector.
  • Artboard Layer Data — Opening a document that contains artboard layers will now preserve that layer information even though it looks like a normal layer in the app.

OmniGraffle for iOS 2.8.1

January 9, 2017

Requires iOS 9

Version 2.8.1 - Monday, January 9, 2017

  • Stability — Fixed a crash when prompting for Photos access on iOS 10.

OmniGraffle for iOS 2.8

June 6, 2016

Requires iOS 9

Recent Changes

Version 2.8 - Thursday, June 2, 2016

OmniGraffle 2.8 enhances Apple Pencil support and fixes a handful of bugs.

  • Arrows with Apple Pencil — Drawing the lines you want with the Apple Pencil is easier than ever. Need a filled arrow at one end of your line? With Shape Recognition enabled, draw a line followed by a triangle at the end, and Snap! You can also use a V shape to get a stick-figure arrow.
  • Fill in Shapes with Apple Pencil — With Shape Recognition on, use your Apple Pencil at an angle and shade in a shape to quickly add a marker fill. The direction of your shading determines the color of the marker fill.
  • Extra Strokes with Apple Pencil — With Shape Recognition on, trace over an existing shape without a stroke and a stroke will be added. Trace again to get a double stroke. Trace again to get a thicker single stroke. Trace again to get a thicker double stroke. It keeps going.
  • Stroke Weight Recognition with Apple Pencil — With Shape Recognition on, the harder you press with the Apple Pencil the thicker your line will be in OmniGraffle. The average pressure over the course of the line determines the stroke weight.
  • Single Taps with Apple Pencil — Tapping once with Apple Pencil in freehand mode no longer switches to the Selection tool. When Shape Recognition is off, your handwriting becomes beautiful Bézier lines. Time to dot some i’s and cross some t’s.
  • More Bézier Points with Apple Pencil — With Shape Recognition off, OmniGraffle captures even more Bézier points making your sketching and writing even more accurate.
  • Better Shape Recognition with Apple Pencil — OmniGraffle now recognizes flipped and rotated shapes.
  • Stenciltown — The Return key behaves correctly when logging into Stenciltown.
  • Text Editing — Fixed a bug where sometimes quickly double-tapping an object when text has been edited on another object clears text from the first object.
  • Font Transparency — Font transparency is now preserved when closing and reopening files.
  • Bézier Line Handles — Cleaned up some occasional rendering dirt when dragging Bézier line handles.
  • Line Labels — Fixed an issue where line labels were mispositioned when copying and pasting multiple objects at the same time.
  • Visio Export — Fixed a bug where PNG and JPG images were omitted when exporting to Visio XML.
  • Visio Files — VSDX and VSTX files are converted to OmniGraffle format immediately to avoid sync conflicts.

OmniGraffle for iOS 2.7.2

March 16, 2016

Requires iOS 9

Recent Changes

Version 2.7.2 - Tuesday, March 15, 2016

OmniGraffle 2.7.2 is a minor update focused on stability improvements and bug fixes.

  • Pasting — Fixed a bug with pasting while dragging an object.