OmniGraffle for iOS 3.3

October 19, 2017

Requires iOS 11

Recent Changes

Version 3.3

OmniGraffle 3.3 adds a new Line Position inspector with line label controls and fixes a number of bugs.

  • Line Label Controls — You can now change the direction of line labels (Horizontal, Vertical, Parallel, etc.) and control their offsets in the new Label Position inspector (visible when a line label is selected).
  • Drag and Drop Image Names — Images dropped on the canvas are now named based on the suggestion of the source app instead of the generic “Rectangle”.
  • Automation Plug-ins — Automation plug-in files now have their own icon in the Files app.
  • Drag and Drop — Fixed a bug that could cause the font of dropped text to be lost and fall back to the system font when dragging and dropping.
  • Drag and Drop Previews — Fixed a couple bugs that caused Drag and Drop previews to draw inaccurately.
  • Drag and Drop Images — Images added to the canvas with Drag and Drop now respect the image’s DPI.
  • Drag and Drop Images — Fixed a bug that allowed images to be dropped on read-only documents.
  • Line Label — Fixed a bug that would cause the canvas to shift away from the viewport when adding or deleting a line break in a line label.
  • Artboards — Fixed a bug that prevented artboard objects from resizing and instead caused them to move on the canvas.
  • Undo an Artboard Move — Fixed a bug that prevented undo from returning an artboard and its objects to the exact location they were in prior to a move.
  • Undo Shape Changes — Fixed a bug that prevented images from being restored after changing a shape in the style inspector.
  • Undo Layout Now — Fixed a bug that caused undo “Layout Now” to not visually undo on the canvas until you close/reopen the document.
  • Z-order Between Layers and Documents — The Z-order of objects is preserved when you cut or copy and paste between layers or when dragging multiple objects to another document.
  • Locked Layers — Fixed a bug that allowed graphics to be dropped on and added to locked layers in the Navigation Sidebar.
  • Locked Objects — Fixed a couple cases that allowed locked objects to be edited.
  • Selection Highlight — Fixed a bug that caused the selection highlight to only partially draw in some cases.
  • Selection Highlight — Fixed a bug that caused a graphic’s selection highlight to persist when changing canvases.
  • Touch Indicator — Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause the touch indicator to get stuck.
  • Stencils — Fixed a bug that sometimes caused images in stencils to go missing when tapping a stencil in the stencil viewer.
  • Style Inspector Flickering — Fixed a couple cases where the Style Inspector would refresh too frequently causing flickering.
  • Style Inspector Highlights — Fixed a bug that caused the Style Inspector to highlight too many objects in the Favorite or On This Canvas sections.
  • Read-only Documents — Fixed a bug that allowed Canvases and Layers to be re-ordered in a read-only document.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash that would occur when submitting a stencil to Stenciltown from the Document Picker while the device is in landscape orientation.

OmniGraffle for iOS 3.2.1

September 22, 2017

Requires iOS 11

Recent Changes

Version 3.2.1

  • Drag and Drop — When dragging an object from one document to another document all the object’s attributes are now included.

OmniGraffle for iOS 3.2

September 19, 2017

Requires iOS 11

Recent Changes

Version 3.2

OmniGraffle 3.2 adds support for Drag & Drop on iOS 11 and integration with the iOS 11 Files app.

OmniGraffle 3.2 for iOS requires iOS 11.

  • Drag and Drop Content to OmniGraffle — Quickly add to an OmniGraffle document by dragging content from another app to OmniGraffle’s Canvas or Navigation Sidebar. Drop images or text on the Sidebar to position them exactly in the object hierarchy or on the canvas to position them just right visually.
  • Drag from the Canvas — Quickly share graphics with others by lifting a selection directly from the OmniGraffle canvas and dropping on another canvas, a separate OmniGraffle document, or a different app altogether!
  • Drag from the Navigation Sidebar — OmniGraffle supports dragging content from the Navigation Sidebar: Pick up canvases, layers, or individual objects to rearrange them in the sidebar list or drag them to another app. Drag a canvas to the Photos app to quickly export an image of that canvas or drag a layer to the Mail app and the objects on that layer are shared with a transparent background. You can drag a selection of objects to share just those shapes and if you share an artboard object then the objects above the artboard are included.
  • Drag and Drop in the Document Picker — The Document Picker supports Drag and Drop to make document management even easier. Drag files in to quickly import them, drag them out to copy them elsewhere, or pick up a group of documents and add them to a folder in the Document Browser to keep all your projects organized.
  • Files App Integration — Local OmniGraffle documents appear in the “On My iPad” section of the Files app and OmniGraffle documents in iCloud can be opened in place for editing.
  • Visio Import — Instead of being converted in place, Visio files are copied to the OmniGraffle format before opening. To open a Visio file from the Files app, choose the “Copy to OmniGraffle” option from the Share menu and a copy is created in OmniGraffle’s Local Documents.
  • Templates — Now when opening an OmniGraffle Template in iCloud you are prompted to create a new document based on the template or open the template itself for editing.
  • Navigation Sidebar Edit Mode — Updated edit mode in the navigation sidebar to maintain the current selection when switching in and out of edit mode.
  • SVG Import — Named colors and hex colors are now supported when importing from SVG.
  • Line Label Fill Color — Updated default fill color for line labels to give them better contrast against more backgrounds.
  • Text Fields — Fixed a bug that prevented moving the insertion point by tapping.
  • Apple Pencil Support — Fixed a couple bugs that prevented the Marker Fill and Stroke features of OmniGraffle’s Apple Pencil support from working.
  • Favorites — Fixed a bug that prevented favorite styles from being removed from the favorites list.

OmniGraffle for iOS 3.1

July 25, 2017

Requires iOS 10

Recent Changes

Version 3.1

OmniGraffle 3.1 brings additional improvements to the inspectors and fixes a few bugs.

  • Toggle All Canvas Resize Directions — When you tap the square that represents the canvas in the Canvas Size inspector when using Flexible mode, all the resize directions are toggled on or off.
  • Text Position Description — The first row of the Text Position inspector now describes the state of the text position options.
  • RTF Parser Warnings — Updated the warning system to notify users when Rich Text content in a document can’t be parsed and rendered, allowing users to cancel opening a document without losing data.
  • Automation Console — Updated the Automation Console to address a number of bugs.
  • Text Insertion Point Positioning — Fixed a bug that prevented positioning the text insertion point by tapping in the text field.
  • Orthogonal Lines — Fixed a couple of bugs with moving orthogonal lines and objects connected by orthogonal lines.
  • Locked Objects — Fixed two bugs that allowed Convert Text to Shape and Combine Shapes to work on locked shapes.
  • Favorite Styles — Fixed a bug that allowed a style to be added as a favorite style multiple times.
  • iOS 11 Stability — Fixed a crash that would occur the first time you opened OmniGraffle on iOS 11 or when using a blur effect on iOS 11.
  • Stability — Fixed a number of crashes reported by users; thank you for sending us those crash reports!

OmniGraffle for iOS 3.0

July 11, 2017

Requires iOS 10

Version 3.0

OmniGraffle 3 features a new multi-column interface that adapts to the device and screen size you’re on to optimize for faster access to the sidebar and inspectors. OmniGraffle tools now reside on a floating palette that hovers over the canvas and can be moved to the corner that is most comfortable for your drawing style. Tap on the pen and pencil cross at the top to collapse the tool palette entirely. This release also includes cross-platform automation, artboards, and improvements to the Inspectors and Navigation Sidebar.


  • Optimized Inspectors — Common inspector actions are now fewer taps to get to. Inspectors are grouped into four tabs across the top: Styles, Object, Properties, and Canvas. When viewing an individual inspector, use the Show Options button to see additional options for that inspector and OmniGraffle will remember this preference. When space is available, Inspectors now persist on the screen making it even faster to adjust objects in succession.
  • Canvas Size Modes — Auto-sizing canvas, now called Flexible, lets you select any direction you want canvas grows in. Flexible only extends the canvas enough to hold all the objects so there is also a dedicated third Infinite Canvas mode that extends the canvas in all directions regardless of where the objects are. If you know exactly how big the canvas should be then specify the height and width using a Fixed size canvas.
  • Canvas Padding — The Canvas Padding field in the Canvas Size inspector allows you to adjust how much extra padding is visible between objects and the edge of the canvas when the canvas mode is set to Flexible.
  • Convert Text to Shape (PRO) — Now available in the Font Inspector: Convert text to a shape for precise manipulation without having to create a new font elsewhere!
  • Show Page Breaks — The Grid & Guides inspector has a new option called called “Show Page Breaks” which overlays the printer page boundaries on the canvas.
  • Size Uses Printer Pages — A new “Size uses printer pages” toggle in the Canvas Size Inspector changes the height and width units to Pages for those who work in page sized increments.
  • Default Font for the Shape Tool — Added the ability to set the shape tool’s default font and text position. Select the shape tool while nothing is selected on the canvas and the defaults can be set using the tool inspectors.

Navigation Sidebar

  • Single Sidebar List of Canvases, Layers, and Objects — OmniGraffle now shows all Canvases, Layers, and Objects in one hierarchical list in the left sidebar. There are 2 tabs across the top to choose between canvas/layer/object management and the selection matrix.
  • Group Visibility — Groups in the sidebar have a details chevron to the right so you can view and move the members of groups.
  • Rename from the Sidebar — Set your own name for an object by tapping the name of a selected object in the sidebar.
  • Context Menus for Objects in the Sidebar — Use the contextual menu on an object in the sidebar to get relevant Quick Actions. OmniGraffle now has navigation options in the menu to make it easier to find content on the canvas.
  • Paste an Object on a Layer — In the sidebar, the layer context menu has a Paste option when you have an object copied so you can paste objects onto layers in the sidebar.
  • Canvas Page Numbers — OmniGraffle 3 adds a new setting to allow users to show canvas page numbers in the sidebar. Look for it in the gear menu of the Document Browser.

Omni Automation

  • Automation — OmniGraffle now provides cross-platform automation via Javascript. With the tap of a script URL you can programmatically create graphics, create data driven diagrams, or manipulate existing content. For security, you’ll be shown the script and asked if you want to allow the script to run when you click on a script URL. See examples and learn more at
  • Automation Plug-Ins and Actions (PRO) — With Pro you can save bundles of scripts (called plug-ins) for quick access from the Automation menu in a document and call scripts as Actions on objects.
  • Copy as JavaScript (PRO) — Added a new “Copy as JavaScript” option to the context menu to make scripting with our new automation tools even easier. With an object selected, bring up the context menu and Copy as JavaScript, then paste in the Automation Console to work with the JavaScript representation of your object.


  • Artboard Layers (PRO) — Use artboard objects on artboard layers to manage content on your canvas. Shapes drawn on an artboard layer only draw their stroke and always draw their stroke at 1 point in size regardless of zoom level. An artboard can be any shape that OmniGraffle can draw. Moving an artboard moves all objects above or overlapping it. Tap a selected artboard object again and moving the artboard object allows you to just move the artboard object, not the objects above it (the artboard object has a blue highlight in addition to the red artboard highlight when in this mode).
  • Artboard Tool (PRO) — Creating an artboard is as quick and easy as drawing a shape. It works like the shape tool, but takes care of layer management for you.
  • New Artboard Under Selection (PRO) — The “New Artboard Under Selection” option is a fast way to make a new artboard around all the selected objects. This option is available in the context menu for objects.

Settings and Customizations

  • Saved Visibility Preferences — OmniGraffle remembers if you had the navigation sidebar and inspectors shown or hidden for the current orientation and restores them when documents are opened or the device is rotated.
  • App Lock — When App Lock is enabled TouchID or the App Lock password is required to access the application. This feature is intended to add an enhanced layer of privacy, preventing access to OmniGraffle’s contents while your iOS device is unlocked. App Lock does not encrypt documents or block access to OmniGraffle’s contents via iTunes File Sharing. App Lock passwords are device specific. If the App Lock password is forgotten, deleting and reinstalling OmniGraffle will disable the App Lock feature (note: local data should always be backed up before deleting and reinstalling an application to prevent data loss).
  • 1Password Integration — OmniGraffle now includes 1Password support when configuring an OmniPresence account making it easy to quickly fill in the username and password fields with the appropriate 1Password entry.
  • Default Tool Settings are Application Wide — Now the defaults that you set for tools are application wide settings so you only need to configure them once. Select the tool you want to configure while no objects are selected on the canvas then use the inspectors to set the defaults for that tool.
  • Show Tooltips Option — Added a new setting called “Show Tooltips” in the gear menu of the document picker to toggle the visibility of the app tooltips.


  • Documentation — Added a reference manual to the app for easy access anytime – available in the App Menu (the icon that looks like gears) from the Document Browser.
  • Tap to Create Lines — Updated the line tool to allow tapping to create points on the line in addition to dragging out the line length. The first tap starts the line, additional taps add points to the line, and double tapping ends the line.
  • Basic SVG Import — OmniGraffle now supports basic SVG importing. Paste SVG code directly on the canvas and OmniGraffle will convert it to the appropriate shape.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts — In addition to keyboard shortcuts for common tasks like Locking, Grouping, and Nudging objects into place, Hot Keys are now available for selecting tools when you use OmniGraffle with an external keyboard. The Hot Keys are the same as on the Mac: Selection (v), Point Selection (f), Shape (s), Line (c), Text (t), Freehand (e), Artboard (a), Action (b).
  • Save Zoom Level and Position — OmniGraffle 3 now remembers your zoom level and position in the document when you save and restores those settings when you open the document again.
  • Import Multiple Documents — OmniGraffle now accepts .zip files containing multiple documents and places them all in the Document Browser under Local Files. New documents are pre-selected so that it’s easy to move them all to the same folder or sync account.