OmniGraffle for iOS 3.6.2

September 10, 2018

Requires iOS 11

Version 3.6.2

  • Orthogonal Line Routing — OmniGraffle now writes line routing path data to Graffle documents. This way OmniGraffle can preserve routes calculated by the old line routing algorithm when opening and viewing documents in future versions of OmniGraffle. When you edit a line or otherwise cause a line path to be recalculated then the latest version of the algorithm will be used. If you open a file that does not have line routing path data then OmniGraffle will use the previous version of the algorithm (prior to the 3.5 update) to calculate the old path and save it to the file.
  • Orthogonal Line Routing — Fixed a handful of line routing bugs reported by users. Thank you for sending us examples!

OmniGraffle for iOS 3.6.1

July 26, 2018

Requires iOS 11

Recent Changes

Version 3.6.1

  • Localizations — Localized the latest UI elements that were added in OmniGraffle 3.6.
  • Bézier Control Handles — Fixed a bug that made it difficult to pull out Bézier control handles.

OmniGraffle for iOS 3.6

May 8, 2018

Requires iOS 11

Recent Changes

Version 3.6

  • Diagram Layout — The new “Connected Objects” option in the Diagram Layout inspector allows you to use the Layout Now option without accidentally moving content that isn’t connected by lines in your diagram (like a header, footer, or logo).
  • Sample Documents and Templates — The sample documents and templates have been updated to take advantage of the new Connected Objects option and the new line routing changes. You can get the new versions in the Document Browser by tapping Restore Sample Documents from the gear menu when you’re on the Documents tab or by tapping Restore Bundled Templates from the same gear menu when you’re on the Templates tab. Fresh copies of all bundled content will also be installed with a fresh installation of the app.
  • Point Editing Tool — The Point Editing tool will not interact with locked objects anymore.
  • Undo — Fixed a bug that prevented undo from restoring a text label to its previous position.

OmniGraffle for iOS 3.5

May 8, 2018

Requires iOS 11

Version 3.5

OmniGraffle 3.5 improves the algorithms used to route orthogonal lines that connect objects. Any document opened in this version will be updated to use the new algorithm, so you should double-check that the lines in your diagram still look the way you’d like them to.

  • Orthogonal Line Routing — OmniGraffle 3.5 brings significant improvements to OmniGraffle’s line routing algorithms. Any document that is opened with OmniGraffle 3.5 will automatically be updated to use the new line routing behavior.
  • Recent Documents — Added Recent Documents to the Document Browser Location List for quick access to any recently opened document across any of your sync services or stored locally.
  • Other Documents — Quickly access OmniGraffle documents saved in other file storage locations via the new “Open…” option in the Locations list.
  • Local Documents — “Local Documents” has been renamed to “On My iPad” or “On My iPhone” to match the iOS Files app.
  • Document Close Button — The toolbar button to close the current document and navigate to the Document Browser is now located on the left side of the toolbar and the icon has been updated to include a back arrow within the folder.
  • Disable Auto Layout on iOS — When you make changes to a document with OmniGraffle for iOS that uses Auto Layout then OmniGraffle will automatically disable Auto Layout for that document so that when you open the document on the Mac your iOS edits aren’t changed.
  • Freehand Drawing Tool — Fixed a bug with the Freehand Drawing Tool with Shape Recognition disabled that caused drawings to not render until drawing stopped.
  • Document Browser Animations — Fixed a couple bugs with the animations when switching between some views in the Document Browser.
  • Bevelled Rectangles — Fixed a bug that prevented the Bevelled Rectangle shape from scaling correctly.

OmniGraffle for iOS 3.4

January 23, 2018

Requires iOS 11

Version 3.4

OmniGraffle 3.4 is focused on stability improvements, performance, and bug fixes.

  • Drag and Drop File Names — OmniGraffle now uses the object name as the file name when you drag and drop an object to another app and includes the document’s name when dragging and dropping a multi-selection.
  • Image Mask Performance — Improved performance when adjusting the masking of large images.
  • Canvas Preview Performance — Canvas Previews no longer redraw continuously as the sidebar scrolls.
  • Drag and Drop of Lines — Fixed a bug that caused lines to draw above line labels when dropped on a new canvas.
  • Drag and Drop of Artboards — Fixed a couple bugs with moving and exporting artboards using Drag and Drop.
  • Stencil Window — Fixed a bug that prevented the Stencil Window from dismissing when another toolbar item was tapped.
  • Automation — Fixed a bug causing the selection highlight to show on the wrong canvas if an object was added using JavaScript.
  • Automation — Fixed a bug preventing canvas previews in the sidebar from updating if the canvas was updated by adding objects using JavaScript.
  • Swipe to Delete — Fixed a bug that prevented swipe to delete from working on the last canvas or the last layer in a document.
  • Line Labels — Fixed a bug that caused line labels to draw in the wrong location after changing the line type.
  • Undo — Fixed a bug that occasionally caused the inspector to show “Nothing to Inspect” after undoing a change.
  • Stability — Fixed a bug that allowed locked groups to be moved with Drag and Drop causing a crash.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash caused by using Zoom to Selection on an object on a locked layer.
  • Stability — Fixed a memory leak when dragging stencils into a document.