Fill Shape with Text — Added a new Fill Shape with Text option to the Text Position inspector that fills the inner bounds of a shape with the label text. This makes it much easier to keep text within a diamond shape in a flowchart or as a creative background on a Bézier shape.
Text Flow — Added a new Text Flow option to the Text Position inspector that wraps the object’s label around the perimeter of the object.
Text Rotation Controls — Added relative and absolute text rotation controls to the Text Postion inspector.
Object Alignment — Object alignment is now performed based on object positions on the canvas, not z-order. Align to top means OmniGraffle aligns the selected objects with the top of the top-most object. Align to bottom means OmniGraffle aligns the selected objects with the bottom of the bottom-most object.
Canvas Preview — Fixed a bug where the preview thumbnail for a canvas sometimes wouldn’t update when objects were added to the canvas via drag and drop or copy and paste.
Text Copy and Paste — Fixed a bug that caused font family data to be lost when copy and pasting text between objects.
Selection — Fixed the multi-touch gesture for adding items to an existing selection (touch and hold on the first object, and then single tap the other objects you would like to select).
OmniGraffle for iOS
December 10, 2018
Requires iOS 11.3
Version 3.9
Site Licensing — OmniGraffle now supports Site Licensing for businesses, schools, and other organizations. If you are interested in learning more, or purchasing a site license for OmniGraffle, please contact
Canvas — Fixed a bug that caused some objects to not immediately appear on the canvas when pasted or added using Drag and Drop.
OmniGraffle for iOS
November 15, 2018
Requires iOS 11.3
Version 3.8.1
Support for New iPad Screen Sizes — Fixed a bug that prevented OmniGraffle from consistently using the entire screen on new iPads.
OmniGraffle for iOS
November 6, 2018
Requires iOS 11.3
Recent Changes
Version 3.8
Apple Pencil (2nd generation) — Added support for the new Apple Pencil’s double-tap feature. OmniGraffle respects the system Apple Pencil setting when there is an appropriate equivalent in OmniGraffle, and offers additional Graffle-specific customizations in Settings (from the App Menu in the Document Browser toolbar).
Support for New iPad Screen Sizes — Added support for the new iPad screen sizes and hardware changes.
OmniGraffle for iOS
September 16, 2018
Requires iOS 11
Version 3.7
Siri Shortcuts — Added support for Siri Shortcuts. As you create new documents or open existing documents, Siri will keep track of your actions and start suggesting these activities to you based on observed patterns. These suggestions can appear in Spotlight, on the lock screen, and in Siri Settings.
OmniOutliner Import — Documents imported from OmniOutliner now use Infinite Canvas Mode.
Nudging — Fixed a bug that caused text in labels to disappear while nudging the label to a new position.
Orthogonal Lines — Fixed a bug that sometimes caused gaps in orthogonal lines.
Masking — Fixed a bug that caused images to not redraw completely after changing an image mask.
Stencils — Fixed a bug that prevented “Create Stencil from Document” from working when using the share menu within the document.
Automation — Fixed a bug that caused “Copy as JavaScript” to crash when the device was in landscape orientation.
AirDrop — Fixed a crash that would occur when sending multiple Graffle documents to OmniGraffle via AirDrop.
Stability — Fixed a crash that would occur when deleting a layer in the sidebar that contained selected items on the canvas.