OmniGraffle for iOS 3.11.1

November 20, 2019

Requires iOS 13

Version 3.11.1

  • Gestures — We’ve heard your feedback about how difficult it can be to reposition objects on the canvas so we’ve made the following changes:

    • The delay before the selected object begins to lift up to show the context menu has been increased. This gives you more time to initiate different actions such as dragging.
    • Unselected objects will instantly respond to gestures so you can immediately drag objects. If you need to pan the canvas but objects are in the way, a 2-finger drag can be used.
    • iOS drag and drop has been disabled on the canvas. You can still drag objects from the Canvases list to other apps.
    • We will be looking at other additional improvements in future releases.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash most commonly encountered after using the Share option that results in a different app being activated automatically.
  • Stability — Using any of the Share options that result in an image, such as Copy as Image and Copy Document, keeps the current document open.
  • Send To — Send to Photos only creates one image.

OmniGraffle for iOS 3.11

October 14, 2019

Requires iOS 13

Version 3.11

  • Document Browser — OmniGraffle now uses Apple’s built-in document browser for file management. With Apple’s file browser, you can sync your documents using iCloud Drive or a third-party sync solution that fully supports OmniGraffle files, or you can continue to sync your documents via OmniPresence.
  • OmniPresence — Downloaded files synced via OmniPresence are now stored locally in a subfolder of the OmniPlan folder on your device. By default, OmniPresence does not download larger synced files automatically; tap the OmniPresence icon in the file browser toolbar to open the download manager and choose files to download.
  • Syncing Templates and Stencils — Stencils and Templates stored in the OmniGraffle folder in iCloud Drive (if you have iCloud Drive enabled) will automatically appear in the Template picker when creating a new document and in the Stencil browser when editing a document.
  • Context Menus — Quickly perform common actions via context menus, accessed via 3D Touch or the touch and hold gesture.
  • Dark Mode — When your iOS device’s Appearance is set to Dark, OmniGraffle’s interface will now automatically switch to Dark Mode.
  • Multitasking — Work with two OmniGraffle documents simultaneously in Split View, or open several documents in multiple spaces on iPadOS.
  • Thumbnail Previews — Preview images are generated and saved as part of the file when a document is edited. Existing files will not display a preview in the file browser until they are edited.
  • Alignment — Added a new preference to control the alignment behavior. You can now toggle between Align to First-selected Object and Align to Selection.
  • Omni Automation — We’ve made a number of improvements to Omni Automation, including support for input dialogs and file output. For more details, see the Omni Automation Release Notes (which can be found in the API Reference documentation).
  • Gestures — Added support for the new 3-finger system gestures for Undo, Redo, Copy, and Paste – 3-finger tap to see the new options! Gestures now respond faster to touch input and less utilized gestures have been removed.
  • Templates — Refreshed the diagramming templates with new designs.

OmniGraffle for iOS 3.10.3

July 29, 2019

Requires iOS 11.3

Version 3.10.3

  • Visio Import — Fixed a bug that prevented images in a Visio document from importing.
  • Stability — Fixed a crash creating new documents on a device running iOS 13.

OmniGraffle for iOS 3.10.2

July 1, 2019

Requires iOS 11.3

Version 3.10.2

  • Stability — Fixed a crash when OmniGraffle launched on a device running iOS 13.

OmniGraffle for iOS 3.10.1

March 14, 2019

Requires iOS 11.3

Version 3.10.1

  • Localizations — Localized the various UI changes that were made in version 3.10.
  • Labels on Small Objects — Fixed a bug that caused label text to not appear on objects with text margins larger then the object itself.
  • Label Width — Fixed a bug that caused the width of labels with certain settings to not adjust while typing.