OmniFocus 1.7.1 is a minor update to OmniFocus which improves the handling of due items and fixes bugs.
Due Items
- When multiple tasks are due at the same time, OmniFocus displays a single alert representing all of them rather than displaying a sequence of alerts.
- Due reminders can now be disabled altogether in Settings.
- Due alerts now play audio and vibrate by default. (If you prefer silent alerts, you can turn this off in Settings.)
- Due projects are now included in the Overdue and Due Soon lists, just like they are in OmniFocus for iPad and OmniFocus 1.8 for Mac.
Quick Entry
- Fixed a bug with the "Send to OmniFocus" bookmarklet on iOS 4 where the name of the new task would get cleared.
- Using Quick Entry while incorporating synced changes will no longer lose track of those new items when the sync happens to compact the database.
- Fixed a rare crash encountered in Quick Entry when a new item was "cleaned up" before any edits were made.
- Fixed an undo bug on first launch where using Undo could undo the creation of the entire database rather than just the latest change.
- Fixed a bug which prevented undoing the delete of an attachment which had been synchronized from a different device.
- Bonjour syncing no longer requires an app restart when switching networks or resuming from the background.
- Enabled iTunes file sharing so you can download and upload the OmniFocus database using iTunes.
- When filtering projects to only show the available actions, they now also show any action groups which contain available actions (so that you can get to available actions which aren't at the top level).
- Fixed a regression in 1.7 where it was impossible to move items inside other items until you rotated the device between portrait and landscape mode.
- Worked around a bug in iOS 4 which caused the error "Unrecognized date string for transaction" for some locales.
- Fixed a rare crash encountered while updating a grouped list of actions.
- Fixed several landscape orientation layout issues.
- OmniFocus will no longer attempt to record audio on an iPod touch when it doesn't have a microphone plugged in. (This fixes a bug where attempting to record audio on an iPod touch without a mic would break image attachments.)
- Opening an "omnifocus:" URL (with no path) will no longer present an "Invalid URL" dialog.
- Updated the Due Soon icon so its hands point to a different time than the Due icon.
- Updated the Search icon to match the style of the other icons.