OmniFocus for Mac 1.10.2

May 30, 2012

OmniFocus 1.10.2 for Mac is a minor update. It removes direct support for syncing through MobileMe, and fixes a handful of reported issues.


  • Removed MobileMe as a directly supported Sync method. If you are currently syncing via MobileMe, your settings will now appear under the Advanced (WebDAV) sync method.

MobileMe/iDisk will be unavailable after June 30, 2012. Please switch to the free Omni Sync Server or another WebDAV service.

Mail Rule

  • Improved logging in the Mail Rule. OmniFocus will log a message to the console when the Mail Rule skips a message because the sender is not on the list of allowed from addresses.


  • Fixed a bug where the units pop up menu in the Project Review inspector did not display the correct units if the review interval unit was hours or minutes.
  • Hours and minutes are no longer available as a default review interval unit in Data Preferences. (Hours and minutes will appear in the pop up menu if the current setting requires their presence.)
  • Fixed a regression which caused incorrect labels to appear for the project review interval setting in Data Preferences.


Several changes were made to improve workflow when working directly out of the Inbox:

  • The Inbox badge count now includes the contents of groups in the Inbox.
  • The “Clean Up completed Inbox items” setting is now off by default.
  • The Next Action availability filter now works correctly in the Inbox.
  • Fixed a bug where the contents of groups in the Inbox were excluded from Context mode.
  • Fixed a bug where Action Groups in the Inbox were sorted incorrectly in Context mode.
  • Fixed a bug where assigning a blocked context to an Inbox item in an Action Group didn’t immediately update its status.
  • Fixed a bug where changing an Action Group from parallel to sequential didn’t immediately update the status of its children.
  • Fixed a bug where setting an estimate on a nested item rooted in the Inbox didn’t update the summarized estimate on its parent items. This caused the Estimated Time Filter to work incorrectly in the Inbox.
  • Fixed a bug where changing the flagged state of a nested item rooted in the Inbox didn’t update the summarized flagged status on its parent items. This caused the Status Filter to work incorrectly in the Inbox.

OmniFocus for Mac 1.10.1

March 16, 2012

OmniFocus 1.10.1 for Mac corrects a problem which resulted in repeated keychain access prompts on OS X 10.6 and earlier.

OmniFocus for Mac 1.10

March 16, 2012

OmniFocus 1.10 for Mac adds flexible weekly repeats, updates the application icon, and fixes a handful of reported issues.

Repeating Actions

Added flexible weekly repeats. When a project or action repeats every week, you can specify the days of the week the item should repeat on.

For example:

Repeat every week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

will create actions due on:

  • Monday, February 13, 2012
  • Wednesday, February 15, 2012
  • Friday, February 17, 2012
  • Monday, February 20, 2012
  • Wednesday, February 22, 2012
  • Friday, February 25, 2012

Important: Please update to OmniFocus 1.14 for iPhone and OmniFocus 1.5 for iPad before using these new weekday repeats.


  • Updated the application icon.
  • Fixed a bug which resulted in a “Cannot overwrite file” error for some users when adding items to OmniFocus on OS X Lion.
  • Fixed date parsing in the Inspector for users with a custom time format using period as the delimiter.

OmniFocus for Mac 1.9.4

October 26, 2011

OmniFocus 1.9.4 for Mac is a maintenance release which includes minor bug fixes and improvements.


The Omni Sync Server beta badge has been removed. We’ve got lots of people using it, but it is still in beta. We expect to change that very soon. If you want to know when the sync server leaves beta, you can follow @omnisyncserver on Twitter or watch for changes on


  • Fixed compatibility issue with Growl 1.3 and later.
  • Fixed a bug which caused the Mac App Store edition to report an “Unable to backup database” error on quit.
  • Fixed a regression which caused the Clip-O-Tron installer to fail on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard and earlier.
  • Fixed a bug which would cause the software update installer to fail if the application was locked in the Finder.
  • Fixed a bug which would cause the software update installer to fail when encountering unexpected ownership or permissions.
  • Fixed a bug where the date picker didn’t appear correctly when Quick Entry was invoked in the context of a full-screen application.


Worked around an issue in when using full-screen mode on OS X Lion which would cause certain AppleScripts attempting to target the front window to fail.

If you are the author of a script which uses the following idiom:

tell application "OmniFocus"
    tell front document
        tell (first document window whose index is 1)
        end tell
    end tell
end tell

Please discontinue using it. This idiom will fail in situations other than full-screen mode on OS X Lion. The correct template to use is:

tell application "OmniFocus"
    tell first document window of front document
    end tell
end tell

OmniFocus for Mac 1.9.3

August 31, 2011

OmniFocus 1.9.3 for Mac includes support for full-screen mode when running on OS X Lion.

OS X Lion Compatibility

  • Added support for full-screen mode when running on OS X Lion.
  • Fixed a bug where Quick Entry failed to appear if the first invocation was in a full-screen application.
  • Fixed a bug which where Project and Context smart match completions were not visible in full-screen mode on OS X Lion.
  • Fixed a crash which occurred when Clip-o-tron installer encountered an error.


  • Update the schema to support enhanced location awareness in upcoming iOS releases.
  • Fixed a bug where setting the keyboard shortcut for the clipping service would sporadically fail.
  • Fixed a bug where the Subscribe in iCal button was not enabled for Omni Sync Server users whose accounts reside on one of the alternate sync servers.
  • Fixed a regression parsing some dates in certain locales.