This update includes a number of important bug fixes for issues which have cropped up since the release of 2.0.
- Fixed a bug where the Inbox badge count was sometimes incorrect after adding items via Quick Entry.
- Fixed a bug where the Forecast tile sometimes displayed stale counts after using to Go to Project or Go To Context button.
- Improved feedback when tapping Home screen tiles.
- Fixed a bug where Forecast date tiles used the wrong tint color after the last item was deleted.
- Fixed a bug where the Forecast list could show stale data after adding an item.
- Fixed a performance problem when adding items in Forecast mode.
- Fixed a bug where Forecast would jump to Today if an automatic sync took place while viewing Past.
- The Email Action button is now correctly disabled when there are no email accounts configured.
- Corrected drawing glitch that caused action property fields to disappear while spinning the date picker wheel.
- Fixed a bug where tapping a note to start editing sometimes put the insertion point in the wrong place.
- Fixed a bug where the checkbox could have the wrong color or status after using the up/down arrows.
- Worked around a bug in iOS 7 which could leave stale links in an item’s note when using the up/down arrows to navigate an action list.
- Tapping Go to Project or Go to Context no longer crashes when invoked from Search.
- Fixed a bug where the checkbox could have the wrong color or status after tapping Save+ when adding a new item.
- Tapping Save+ automatically moves the insertion point to the title field
- When an action’s project is set, the editor now displays the project’s default context when appropriate.
- Improved the size of the tap target for the Clear button in the Context location editor.
- Fixed a crash canceling sharing a photo attachment.
- Fixed a crash that could happen if Siri was activated while recording audio.
- Fixed a possible hang if a sync occurred while recording audio.
- Fixed a bug which could cause newly added attachments to appear in duplicate.
- Made a number of layout improvements to Folder, Context, and Action cells in lists.
- An item’s checkbox button is now disabled when the row is displaying the delete confirmation button.
- The All Remaining Actions row is now italicized to make it visually distinct.
- Fixed a drawing glitch which could cause the last few items of a list to appear blank when pressing the back button.
- Fixed a drawing glitch which caused the bottom border of the list to be misplaced when pressing the back button.
- Fixed a bug where actions could be re-ordered beyond the All Remaining Actions row.
- Fixed a crash when long pressing on an empty action list.
- The application badge count is updated when switching directly to the application switcher.
- Long press on the back button to return Home now works correctly from Search.