OmniFocus 2.19.1 fixes bugs:
- Attachments — When viewing from Settings and sorting by Added, the added date is now displayed correctly.
- Sync — Fixed a problem where OmniFocus didn’t recognize that an error returned by NGINX (that OmniFocus’
directory hadn’t been created yet) was recoverable. OmniFocus should once again be able to sync to NGINX WebDAV servers without a workaround. - Crash — Fixed a crash with attachment preview generation that was the eventual result of a transient bug during our 2.19 test period.
- Crash — Fixed our most common crash in OmniFocus 2.x.
- Sync Errors — Updated the error message that appears when OmniFocus is unable to overwrite one of its own files on the server. This is a problem currently affecting customers syncing using Jianguoyun (坚果云).
- Sync Settings — OmniFocus now warns you about possible data loss when disabling sync.
- Localizations — Updated Localizations.