People have been asking two main questions:
When will OmniFocus 3 for Mac ship?
We’ve been working on the Mac app. As we finish up the iOS app, we’ll be able to turn our team’s attention to the Mac version.
We don’t have anything more specific than this year yet — but, once we do, we’ll share it.
We will be doing a beta program. Once we have more details, we’ll post them on this blog. We’ll be using the same sign-up page that we used for iOS testing — and, if you’ve signed up previously, you don’t need to sign up again.
Is it okay to sync between OmniFocus 2 for Mac and OmniFocus 3 for iOS?
Yes, as long as you’re using the latest version of the Mac app and you have migrated your database.
The Mac app doesn’t use some of the new features in OmniFocus 3: the first tag is used as a context, for instance. It doesn’t understand the new custom perspective rules.
But you can still sync your data: it ignores, but otherwise continues to sync, things it doesn’t do.