Today we’re happy to announce the arrival of OmniOutliner 3 for iOS. It’s a big update that catches up to OmniOutliner 5 for Mac and adds iPhone X and iOS 11 support, support for printing, a focused, simplified experience for beginners in Essentials, and a lot of our most requested features for Pro customers.
- Essentials: A simplified experience with a focus on outlining basics
- Printing: Print your documents
- Drag & Drop: Text for both versions; attach images in Pro
- PDF Export: Real fast, with styles in place
- Document Encryption (Pro): On a per-document basis
- Omni Automation (Pro): JavaScript-based, cross-platform scripting
- Slide-In Inspectors (Pro): Select sections or switch styles fast
- Focus & Filter (Pro): Focus on a section, or sections, plus keyword-based filtering
Features and improvements are tucked in everywhere, so take a look at the release notes.
Essentials is brand new to this version of OmniOutliner, just like in OmniOutliner 5 for Mac, and also brings a lower price. Essentials is just $9.99 for new users. Last February, Ken made the case for Essentials:
But our goals for OmniOutliner 5 were much more ambitious than that. We didn’t want to just reach out to our existing audience; we wanted to introduce the joys and benefits of outlining to a much larger audience. We decided that meant two things: we needed to make the app much simpler, and we needed to make it much more affordable.
You’ll be able to print documents, add notes, export in different formats via the Share Sheet, and sync with OmniPresence (or your own WebDAV server). Another great thing is Open In Place: tap an outline in the Files app and it will launch in OmniOutliner, edits will be saved to the original location, and will remain in the Recent Documents section of your Resource Browser. (In this scenario, we’ve had great results with Dropbox and iCloud, though there are many other storage providers that work great as well.)
OmniOutliner Pro contains a hefty amount of new features, along with everything introduced in Essentials. (Like access to all of the new themes and printing, for example.)
This is the first release on iOS with Omni Automation. With JavaScript-based scripting in OmniOutliner, write a script for something simple or complex that works on both Mac and iOS. We’ve seen some great things in OmniGraffle with Omni Automation, and we’re looking forward to see what happens in OmniOutliner. (If you’re working on something already, we’d love for you to share it on Discourse!)
In the Section and Focus list, focus on specific sections of your outline, with support for multiple selections, too. The other tab, Filters, shows all of your saved searches, even the complex filters that you set up on the Mac. These slide-in sidebars are new, too: quickly focus on a few different sections at the same time, or style a row faster than ever.
Finally, protecting documents with a password has been a popular feature request over the years, and we’re very happy to bring it to iOS! You can set a password for any document you’d like from the Document Inspector. The document is encrypted on disk (which means it will also be encrypted on the server) with AES-256 encryption. Your documents are now safe from prying eyes and people wanting to get into dear-diary.ooutline.
Plus, a 14-day Trial
OmniOutliner joins the rest of our apps on iOS with a free, 14 day trial. It’s really easy to switch between Essentials and Pro, so deciding exactly what you need is effortless.
Getting the App
Download OmniOutliner 3 right now! From there, you can activate the trial or head straight to the purchase screen to see if you qualify for a free or discounted upgrade.
If you’re interested in the specifics of 3, you can check out the release notes, the product page, or ask us questions about features in the app via our Slack Channel or Discourse forums.
We really like OmniOutliner 3 for iOS, and we think you will, too. We’d love to hear what you think.