OmniFocus 3 for iOS can be pre-ordered, so that it downloads automatically once released.
OmniFocus 3 for iOS can be pre-ordered, so that it downloads automatically once released.
We’ve started an OmniFocus 3 blog at Inside OmniFocus.
In a special episode of The Omni Show, Dave Messent and Tim Ekl join the show to discuss OmniFocus 3 and tags.
The Omni Show continues to publish every other Wednesday — and a recent episode features Ken Case discussing the Omni 2018 Roadmap.
We’ve released updates to OmniFocus 2 for compatibility with the upcoming OmniFocus 3 — and to continue fixing bugs in the current shipping versions.
As always, our roadmap for the year isn't the same as the actual journey we end up taking! It indicates the direction we're headed in, but the future is never certain—and if we actually want to get where we're trying to go, our plans need to adapt as circumstances change. Now that our iOS 11 work has shipped, where does that leave us with respect to our roadmap for the rest of the year?
We just recently started our TestFlight of OmniFocus 2.21—new iOS 11-only features including Drag and Drop and SiriKit support. So far, so good! Here’s a bit more about how SiriKit and OmniFocus will play together.
In addition to two big new features for OmniPlan for iOS, today we're transitioning both OmniPlan and OmniFocus to free downloads with a 14-day trial!
From the dawn of the App Store, it’s always been our goal to provide the best possible App Store experience that we can for our apps. With the upcoming release of OmniGraffle 7, we can offer our standard unlocks of Standard and Pro, a free 2-week trial which unlocks all of the features of Pro and Standard, letting you freely choose between them. We can offer a discounted upgrade to the new Standard. And we can offer free upgrades to the new version to any customers who recently purchased the old app.
Our iOS 10 (and macOS Sierra) updates
Get end-to-end encryption with the latest updates to OmniFocus for Mac and iOS.
Today, OmniFocus gets a huge update to its automation capabilities.
Today we’ve released OmniFocus 2.5 for Mac—a fresh new release with a couple of big things.
We’ve just released the latest update to OmniFocus for your Phones and Pads. Check for updates on your device now!
Today we’ve released updates for both Mac and iOS that bring Push-Triggered Sync to every copy of OmniFocus. Due Soon also includes a new option—“Today”—which includes only items due before midnight instead of over “the next 24 hours.”
Today’s update to OmniFocus, v2.3, is all about (OK, is mostly about) column customization.
Today we released OmniFocus 2.6 for iOS with a new Dark Palette, Swipe to Flag, and Push-Triggered Sync, a new feature in OmniFocus that helps keep your database up to date. We’re starting a gradual rollout to our customers now—read on to find out when you’ll start seeing push and how to tell if it’s enabled for your account.