Well, I certainly hope you all had a happy whatever-you-might-be-celebrating and are on the mend from overdoses of baked goods and festive family gatherings. Merry Festivus, Omni Blog Readers!
So, we are considering an OmniFocus/GTD get-together at Macworld, just to meet with those of you who are going to be in town and might be interested in chatting about…oh, I'm not quite sure yet. Personal Productivity Applications: Their Concept and Execution, maybe. How To Make OmniFocus The Best OmniFocus It Can Be. Something like that.
We have no idea how many of you to plan for, though, and we haven't made any decisions about venue or dates or whether to include party favors or anything. Therefore, we're hoping you can help us out; if you're reading this and thinking, hey, I'm going to Macworld! Hey, I would love to talk with Omni about this OmniFocus thing, if only to harass them about its ship date! – then please, let us know. Drop us a line in the comments section or send a quick email, okay?