Here are a few of our favorite apps that we used a lot in 2014.
Today we released a major update to OmniGraffle 6 that improves the app’s performance, adds new features, and makes it a stand-up citizen in Yosemite.
Are any of you interested in helping us test our apps before they’re ready to submit to the App Store? We’re working on bringing all of our iPad apps to the iPhone, so we have a lot of testing to do! And with Apple’s new TestFlight Beta Testing program, we’re able to invite up to 1,000 of our customers to test our apps while they’re still under development.
We’re very happy to share that both OmniFocus 2 for iPad and OmniGraffle 2 for iPad have been submitted to Apple for approval.
The following is the introduction from our rising-from-the-ashes newsletter. Issue one just went out.