We’ve created a page showing the status of our apps with regard to iOS 13 compatibility and new features.
We’ve created a page showing the status of our apps with regard to iOS 13 compatibility and new features.
The latest release of OmniGraffle for Mac includes localizations updates and a handful of bug fixes, including a crashing bug fix.
With iOS and iPadOS 13 right around the corner, sharing the the latest news regarding our plans for 2019.
OmniGraffle with iOS 13 features is now in TestFlight. New features include using the built-in document browser, Dark Mode, multiple windows, and context menus.
Reid Callan, OmniFocus Engineer, joins the show to talk about what he’s been doing this summer.
OmniPlan and OmniOutliner, with new iOS 13 features, are now in TestFlight, and we appreciate your help testing.
Anne Johnson, Support Human, joins the show to talk about doing phone, email, and social media support.
On Inside OmniFocus, Justin DiRose writes about getting into and out of the flow intentionally by using startup and shutdown routines in OmniFocus.
A new article on Inside OmniFocus talks about the underpinnings of OmniFocus for the Web.
In a new Inside OmniFocus article, Peter Akkies writes about using due dates for consequences rather than intentions.
OmniFocus for the Web has added a Forecast view, which helps you plan and do the things on tap for today.
OmniPlan 3.13 for Mac includes Omni Automation and other new features.
In this episode we talk about how made OmniGraffle faster and about how we measure progress.
We think it's time to retire our custom document browser in favor of using Apple's built-in document browser—and with our iOS 13 updates this fall we'll be doing just that, making it easier than ever for you to choose where you want to keep our apps' documents.
OmniGraffle 7.11 for Mac includes a number of important performance enhancements.
OmniPlan for iOS has added Omni Automation and site licensing; OmniFocus and OmniOutliner have fixed a number of bugs.
If you’re already running iOS 13, you can sign up to help test OmniFocus with the currently-in-beta OS.
OmniFocus Subscriptions can now be purchased from within the Mac and iOS apps and from our store. Subscriptions are optional: you can still purchase a license instead.
New releases of OmniFocus include a new dropped actions feature, which allows you to mark an action (that you’re not going to do) as dropped instead of deleting it or marking it complete.
Public betas from Apple, or from anywhere, are by definition unfinished software. Take care so that you’re still able to get your work done.