In this episode of The Omni Show, Parham Doustdar shares how he's using OmniFocus as the Engineering Manager for product accessibility at As a completely blind user, his system setup allows for a customized implementation and navigation that is uniquely his.

In this episode of The Omni Show, we’re excited to chat with Morten Røvik, the GTD Certified Coach and Master trainer for the Nordic region.  Different coaches have different approaches, and Morten’s is definitely by the book — David Allen’s "Getting Things Done" book.

Experience has taught us that our plans will need to adjust mid-year, when Apple shares how their platforms are evolving. We look forward to leveraging the latest platform improvements as we continue to redesign and rebuild our apps!

OmniPlan 4 for iPad and iPhone, available today, introduces a brand new Outline View on iPad and iPhone, optimized for quickly creating and organizing projects, with fully customizable column display and enhanced keyboard navigation support, and more!